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by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky  


mikhail. kyzhanovsky@mail. ru  




About the author Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, b. 1958, Ukraine, is a former KGB spy and Ukrainian Security illegal spy, a former KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper, a former CIA and FBI “Filament”, the author of “The Professional” System, “White House Special Handbook”, 2007, used by the US presidents since 1996, purchased by 1040 universities, “Espionage and Counter-Espionage Handbook”, 2012, used by intelligence and counter-espionage agencies all over the world He graduated KGB Counterespionage School, KGB Intelligence Institute (Putin graduated it earlier), got training in sabotage, terror and anti-terror as KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper.  



My alma mater: “Zolotoi Kolos” Hotel, Yaroslavskaya Street 15, Moscow, a secret PGU KGB Intelligence Institute facility.  


I show how to exchange money for documents. TV “Inter”, 2012.  



https://books. google. com/books/about/White_House_Special_Handbook. html? id=oX1NBAAAQBAJ  



Putin and his assets  




KGB assets  


Edgar Hoover John McCone James Rowley  

Putin’s assets  


John Deutch Rudolph Giuliani Robert Mueller James Comey  


Mike Pompeo Randolph Alles Michael Flynn James Clapper  


Donald Trump  


Why CIA recruited me  

September 1, 1995, New York  

First comes my special experience. In 1991-1992, as SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) illegal intelligence officer, I came to Moscow to get into Russian President Boris Yeltsin "inner Kremlin circle" to influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time. I was also a former member (a sniper) of the KGB Nabat antiterror group, so I could also eliminate Yeltsin if ordered by Ukrainian President Kravchuk. Operation was in progress until Yeltsin got somehow information about it. In 1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage. I had to resign and move to Europe for my personal security reasons – Kravchuk ordered to kill me as a dangerous witness and a threat for Ukrainian-Russian relations. CIA decided to copy my Moscow operation. I was recruited by CIA and had to work as a sniper and special operations expert for CIA and FBI. I had to spy on the White House and the U. S. Congress and participate in special operations against American politicians.  

Also, I, a KGB spy, had to get inside the White House and teach American presidents how to rule America and created "The Professional" system – special instructions on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations. I could never imagine that in America I could have a unique status, "carte blanche" (I had to anything CIA ordered) which means a “license to kill” any politician. CIA and FBI also asked for effective interrogation, tortures and murders methods and readily used them in Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. I designed the world domination, “controlled chaos” and “color” revolutions strategies successfully used to blow up Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen. But CIA wanted more from me – they had "a hell of a job up to my high professional skills as a former KGB anti-terror “Nabat” (”The Bell”) group sniper. Working abroad – Europe, Asia, Middle East – was OK with me, but I had no intention to kill politicians in America and play Lee Oswald-2. They′ve pressed me hard in return. Who was the target? President Bill Clinton – CIA wanted me "to stay close to him Political asylum was the payment for my consent to work for the CIA in the USA. By the way, I knew Bill Clinton’s favorite restaurant “Filomena” in Washington, DC and to get him wasn’t a problem at all. CIA didn't guarantee my personal security, so, and I couldn't do “a big job” and Bill Clinton has to thank me for saving his life.  


“Filomena’ restaurant, Bill Clinton’s favourite  


So, CIA tried to get me back and blocked my family reunion. I've sent information on planned Bill Clinton's assassination to Senator Hillary Clinton and asked her to help me, KGB spy – and she did. She was fighting CIA for the whole year. She was scared to death first and her Office Director Luz Mendez refused any information on the case.  




SVD sniper rifle “Stechkin” silenced gun  

My regular tool kit as KGB anti-terror "Nabat" special group member and a sniper.  

CIA Director John Deutch, Putin’s asset, ordered to recruit me. Former CIA Director John Deutch, currently, professor of Chemistry at MIT, in a 2003 file photo.  


John Deutch, KGB asset, CIA Director, who ordered to recruit me. On September 1, 1995, John Deutch, the only Russian CIA Director, the only one who was under CIA and Pentagon for security breach investigation, ordered to recruit me and they did it in New York, at Millenium Hilton, suite 3111. I had to spy for CIA and FBI on the White House, the U. S. Congress, and to use my skills as KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper to assassinate American politicians.  

Three signs are enough to triangulate a "mole" and here they are for KGB asset Mr. Deutch:  

1. Two days after Deutch retired from the CIA, on December 16, 1996, technical personnel discovered at his house highly classified information stored on his unclassified computer, loaded from his agency computer. He refused to explain why he violated strict security rules. First, Director of Central Intelligence doesn’t need highly classified data on his home computer, because he is a bureaucrat, not an analyst. Second, here we have a trick – the Internet-connected computer is accessible by anyone with some technical knowledge and you don’t have to send anything – Russians will read secret information right from your home computer. 2. In 1997 the CIA began a formal security investigation. It was determined that his computer was often connected to Internet with no security, and that Deutch was known to leave memory cards with classified data lying in his car. Deutch used his influence to stop furtherinvestigation and the CIA took no action until 1999, when it suspended his security clearances. He admitted finally the security breach and merely apologized. 3. In 1999 the Defense Department started its own investigation, and it appeared that in 1993 Deutch, as Defense Undersecretary, used unsecured computers at home and his America Online (! ) account to access classified defense information. As Deputy Defense Secretary, he declined departmental requests in 1994 to allow security systems to be installed in his residence. In 2000 Senator Charles Grassley asked the Justice Department to look into the case. There was no investigation. In 2001 President Clinton pardoned Deutch. Since 2000 Deutch is MIT Professor and Director for Citigroup.  

Who, How and Why Killed Them  

August 4, 1962  

CIA agents killed Marilyn Monroe – it was a fake staged suicide ("acute barbiturate poisoning"). They said she drugged herself to death with 90 sleeping pills, but the problem is, after digests 20-25 pills, heart stops and the stomach stop digesting, and 70 pills stay in it. But there were no pills, though she died from the dosage equal to 90 pills. KGB practice in such cases is – use sleep suppository, no traces, no evidence, simple.  


Sleep suppository.  

Somehow she got information on planned JFK assassination and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s much more simple to kill without any traces on or in the body – use a suppository. November 22, 1963 President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p. m. in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. What's conspiracy? It’s when you ask the government a simple question and nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good questions. Question 1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded – sniper is a human being – he makes mistakes. Answer. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984 (count the years for yourself). No war in Vietnam. The CIA would have been shut down. The FBI and Pentagon would have been "cleaned up" and "cleaned out. " Question 2. Why would the CIA, FBI and big business behind them, not to mention others who had their eye on the Oval Office, take such a huge risk? Answer. There was no risk at all and there was no "huge conspiracy – there was a "passive sabotage" operation. CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director Edgar Hoover and Secret Service  

Director James Rowley made a deal not to touch Lee Harvey Oswald until operation is over.  


John McCone Edgar Hoover James Rowley  

Question 3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified (! ) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells. Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in private. Answer. This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the next Presidents – "Don’t touch the CIA! " and it worked until now. I want to touch CIA. Question 4. What was the rush? Answer. Kennedy wanted to eliminate CIA. June 5, 1968 After winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Robert Kennedy promised a full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was elected. 1995 John Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father's death investigation was the most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his "George" magazine. They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John Kennedy Jr. where he would never have "hot sex" and "try cocaine" with Diana. It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting. August 31, 1997 CIA used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana. Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed. While Dodi and a driver/bodyguard Henri were killed instantly, Diana was alive when emergency services arrived on scene. She died the next morning at the hospital. Billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi's father, recruited a "mole" inside CIA, somebody who knew the Agency had a file on Diana. He didn't get it of course through Washington, DC District Court and the mistake was – he had to recruit somebody with straight access to archives. If Diana left a notice on her talks with John Kennedy Jr for her sons, they might be next CIA victims. I can tell Mohammed al-Fayed what's in Diana's CIA file for free – surveillance documents, a video tape of the Carlyle Hotel meeting, a plan to stage the car accident, a file on me if I had to do the job. July 16, 1999 CIA killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned destination, the Martha's Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts.  

And here’s KGB instruction on murders:  

Regular murders. Shooting, explosives or poison (cyanides, curare). Use a sniper or a “mouse” car (loaded with explosives and parked on the object’s route) if access to the object is impossible because of high security. The murder is obvious and investigation is inevitable. General scheme. The best thing to do is to recruit somebody with access to the object’s security system and get information on his schedule. Get access to his phone. Then prepare the plan and train three groups: surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so; they “cover” the safe retreat of action group and “cut” the chase). Complex murders. Staged accidents (suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas), drugs, weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Also, staged natural death (stroke, heart attack, chronic illness as a result of special technical devices like irradiation).  

Could CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director Edgar Hoover and Secret Service Director James Rowley work for KGB? James Woolsey, who ran the CIA from 1993-1995, claimed in his book, Operation Dragon, that Russians used Lee Harvey Oswald to complete the operation. I can investigate further, but life is short, you know…  

JFK problem (simulation)  

February 4, 2017 8. 00 AM, SVR (Russian Intelligence, former KGB PGU) Headquarters, Yasenevo, Moscow suburb  

Putin, SVR Director Naryshkin, Special Operations Deputy Director Ivanov  

NARYSHKIN. Comrade Putin, thank you for visiting our headquarters and talking to the officers. PUTIN. It's my home, my life. It's a pleasure. What happened? NARYSHKIN. We have a problem with JFK operation, it's not over. Comrade Ivanov? IVANOV. On November 22, 1963, we assassinated President Kennedy, PUTIN. And who killed Marilyn Monroe? IVANOV. We did, staged suicide – "acute barbiturate poisoning". Somehow she got information on planned JFK assassination, most probably – from Hoover, f***ng pervert, and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s simple to kill without any traces or in the body and we used a suppository. NARYSHKIN. Kennedy's case was "the boomerang" strategy, revenge for the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962, confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American ballistic missile deployment in Italy and Turkey with consequent Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba. Kennedy ordered the blockade of Cuba and kicked us out of there.  

IVANOV. And "passive sabotage" technology at its best. It wasn't a huge conspiracy and our operation was pretty simple. We recruited the U. S. Secret Service Director Rowley, FBI Director Hoover, CIA Director McCone. They ordered their field offices not to touch Lee Harvey Oswald, poor patsy, until operation is over. We brought our best two snipers to Dallas, Texas, and they did the job. PUTIN. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded? IVANOV. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984 (count the years for yourself). It was unacceptable. NARYSHKIN. Then we eliminated presidential candidate Robert Kennedy on June 5, 1968, Los Angeles, California. He was a danger, as he promised a full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was elected. PUTIN. That's it? IVANOV. No. In 1995, John Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father's death investigation was the most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his "George" magazine. They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe. It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting. We didn't like it and on August 31, 1997, we finished Diana in Paris, France, in a staged car accident. NARYSHKIN. But Kennedy didn't get the message. IVANOV. We took care of him – staged plane crash on July 16, 1999, Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard. PUTIN. It's interesting, but why I'm here. NARYSHKIN. New problem, not really big, but we need your sanction. IVANOV. On January 28, 2017, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr, the Manhattan District Attorney, ordered the investigation into the 1965 death of newspaper writer and “What’s My Line? ” star Dorothy Kilgallen, who was investigating the JFK assassination, The Post has learned. The new book by Mark Shaw “The Reporter Who Knew Too Much, ” suggests Kilgallen was murdered to shut down her relentless pursuit of a Mafia don linked to JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald. Joan Vollero, a spokeswoman for DA, confirmed that a staffer has read the book, and reviewed a letter from Shaw citing new leads, medical evidence, and witnesses overlooked when Kilgallen, 52, died suddenly. She was the only reporter ever to interview Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald, and published Ruby’s closed-door testimony to the Warren Commission before its official release. Her enemies ranged from Frank Sinatra to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. PUTIN. Why Hoover? She tied the case to KGB? IVANOV. I don’t know, comrade Putin. So, the morning after Kilgallen appeared on the hit TV game show, she was found dead in her Manhattan apartment, naked under a robe and still in make-up. The medical examiner ruled it an accidental mix of booze and sleeping pills. But Shaw contends Kilgallen was drugged. He cites a powdery residue on a glass by the bed, and records obtained from the National Archives showing two additional barbiturates in her system. Former ME toxicologist Dr. Stephen Goldner told Shaw the Mafia controlled the Brooklyn ME’s Office, which inexplicably conducted the Kilgallen autopsy even though her death occurred in Manhattan.  

Weeks before her death, Kilgallen bought a gun for self-protection and planned a second trip to New Orleans to investigate Mafia don Carlos Marcello. “If the wrong people knew what I know about the JFK assassination, it would cost me my life, ” she confided to hairdresser Charles Simpson, one of several witnesses who gave videotaped interviews. Shaw urges the DA to interview Ron Pataky, an Ohio newspaper columnist and ex-lover seen huddling with Kilgallen at the Regency Hotel the night before she died. Pataky, now 81, later penned a poem called “Vodka Roulette, ” typed next to the image of a bartender mixing drinks, that reads, “Make one of ’em poison. ” PUTIN. What are you going to do? NARYSHKIN. Kill Pataky and remove Vance from the office. PUTIN. Do it.  


Can I resurrect them?  

Attention: The laws of physics work both forward and backward in time. That means my research in quantum physics and immortality and resurrection might culminate in practical scientific theory. We’ll see.  


Marilyn Monroe resurrected  


John Kennedy resurrected  


Princess Diana resurrected  




Putin: “The Boomerang” Operation  




A former KGB Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. KGB spy under cover in Dresden in 1985-1990, East Germany, trained illegal KGB spies, who worked then in the West as KGB recruiters, terrorists and sabotage specialists (in case of war against Russia).  

He left KGB intelligence in 1991, but in 1998 he was back as the FSB (KGB counterespionage successor) Director with the help from former KGB officers inside FSB who opposed secretly President Yeltsin. On December 20, 1999, Putin made a following televised statement:” I’d like to report, that a group of undercover FSB officers in the federal government is coping with its mission, and that’s the first stage”. In fact, that meant, that by December 20, 1999, Putin has illegally established his personal full control on the government and the Kremlin as a result of a secret anti-government conspiracy. The second stage of Putin’s criminal activity was the removal of a legal President Yeltsin. Putin presented him with FSB documents on Yeltsin’s daughter who was stealing the federal budget money. In return Yeltsin asked immunity for his family, and Putin granted it. On December, 31, 1999, Yeltsin declared his resignation on national TV and named Putin his successor.  

Putin said once that collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was the "tragedy of the century" and named the USA a “killer”. Now comes revenge – "the Boomerang" operation and the "New Russian World Order" or a "controlled chaos” strategy – Putin's “new world order” to be established through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and coups. My definition : "Controlled chaos” strategy – geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from Russia sovereign states to establish the Russia's world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by the Russia military forces if necessary. Inside USA the strategy is used to provoke a total USA collapse – that’s why Putin recruited Trump and got the Oval Office for him. That’s what Putin is going to repeat in 2024 throwing as many billions of dollars as necessary. The 1st stage of the operation: the recruitment of D. Trump. The 2nd stage: the division of Americans along racial, social and political grounds. Executed by Trump during his "presidency". The 3rd stage : American civil war between Trump supporters (racists, fascists) and the people. First two stages completed. The third one started with Trump's defeat in the presidential election and his refusal to surrender power in a peaceful constitutional way. The January 6, 2021 proved "The Boomerang " is in full progress. It’s time to put an end to Putin’s illegal power, unlimited dictatorship and permanent threats to use nuclear weapons against USA and its allies, remove him from power and re-establish democracy in Russia.  


Putin and 9/11  


Stalin and pancake collapse  


Joseph Stalin  


1929, Russia = 9. 11. 2001, New York  


Note: pancake collapse refers to a structural collapse where the collapse occurs from the top down as upper floors settle into lower floors of a building. This type of collapse is called as such because the collapsed floors result in what appears as a stack of pancakes.  

Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered to blow up churches throughout the country. The organizers of the work were the NKVD (later renamed the KGB), and the military miners. The problem was that the church, as a rule, was located in the city center, where the buildings of the local government and the city committee of the Communist Party were also located in close proximity. It was necessary to blow up the church so as not to damage these buildings. NKVD/KGB officers invented and proposed to use a special method – you have to use explosives in such a way that church building collapses on a limited space- this was called the "pancake effect. " The same KGB technicians blew up the Twin Towers on Putin's order. Compare these two photos and you will know who is behind the murder of 3, 000 Americans.  

How it all happened  

Nobody investigated Russian trace in 9/11 tragedy, because not many people ever heard about these two KGB specialists who trained Putin to kill.  



A. Sakharovsky V. Vladimirov  

1. Alexander Sakharovsky (1909-1983), Colonel General, Chief of KGB First Directorate (espionage) in 1956-1971. "The father of international terrorism", he oversaw the KGB foreign intelligence division during some of the key events of the Cold War, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK assassination. He stated, nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become KGB main weapon. The airplane hijacking was his invention – 82 planes were hijacked worldwide by the KGB-financed Palestine Liberation Organization.  

2. KGB Major General Viktor Vladimirov (1922-1995). 1966-1970: Chief of the PGU KGB (Intelligence) "V" Department (sabotage and terror abroad by KGB special forces). 1984-1987: Chief of the "RT" PGU KGB Department (recruitment of foreigners in USSR). Ordered Trump's recruitment (the asset was recruited by Putin). I knew Vladimirov in person.  

This is my professional simulation.     

September 11, 2001, 11. 00 AM, Moscow  

Strategic Surveillance Center, underground secret facility, Military Intelligence Dept of the General Staff, Moscow  

Putin, General Shlyakhturov, Chief, Military intelligence Dept, Lebedev, Director, Russian Intelligence (SVR)  

Putin. – Good morning, comrades. For some people it's a good morning, but for many people it's the last one. What's the estimate?  

Shlyakhturov. – Good morning, comrade President. We think, it's between two and four thousands Americans.  

Putin. So, what's the story?  

Lebedev. – As you know, airplane hijacking was KGB Intelligence Chief Alexander Sakharovsky's invention.  

Putin. – I knew him, he died in 1983. He said once, nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become KGB main weapon. CIA called him "the father of international terrorism". The airplane hijacking was his invention, in 1969 alone, 82 planes were hijacked worldwide by the KGB-financed Palestine Liberation Organization, right?  

Lebedev. – Right.  

Putin. – And Major General Vladimirov...  

Lebedev. – Yes, we still use his instructions on terror.  

Putin. – He was my teacher.  

Lebedev. – But mass terror isn't something we ever tried on the USA, but "The Boomerang" operation strategy gives us the opportunity to try it. Besides, we set up al Qaeda and bin Laden, whose guys killed thirteen thousands Soviet soldiers and officers in Afghanistan in 1979-1989.  

Putin. – OK, what we get out of it? I mean, strategic objective.  

Lebedev. – We get America into very expensive and useless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, up to 10, 000 soldiers and up to $500 billion worrth.  

Putin. – Not bad. How you've set up bin Laden?  

Shlyakhturov. – Our undercover, a ”terrorist”, explained to him an unusual plan to attack America. The plan approved, the first team of terrorists sent to USA. They took the courses on how to operate the "Boeing", take off only.  

Lebedev. – CIA got the information on the "strange" students, but our agent blocked it.  

Putin. – "Passive sabotage" again?  

Lebedev. – Why not? It worked good with JFK.  

Putin. – It did. Next?  

Shlyakhturov. – Another group of terrorists, no links to al-Qaeda, packed Twin Towers with explosives. Right after that, we eliminated the second team, their bodies burnt.  

Putin. – And today is the day.  

Shlyakhturov. – Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich. We've recorded the operation on tape, ready to show you.  

Putin. – Eliminate the tape and the team, no evidence.  

Shlyakhturov. – Yes, comrade President. We'll see everything on the main screen, I mean, the final phase of the operation, New York, Twin Towers, on the main screen and then Pentagon and Pennsylvania. We start. Pay attention to four monitors to your left.  

Putin. – People boarding jets.  

Lebedev. – You see nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists boarding for Boeing jets in Boston, Washington and Newark, first three go to Los Angeles, the last one – to San Francisco.  

Putin. No more passengers.  

Lebedev. Right now our people arrest terrorists, kill them with the knives, pack in plastic bags, throw through the back airplane hatches and take away. Five minutes. Wait...  

Putin. Wow! Good job. Who secured the airport?  

Lebedev. CIA. Now other passengers board the airplanes. Nobody could see anything, including the terrorists' associates who might watch from the airport building.  

Shlyakhturov. Now jets take off one by one, 165 passengers altogether plus crew members.  

8 a. m. EDT. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, took off from Boston’s Logan international Airport to Los Angeles.  

8:14 a. m. United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, took off from Logan to Los Angeles.  

8:21 a. m. American Airlines flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, took off from Washington Dulles International Airport for Los Angeles.  

8:41 a. m. United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, took off from Newark International Airport for San Francisco  

Lebedev. – After 4 jets took off, their pilots were ordered emergency landing on one of the military bases where crews and passengers boarded a special military jet packed with explosives. It exploded in the air and crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Two other empty jets, guided by autopilots, with explosives crashed into Twin Towers.  

Shlyakhturov. Look. 8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact. 9:03:00: Flight 175 crashes into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 77 and 85. Parts of the plane, including the starboard engine, leave the building from its east and north sides, falling to the ground six blocks away. 9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side of The Pentagon and starts a violent fire. 10:03:11: Flight 93 crashes southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  

Putin. Good. Eliminate the tape and kill the team involved. Now.  

Lebedev. – Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich.  

Putin. – Thank you comrades, it was very impressive. I want to tell you why are we killing America and I want you deliver my message to every officer at your departments.  

We have to protect our country, because Russia is the economic target of the World War III. We have the world's largest reserves of mineral and energy resources, the world's largest forest reserves and its lakes contain 25% of the world's fresh water. Russia is energy superpower : #1 in the world in natural gas reserves, #8 in oil reserves and #2 in coal reserves. The world sources of energy (oil, gas, uranium, coal) are rapidly coming to an end. At the same time China, India, Brazil, Indonesia are rapidly growing. China is increasing its economy (GDP, gross domestic product) by 10% a year – in 5 years there will be 1, 5 China, 1, 15 India, 1, 5 Brazil, 1, 15 Indonesia. 9 billion people on Earth with energy, food and fresh water supplies coming to an end in the next 25-40 years. That means that 500 million Europeans and 300 million Americans have to lower their standards of living – and they will not accept this. The only way out – to get Russian resources to preserve the Western standards of living. Clear?  

Lebedev. Absolutely.  

Putin. Talking about today’s successful operation. It's extremely important for Russia to re-direct radical Islam vector. It goes through Afghanistan and then through Muslim Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan (former Soviet republics) to Muslim Tatarstan and Muslim Chechnya, constituent republics of Russian federation. We’ll re-direct it to Europe and the USA. I'll stay here for the rest of the day and watch America suffer. Alone...  



Who ordered Giuliani to kill the evidence?  



Trump and his personal lawyer Giuliani. 2019. Both work for Putin.  


By the way, the New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani instantly sold all destroyed and melted steel structures of the Twin Towers to Chinese businessmen, who immediately took them to China for melting. As a result of this crime, the examination of steel supports became impossible, therefore, a statement was made that the supports melted under the influence of aviation kerosene. This was a monstrous lie, since the flame temperature of kerosene is 800 °C, and the melting point of steel is 1500°C – no gasoline will ever melt steel!  

Giuliani's popularity as a "cleaner" of the aftermath of 9/11 was so high that he led public opinion polls for the Republican 2008 presidential nomination. Thus, he "killed two birds with one stone" – fulfilled Putin's order to eliminate evidence and became a clear contender for the post of US President.  


June 11, 2001  

I sent a warning to these U. S. Senators on a total collapse of the US national security system Three months before 9/11 tragedy happened. Nobody cared…  





Putin and Wikileaks  



Putin and his assets, Assange, Trump. Wikileaks had two most important targets: me, Mikhail Kryzhanovsky and Hillary Clinton.  

July 22, 2010 (Putin's asset, most probably) and a “liberal hero” Wikileaks Julian Assange hacked my correspondence with the "Stradford" (“shadow” CIA), engaged in international espionage. Putin got my “The Professional” espionage system. Next Putin’s target was presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Trump’s rival.  

June 20, 2001 Three months before the September 9 terrorist attacks, which claimed the lives of 3, 000 people, I sent a letter about the complete collapse of the US national security system, the criminal activities of the CIA and the FBI. To get me back they blocked the procedure of reuniting me with my family. August 23, 2001 I received a letter signed by Hillary Clinton, in which she promised to help me "very quickly. " There was a hope that together we could raise the topic of the CIA at the level of the US Senate and the big press. I was ready.  


United States Senate, Washington, DC August 23, 2001 Dear Mr Kryzhanovsky, Thank you for contacting my office for assistance. The trust and confidence that your request for assistance represents is very important to me. A Constituent Liaison has been assigned to handle your matter and you should be hearing from my office very soon. Sincerely yours, Hillary Clinton  

In one year Hillary Clinton helped my family to come to USA. There was nothing in her letter about the US national security.  


Unite States Senate, Washington, DC September 12, 2002 Dear Mr. Kryzhanovsky, Thank you for contacting my office for assistance with your matter. I have contacted the Immigration and Naturalization Service at Nebraska Service Center on your behalf – attached is the response to my inquiry. I hope this information will be of help to you. If I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office again. Sincerely yours, Hillary Clinton  

June 20, 2001 I’ve also sent a letter to President George W. Bush about the CIA and the FBI with recommendations for reforming the national security system. The president thought about it for a year, In the end, the US President decided not to touch either the CIA, the FBI, or the Secret Service for the time being, although it was about anti-American activities and political assassinations. Bush gave instructions to send my materials to the Department of Justice, to which the FBI just reports. Of course, FBI Director Robert Mueller blocked the response and destroyed the papers. They didn't tell me anything, making it clear that it was better for me to continue cooperation. Here’s the answer I got from President Bush who paid no attention to my information, did not take any steps to improve the national security system and allowed the terrorists to kill 3. 000 Americans on September 11, 2001.  

The White House, Washington September 17, 2002 Dear Mr. Kryzhanovsky Thank you for contacting President George W. Bush for assistance with an agency of the Federal government. I am responding on behalf of the President. The White House is sending your inquiry to the Department of Justice, which will review your correspondence. This agency has the expertise to address your concerns. They will respond directly to you, as promptly as possible. The President sends his best wishes. Sincerely, Desiree Thompson, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Correspondence  





In 2006, Bush decided to support me. They sent me this platinum card for "The Professional" System. PLATINUM MEMBER  

Mykhaylo Kryzhanovsky Member number 567192584-Q415 Member Since 2006  

This Platinum Card has been issued to the bearer by the Republican National Committee in recognition of an extraordinary level of commitment to the Republican ideals and values. The bearer of this card should be given special considerations by all Republican leaders as one who has provided the lifeblood of our Party over many years. I believe your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can count on. It is therefore my distinct privilege as Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to present you with your 2006 Republican Party Platinum Card on behalf of President Bush and every Republican leader nationwide. I believe your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can trust to fight with him for America’s safety and security. Your proven leadership is just what President Bush and our party need right now. Please accept this honor with my sincere thanks.  

Sincerely, Ken Mehlman Chairman, Republican National Committee  


March 20, 2010, New York I received an invitation to dinner with President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Ian Sugar of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Here it is. "Congressmen Israel, Engel, Lowy, Nadler, Meeks, Crowley, Wiener, Murphy, as well as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Committee Chairman Van Hollen invite you to join Barack Obama on May 13, 2010 at the St Hotel. Ridges, 2nd East 55th St.,. and 5th Avenue, New York: 6:00 pm – VIP reception 6:30 pm – Dinner The guest pays $15, 000, $30, 000 per couple (lunch and photo with the president included) Please send a check to the Committee to the address: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 430 South Capitol Street, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC, 20003. " I contacted Ian Sugar to find out the details. It turned out that he would be very happy to see me at dinner with President Obama. The dinner is organized to raise funds for the election of Democratic Party congressional candidates. I need to send a check and arrive at the hotel St. Ridges in New York on May 13, 2 hours before the start due to security requirements.  



Invitation to dinner with Obama  



The plan of the ballroom on the roof top of the hotel, where the banquet took place. It was a setup. There was exactly one and a half months left before the event, and during this time the Secret Service will make a list and check the accounts of all those invited. There will be no problems with me – the FBI and the CIA will be waiting for me there. But who was the customer and why was Obama chosen as the target? A little later, it became absolutely clear to me that the defendant was Trump, a racist who hated Obama and sought to remove him from the White House. The FBI and the CIA expected that having received such an unusual invitation, I would come there on May 13 purely out of professional interest. If I come, they will kill both me and Obama by planting weapons on me. In response, I made a short video in which I told him that if I was going to kill Obama, I would have to sign up for suicide. I would buy a Sig Sauer in New York, which the Secret Service is armed with, I would practice in the woods outside the city to get used to the gun. Then, on May 13, I come without a gun, quickly "turn off" one of these fat boars who call themselves "special agents", snatch a weapon from him and kill Obama. Since I was not only a sniper of the "Alarm", but also a prize-winner of the closed KGB championships in hand-to-hand combat, the whole procedure would take no more than 5 seconds. But I wouldn't have left alive. On March 21, 2010, New York, I sent a fax to Obama with a description of a possible assassination attempt. After that, the CIA instructed the Secret Service to look for me all over New York.  


Obama speaking at St. Ridges. I’m sure, it was a setup – they would kill Obama and blame me.  

October12, 2010, NewYork I’ve got confidential information that two Secret Service teams were hunting me all over New York City: team #1 (two guys) and team #2 ( two guys and a woman).  

They traced my computer, but I got tired of hiding any way, I called the Secret Service New York Office, and met with two agents who introduced themselves as John and Brat (tel. 646-842-2107). They were not going to arrest me, but I was very lucky that it was them, group number 1 agents from Washington, and not group number 2, who found me, which could have ended up very badly for me. I said, that if they were going to plant a sniper in the house opposite and kill me, I wouldn't run away. The agents had no comment and Brat told me that they knew I worked for the CIA and what I was doing there, and now they might offer me cooperation. He also asked me if I was going to kill Obama and asked me to remove the video from the network so that it would not serve as an instruction for terrorists. ". They got very nervous and asked me to slow down and stop talking if I don’t want problems. Next day, I was informed that team #2, armed with handguns, broke into my wife’s apartment, searched it and interrogated her in a very rude manner, ordered her to keep their visit secret, took her PC and left. They left business cards and asked my family members to call if they saw me.  


Chris Lienemann, special agent, tel. 718-840-1263 Susan Klemm, special agent, tel. 718-840-1448 Gene Gurevich, special agent, tel. 718-840-1305 Address: 335 Adams Street, 30th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201  


Soon after that my wife (we were separated) had a stroke and in 2013 she died.  




June 8, 2010 I’ve informed on my situation the U. S. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzerald, but possible assassination attempts on Bill Clinton and Obama were not Patrick Fitzerald business – he didn't want to get a bullet from Mr. Mueller or Mr. Panetta  

U. S. Office of Special Counsel 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 218, Washington, DC 20036, 202-254-3600 RE: OSC File No: HA-10-2641  

Dear Mr. Kryzhanovsky,  

This letter is in the response to the complaint you filed with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) regarding the Hatch Act. Specifically, you allege, that Mr. Leon Panetta [CIA Director – M. K. ] violated the Hatch Act through his role in the "Millenium Hilton" operation.... We are closing our file without further action... The Hatch Act (5 U. S. C. p. p. 7321-7326) governs the political activity of most federal executive branch employees.... Your allegation that Mr. Panetta is involved in a CIA-FBI conspiracy, which you call the "Millenium Hilton" operation, even if true, is not the activity that falls within the prohibitions of the Hatch Act. Therefore, we are closing the above referenced file. Sincerely, Erica S. Hamrick, Deputy Chief, Hatch Act Unit  

I’ve called the White House and sent e-mail to Barack Obama, telling the whole story and saving his life in such a way. Obama made a mistake – he asked Secret Service to look into the case. And Secret Service sent a team to kill me  


January, 20 2011, Brooklyn, New York FBI special agent Eric Perry, (tel. 718) 286-7100, New York), informed me that my actions made "high authorities, people on the very top extremely nervous". He didn't explain if it was FBI Director Robert Mueller, a former CIA Director Deutch or general Flynn (we’ll talk about Flynn later) but we understood each other well. Perry said I better disappear if I don’t want to end up at FBI jail, which means a total secrecy and a special attitude, which means tortures and murders of the victims who disappear into nowhere, which means Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which means Secret Service and FBI are terrorist organizations.  

I am the US “most dangerous”  

September 10, 2011, New York An anonymous person appeared online (Facebook nickname "Simple”). – Hi, Mike. There are people who support you. – Hi. And who are you? – It doesn't matter. I've dug up some stuff here, opened couple of files... It turns out, you are included in the list of the 25 most dangerous individuals who are constantly monitored by the FBI, the CIA, the NSA [National Security Agency – MK] and even the RUMO [Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense – MK]. Don’t worry, my computer protected, because I work at a special place. Do you know about all this? – No. And how did you get the files? – I hacked it when I stayed in the office after work, although I may get into trouble for it if they find out. But I did it anyway. – Can I see full information? – You know, I didn't get too far, it's dangerous. I say what I saw. – I wonder why the RUMO has got a case on me? –Aren't you afraid of the others? " You should be. You know what? The US intelligence community is a rare mess, everyone is doing someone else's double work, and everyone is working poorly. Interns like me can get into top secret files and no one could see. A mess. So I did it. – Anyway, I don't understand what RUMO has to do with it. – To be honest, I myself do not understand why so many special services are so interested. Although... a former KGB officer who does whatever he wants in the States – I'm surprised they don’t have your your “Wanted” picture at every police station. – Can I look at the files sometime? – I'll see what I can do. I'll be back.  


Trump, KGB asset  

April 12, 2012, New York Donald Trump hated President Obama, the press daily covered his aggressive anti-Obama campaign, the purpose of which was to remove a "non-citizen" of the United States from power by impeachment. Trump was actively assisted by the author of the popular and influential radical conservative blog WorldNetDaily (WND), Jerry Corsi, who represented WND at press conferences in the White House. He created three bestsellers on the topic proposed by Trump – "The Obama Nation", "Unfit to Govern" and "Where is the birth certificate? (In 2018, Corsi was subpoenaed by the Mueller special counsel investigation over his contacts with former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone and foreknowledge of WikiLeaks releases of stolen Clinton emails (WikiLeaks again – Putin’s asset Assange again! ). Corsi claimed that he turned down a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and denied any such contacts or knowledge. Draft court documents showed that he emailed Stone several times, updating him about impending WikiLeaks releases of stolen emails. Corsi read my materials that Obama was not who he claimed to be, so, he offered to meet and discuss some business.  


Corsi business card Corsi brought his latest book with an inscription and we discussed both his and my investigation of the biography of the first black president of the United States. At the end of the meeting, he promised me a profitable and important job. May 20, 2012, New York Corsi brought a conspiracy plan. I had to make a fake – I had to go to Russia and find two former KGB intelligence officers in Moscow who had to confirm in writing my statement about Obama's connection with Russian intelligence. The documents compiled by them could be signed with pseudonyms. I bring these papers to the USA and receive $50, 000 (fifty thousand dollars) from the "sponsor" (Trump, of course). The problem was that I was under constant surveillance by the CIA and the FBI, who would not allow me to leave the country under any pretext, up to liquidation. Corsi was very upset and I understood him perfectly. If Trump was willing to pay me $50, 000, then Corsi could get at least a million for a political scandal. Corsi also asked me about my experience as a sniper of the anti-terrorist group of the KGB "Nabat". I was waiting for him to suggest that I remove Obama. In the end, we agreed on the next meeting, which did not take place. After that, I realized who was the customer of the operation to eliminate Obama with my participation. Trump.  


Secret Service wants Putin dead?  

July 30, 2012, New York A very strange meeting with Secret Service Special Agent Jason Pietramica and his partner, tel. 718-840-1000, New York office. He was nice and promised to help me and give me a job. Then he asked me some very strange and suspicious questions: What are my political views? Do I visit places where Bill and Hillary Clinton appear in public? Do I plan to see them, contact Bill and Hillary Clinton? And the most interesting was the question (suggestion) about my possible trip to Moscow. If such a question is being asked a former intelligence officer and sniper, it is clear that we are talking about a political murder, including the murder of President Putin. I answered “No” to all the questions.  


The last sheet of one of the documents on the US Secret Service letterhead that I signed. It is important that it is compiled and also signed by the special agent of the Service (SA/USA) Jason Pietramika.  

August 29, 2012 Now comes James Clapper, then Director of National Intelligence. I contacted his assistant William Shea (williams1@dni. gov), informed him about the meeting with Pietramika. Shi promised me to look into it. He asked the CIA about me, called me later and advised me to return to the CIA and the FBI. He said, "I am no longer authorized to speak to you. Good luck. "  


Looked like James Clapper was scared to death – why? Another Putin’s asset?  



Putin and Trump to kill Hillary Clinton  


Putin is like Stalin – he never forgets and never forgives attacks on him or his Russian empire. Stalin said once: ”There is a guy and there is a problem. There is no guy – there is no problem”. Hillary Clinton was a very serious threat to Putin’s personal power, so, she had to be killed.  

August 9, 2006, Lefrak City, Queens, New York  


At 8 A. M. I saw a flyer next to the door of my apartment – this one.  


ATTENTION : There were no other flyers in Lefrak City – why? It was a personal message from three directors – she is the one we want you to kill.  


Now, do you know what’s Lefrak City?  


It’s 10 old brick 18-floor projects for poor African-Americans, Latinos, and Russians. The most dangerous area in Queens and the New York State, stuffed with street gangs, crack cocaine, prostitutes and illegal guns. In two minutes I was at the place – just to make sure a Senator and a former First Lady Hillary Clinton is protected by the "best of the best" – the U. S. Secret Service.  

I was sure they watched the area for the last 24 hours. I was sure the access to the area is restricted. I was sure that one week before the event local police and FBI instructed the secret sources to stay at alert and report any suspicious activity and people who had or tried to purchase illegal guns, and who want to kill Hillary Clinton. I was sure bad guys and aggressive psychos were isolated temporarily or monitored at least. I was sure technicians checked the air, soil and water (in the open pool) for radioactivity and toxic substances, looked for explosives and brought a trained dog. I was sure there was no access to a single roof and they put metal detector at the entrance to the area. I was sure they double checked the guest list. Kill me, but I was dead sure the Secret Service team would never let any bad guy approach Hillary. I was wrong.  


8. 30 A. M. Nothing, nobody.  

The place was a heaven for terrorists: – a circle of six 18-floor-1500-window buildings (such meetings in the open areas close to residential buildings are not allowed for people guarded by Secret Service ) – a playground; – an open stage under a small roof (no walls) – a BBQ place – a pool.  

And 6 hours to get ready for assassination: – observe the place and plan the operation – put a mine under a stage – try a silenced sniper rifle from the roof and make necessary corrections if there are any deviations – place the whole army of terrorists all over the place.  

ATTENTION : I've checked one roof – the door was open, thank you.  

11 A. M. Two girls, three assistants, free "Pepsi", 2 cops, no restriction, not even a "Don’t cross" tape. 1 P. M. About 500 people came to the playground – retired old men and women, homeless alcoholics, drug addicts, screaming psychos, kids, teens and reporters. 2. 30 P. M. People screamed like crazy when Hillary finally appeared and tried to make her way through the crowd. Any psycho could kill her with a kitchen knife – cops and two Secret Service agents were as passive as they could. She got to the stage encircled by a wild, absolutely uncontrolled crowd. One agent was standing behind her, another one – on the stairs. No security.  


She made a 15 minutes speech and then I’ve witnessed a total uncontrollable chaos – still on the stage, she tried to shake hands and people went wild; somebody gave her flowers (absolutely unacceptable thing), somebody asked her to hold a baby to make pictures; people screamed and pushed each other. Agents paid no attention, chewing gums, proud of their James Bond style sunglasses. Poor Sabini asked people to move away – nobody cared. Only when young girls jumped up on the stage, police officer restricted the place with a yellow tape – the Secret Service guys were surprised (! ) At 3. 30 P. M. she left the playground and had to move through the crowd again.  


01. 06. 2008 Speaking in Hampton, Hillary Rodham Clinton said “Putin doesn't have a soul. " She meant the danger of inexperience, and reliance on personal relationships, in foreign affairs, indirectly comparing Obama to George W. Bush, who looked into Vladimir Putin's soul and liked what he saw. "I could have told him — he was a KGB agent. By definition he doesn’t have a soul, " Clinton said..  


Putin was sure Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was behind mass protests in Moscow against his regime in December, 2011. He declared: “She said they (elections) were dishonest and unfair, she gave a signal to demonstrators working with the support of the U. S. State Department” (to undermine his power, of course). We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs”. He saw Clinton as a forceful proponent of “regime change” policies and Putin considered her actions were a grave threat to his own survival. Clinton issued a statement saying that the Russian people “deserve to have their voices heard and their votes counted, and that means they deserve fair, free transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them”. Putin was genuinely angry, he was sure she’s plotting his overthrow and he was ready to ‘remove” her.  


September 11, 2016, New York  

Remember what happened to Hillary Clinton that day? This fact might explain the strange and suspicious questions Secret Service agent Pietramika asked me. Memorial ceremony for those who died as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton left the ceremony just an hour and a half after it began, after which a statement was published saying: "During the ceremony, she felt overheated, so she went to her daughter's apartment and feels much better. " Let's also recall that the rival presidential candidate Donald Trump and his deputies constantly raised questions about Clinton's health as a potential problem. I have a strong suspicion that Trump and his people in CIA and the US Secret Service poisoned Hillary Clinton. It is possible that these were the same employees who tried to eliminate me earlier- Gene Gurevich, Suzanne Klemm and Chris Lieneman. And this is the KGB instruction Putin could give Trump to remove Clinton.  

Instruction on KGB staged murders technology which I wrote for CIA back in 1996:  

Staged accidents : suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas), drugs, weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Also, staged natural death (stroke, heart attack, chronic illness as a result of special technical devices like irradiation). For staged accidents you can use acetone (absorption of large quantities via either the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract results in decreased respiration, stupor and death); carbon monoxide — acetylene gas, illuminating gas (coal gas), automobile gas, furnace gas; or a simple novocaine + coffee combination. In some cases nonbacterial food poisoning is suitable. It can occur following the ingestion of : 1) certain species of mushrooms such as Amanita Muscaria, which contains the toxic alkaloid muscarine, and Amanita Phalloides, which contains phalloidin or other toxins ; 2) immature or sprouting potatoes, the active poison of which is colanin, ; 3) mussels — death may occur as a result of respiratory failure ; 4) grain, especially rye, which has become contaminated with the ergot fungus, Claviceps Purpurea. Ergot contains a number of active principles including ergotoxin, tyramine and ergamin (histamine) ;5) fruits sprayed with salts of lead or arsenic and food stored in cadmium-lined containers. Staged botulism is effective, too. It’s an acute intoxication manifested by neuromuscular disturbances, following ingestion of food containing a toxin, elaborated by Clostridium botulinum, a common soil bacillus. The disease is always caused by the ingestion of improperly preserved food, usually a home-canned product, in which the toxin has been produced during the growth of the causative organism. The spores of Clostridium botulinum are highly resistant to heat; in water they require exposure for 5 hours at 212°F to ensure their death. The preserved food wherein the toxin is most commonly found are string beans, corn, spinach, olives, beets, asparagus, sea food, pork products and beef. The mortality of botulism may be as high as 65 per cent. Most of the fatal cases die between the 2nd and 9th days following the ingestion of the toxin. Death usually results from respiratory paralysis or from secondary bronchopneumonia. In those who survive, the disease usually reaches its height in the first days of illness. Recovery is characteristically very slow and residual weakness of the ocular muscles may persist for many months. Some cases demand usage of poisons, both organic — like concentrated nicotine that enters the body through skin or concentrated inhalation of horseradish, garlic or rotten meat, which causes breathing paralysis; poisons extracted from rattlesnake, cobra, stonefish, and inorganic — arsenic, thallium, cyanides. Teflon can generate a deadly methane gas; or carbon tetrachloride can be boiled or burnt so that it gives off lethal phosgene gas. Any poison could be mixed with an agent that enters the body through the skin and takes anything with it.  

March 5, 2014 Hillary Clinton compared Putin's aggression in Ukraine to actions taken by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler outside Germany in the run-up to World War II. She said that Putin's campaign to provide Russian passports to those with Russian connections living outside his country's borders is reminiscent of Hitler's protection of ethnic Germans outside Germany, according to a report published overnight. "Now if this sounds familiar, it's what Hitler did back in the '30s. All the Germans that were... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they're not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that's what's gotten everybody so nervous. " It was a severe blow to Putin’s image in Russia and the revenge was inevitable.  

October 20, 2016 Presidential debates, Trump-Hillary Clinton. Trump. “He (Putin) said nice things about me. He has no respect for her, he has no respect for our president (Obama) and I’ll tell you what, we’re in very serious trouble. ” Hillary Clinton: ”Well that’s because he’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States. ”  

Trump was wasn’t just angry after that – he was scared to death of this statement after failed Hillary’s assassination attempt.  



I helped Putin to get the Oval Office for Trump  


Due to the fact that I, as a CIA agent, was independent in my actions, I decided to drive Putin into a trap and force him to personally intervene in American politics at the highest level. In response, the United States and its NATO allies could organize a complete blockade of Russia and force Putin to resign. Putin and I graduated from the same KGB Intelligence Institute, both worked in political intelligence, and I knew for sure that he would fall into my trap. Unfortunately, as a result of my operation, Putin's agent, Donald Trump, came to power.  

So, this is the story.  

September 4, 2012 My meeting with Pietramika had another consequence. I’ve sent a letter to the Administration of the President of Russia Putin and warned that it was possible that his assassination was planned by CIA and the US Secret Service. Along with this, I suggested that Hillary Clinton's candidacy as president of the United States may not be the best for Russia, since she has connections with American politicians and generals who are "hawks. " So, I've helped Russian President Putin to steal the inevitable victory from people's presidential candidate 2016 – Hillary Clinton. By the way, I was sure she was going to start World War III with Russia and I killed her 2016 presidency, though she helped me when I had problems with CIA. I brought to power American Hitler, Putin's asset Donald Trump who's going to terminate the United States.  


To: Vladimir Putin  

President of the Russian Federation  

Kremlin, Moscow  

September 4, 2013  

(via special form on Putin's personal site kremlin. ru)  


Dear Mr. President,  

The information I got recently from reliable sources indicates that Hillary Clinton, a former Secretary of State, is preparing for a very aggressive presidential campaign 2016. It's important that she's supported not only by the Rockefellers clan ($3 trln worth) but also by high-ranked neocons, hawks like a former VP Dick Cheney and also the the majority of Joint Chiefs of Staff.  

That means that Hillary Clinton, in case she's elected the U. S. President in 2016, will start the World War III with Russia for Russian resources.  

That's why I advise you, Mr. President to use your propaganda, political and technical possibilities (FSO and its division, FSO Special Communications and Information Service) to compromise Hillary Clinton and remove her from the presidential race 2016.  

Thank you.  

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB intelligence officer, a former CIA "Filament"  


Putin answered pretty fast.  



From: President of The Russian Federation  

Executive Office  

Directorate for Communication  

Ilinka str, 23/16, Moscow  

September 18, 2012  



To. M. Kryzhanovsky  

We inform you the letter to you've sent via e-form was received by the President.  

The letter has been sent to the Federal Protective Service  

A. Maksukov  

Adviser, Directorate of Communication  



The Federal Protective Service (FSO) is a federal government agency concerned with the tasks related to the protection of several, mandated by the relevant law, high-ranking state officials, including the President of Russia, as well as certain federal properties. FSO includes the Russian Presidential Security Service. The FSO has roughly 50, 000 uniformed personnel plus several thousand plainclothed personnel and controls the Cheget that can be used in the event of global nuclear war.  

It also operates a secure communications system for senior government officials. The FSO is a powerful institution with a range of rights and powers, including the right to conduct searches and surveillance without warrants, make arrests, and give orders to other state agencies.  

FSO includes Special Communications and Information Service of Russia (Spetsviaz or SCID).  

It is a cryptologic intelligence agency of Russia responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting Russian government communications and information systems, which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography. It is the equivalent to the United States National Security Agency.  


Earlier I've sent the same letter to Sergey Naryshkin, Russian Duma (the parliament) Speaker, KGB spy in 1978-1982, a former Putin's Executive Office Chief in 2008-2011.  


Sergey Naryshkin Alexander Bortnikov  

He sent the letter to FSB (Russian Counterespionage Service) Chief Alexander Bortnikov, because I've mentioned a possible threat of Putin's assassination by the Secret Service team.  

I was against the elimination of Putin and the war with Russia, so I appealed to the Russian Parliament (the State Duma), which instructed the Federal Security Service (FSB) to deal with this issue. The FSB is engaged in the fight against espionage and terrorists. Here is the answer from the FSB.  


Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Public Relations Center, Moscow July 10, 2013 To: M. Kryzhanovsky Dear M. Kryzhanovsky, Your appeals to the State Duma dated June 12 and 13, 2013 have been considered. The information provided will be taken into account in the work. Head of the Center N. N. Zakharov  

After that Putin decided to support his friend and his asset Donald Trump to beat Hillary Clinton during 2016 presidential election!  

Attention. The Federal Protective Service (FSO) is a federal government agency concerned with the tasks related to the protection of several, mandated by the relevant law, high-ranking state officials, including the President of Russia, as well as certain federal properties. FSO includes the Russian Presidential Security Service. The FSO has roughly 50, 000 uniformed personnel plus several thousand plainclothed personnel and controls the Cheget that can be used in the event of global nuclear war. It also operates a secure communications system for senior government officials. The FSO is a powerful institution with a range of rights and powers, including the right to conduct searches and surveillance without warrants, make arrests, and give orders to other state agencies. It is a cryptologic intelligence agency of Russia responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting Russian government communications and information systems, which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography. It is the equivalent to the United States National Security Agency.  

Now, pay attention, how I've trapped FOS.  

On September 18, 2012, Putin ordered FOS to start working on the case (see letter above). On April 8, 2014, I asked FSO if they have any problems with my case. Once again, Putin ordered FSO to work against Hillary Clinton and they answered me that my information "is not in their competence", they have nothing to do with it (! ) Do you know what that means? That means that a top secret FSO is working on the case 24/7!  



Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO) of Russia, Moscow April 22, 2014 On the appeal of 08. 04. 2014 Kryzhanovsky M. I.  

Dear Mikhail Ivanovich! Your appeal of April 8, 2014 has been considered. The stated information is not included in the competence of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Head of the division N. N. Musinsky  



Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSO) of Russia, Moscow May 23, 2014 On the appeal of 27. 04. 2014 Number K-123, K-122 Kryzhanovsky M. I.  

Dear Mikhail Ivanovich! Your appeal dated April 27 and 28, 2014, has been reviewed by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Your information contains a question to which a written answer was given on the merits of a previously sent appeal, while no new arguments or circumstances are given in the appeal. In accordance with part 5 of Article 11 of Federal Law No. 59-F3 of May 2, 2006 "On the procedure for applying to Citizens of the Russian Federation", we made a decision on the groundlessness of the next appeals and the termination of correspondence with you on the issues set out in the appeals. Acting Head of the department A. Y. Sorokin  

Now comes FOS letter #2. It means they wished I gave them more information on the case, but if I don't have it, it's OK.  


Dmitriy Kochnev Alexey Mironov  

What happened next? Putin decided to cut presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances in 2016 and place his asset Trump in the White House. He appointed these two chiefs to be in charge of the Hillary-2016 project: Dmitriy Kochnev, FSO Director, and Alexey Mironov, the Special Communications and Information Director.  

According to this plan FSO : 1. Had penetrated the servers of the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chair, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in person, whose private emails were published by WikiLeaks in the days leading up to the Democratic convention. Putin called the hacking and release of nearly 20, 000 emails from the DNC "a public service". The e-mails the DNC's favoritism of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders published by Wikileaks compromised Dems' leaders and Hillary too. 2. Hacked Hillary Clinton's personal phone and computer. All information was transferred straight to Trump who got the possibility to correct his strategy. And leaked to the public. 3. Hacked the 2016 elections. How? First, the attackers probed election offices well in advance in order to find ways to break into their computers. Second, closer to the election, when it was clear from polling data which states would have close electoral margins, the attackers spreaded malware into voting machines in some of the states, rigging the machines to shift a few percent of the vote.  

On top of it, Putin used his asset Assange, who, as you know, hacked me too. March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50, 547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7, 570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. More PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016, and a set of additional 995 emails was imported up to February 2, 2018.  

Trump’s recruitment November 2, 2013, Moscow Trump came to Moscow for his Miss Universe 2013 pageant and stayed at Ritz Carlton. Trump hired prostitutes to perform a "golden showers" (urination) show in front of him", "defiling" the presidential suite bed in which the Obamas had previously slept. It was a set-up, a regular one. 1. Russian SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service, former KGB) starts a file on any American citizen with big money and political connections who talks positive about President Putin. ATTENTION : SVR has files on all American politicians who make statements on their possible run for the U. S. President. Trump made such statements and he was running for the President in 2000. 2. SVR file on Trump appeared in 2008 with the purpose of his recruitment and receiving political information from his multiple sources in the U. S. Congress and the White House. 3. SVR officers under cover of the Russian Consulate diplomats met Trump in New York City in 2012-2013 and made him a very generous offer – he can get a green light to any projects in Russia in exchange for his spying for the Russian government. Trump refused the offer. That's why Putin ordered SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov to prepare a special operation, place Trump into a compromising sexual situation, blackmail him and recruit as a secret source. 4. Prostitutes were SVR female officers – Trump was too big a target to trust the street hookers. They were instructed to play most pervert sexual games with Trump including a "golden shower", "brown shower" and "pig slave" – sorry I can't go into details, check porno sites and magazines for that, please. 5. Miss Universe 2013, the 62nd Miss Universe pageant, was held on November, 9, 2013 at the Crocus City Hall, Krasnogorsk, a suburb of Moscow, Russia. Trump came a week before and stayed at the Ritz Carlton. His Russian assistants recommended him the best Russian prostitutes ready to make him happy. Trump agreed and put himself in a trap. (On November 9, 2017, President Donald Trump's long-time confidant Keith Schiller privately testified that he rejected a Russian offer to send five women to then private-citizen Trump's hotel room during their 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, according to multiple sources from both political parties with direct knowledge of the testimony. Schiller, Trump's former bodyguard and personal aide, testified that he took the offer as a joke, two of the sources said. On their way up to Trump's hotel room that night, Schiller told the billionaire businessman about the offer and Trump laughed it off, Schiller told the House intelligence committee on November 7, 2017). After several minutes outside of Trump's door, which was Schiller's practice as Trump's security chief, he said he left. 6. After the pageant was over, SVR officers met Trump at the hotel and left a tape and a phone number. He had no choice. They were back and he signed the regular agreement: "I, Donald Trump, agree to help SVR and improve Russian-American relations. I'll sign my confidential reports with the alias "__________". November 9, 2013". I think, his alias is "Tom" – Russians like when the first letter of the last name and the alias are the same. 7. Trump is the SVR secret source since 2013. Putin met him in person and he understood that this guy might be "promoted" to the U. S. President. Putin ordered fantastic operation and the result was perfect – on November 8, 2016 Trump was elected the U. S. leader.  


Putin to hide his asset Comey  



October 28, 2016  

A former FBI Director Comey worked for Putin and Trump which is, actually, anti-American conspiracy and treason.  

His most important job was to “kill” Hillary Clinton chances to win presidential elections by re-opening FBI investigation into her e-mail case 11 days before the Election Day. His letter to the Congress went public on October 28, 2016.  



Hillary Clinton as of October 28, was likely next president. Trump had come off a period of 5 weeks in which he’d had three erratic debates and numerous women accuse him of sexual assault after the “Access Hollywood” tape became public. Clinton led by approximately 6 percentage points in national polls and by 6 to 7 points in polls of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Her leads in Florida and North Carolina were narrow, and she was only tied with Trump in Ohio and Iowa. But it was a pretty good overall position.  

And here comes Putin and his asset Comey and Clinton’s standing in the polls fell sharply. She’d led Trump by 5. 9 percentage points in FiveThirtyEight’s popular vote projection at 12:01 a. m. on October 28. A week later — after polls had time to fully reflect the letter — her lead had declined to 2. 9 percentage points. That is to say, there was a shift of about 3 percentage points against Clinton. And it was an especially pernicious shift for Clinton because (at least according to the FiveThirtyEight model) Clinton was underperforming in swing states as compared to the country overall. In the average swing state, Clinton’s lead declined from 4. 5 percentage points at the start of October 28 to just 1. 7 percentage points on November 4. If the polls were off even slightly, Trump could be headed to the White House.  


How Putin handles Trump  


"Golden" rules you follow handling Trump  


1. Do not tell Trump about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and compromising information you have on him.  

2. Don’t show Trump any classified documents – you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else.  

3. Don’t trust Trump too much; they can use you to compromise their personal enemies.  

4. Never criticize Trump – be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he avoids cooperation or brings you garbage – just reduce or stop payments, or get rid of him.  

5. You lose Trump if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to "produce" fake information (to show your bosses how much great espionage activity you have going on) or if you don’t care about his personal security and his personal problems (health, career). And — never give poison to your agent for security reasons.  


Questioning Trump  

This is of extreme importance – the right question brings you the right answer and top secret info. Give Trump a chance to tell and show you everything he’s brought, no matter how chaotic the story might be or  

Trump a chance to tell and show you everything he’s brought, no matter how chaotic the story might be or how ordinary the documents look. Don’t make written notices. Don’t bring written questions even if you are talking about some advanced technology — look and be professional. Don’t let Trump analyze the information before he talks to you and don’t let him bring it in a written form – it’s usually not complete; he can lose it; or it may be stolen from him. If there are documents, he has to bring a microfilm. Ask questions — when? where? what happened? why? what’s going to happen next?  

After that you tell the story back to Trump and he adds details. At the end of the meeting give the agent another task and don’t ask him to bring you "something, " because he’ll bring you just that "something" and nothing else.  

Remember, questioning is not interrogation; do not bring another officer to the meeting because it will look like cross interrogation.  


Teaching Trump  

Teach Trump to:  

– follow security rules while talking to people, working with the documents and especially meeting the officer (some foreign agencies practice open contacts with many people, hoping that the meeting with the agent won’t attract much attention — I don’t recommend that)  

– always stay calm in stressful situations  

– always keep discipline and come in time  

– use analytic abilities working with people and documents – ask yourself as many questions as you can  


Checking Trump  

You can never be sure you are not working with a "double agent, " even if he brings you top secret stuff. Besides, agents are human beings and they make mistakes — they forget about security, spend too much money, talk too much and ask extra questions; if arrested they may not play the hero but will tell everything. Anyway, you can check Trump:  

a. by fake severe interrogation  

b. through provocation (tell him you know about his "double game" and watch his behavior after the meeting (it’s good to have a listening device or a camera in his house).  

c. by making an analysis of all the information and documents he delivers and comparing it with information from other sources.  

d. through other assets  

e. through your "mole" in CIA, FBI, Secret Service (if you’re lucky).  

f. through technical devices (reading the mail, listening to the phone, secret searching his house and office, watching him through hidden cameras, trying surveillance in the street).  


Trump termination (one-way ticket)  

It doesn’t happen often but you have to know some special situations when you have to terminate Trump:  

1. Trump knows too much (talks too much) and is ready to betray you.  

2. Trump is under suspicion and you can’t help him for political reasons (diplomatic, international scandal, etc. ) — in such a case an accident could be staged. It happens that the agent is too close to President.  

3. Trump was involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness.  

4. Trump is trying to blackmail you. 5. You need to press (blackmail) other agents.  


How Putin paid Trump  

January – August 2017  

Russian oligarch Victor Vekselberg, who has an estimated worth of $13 billion, a close friend of Putin, wired $500, 000 into a First Republic bank account registered to Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen's Essential Consulting Co.  

The money was routed to Cohen in 8 payments from Columbus Nova, a Manhattan-based investment firm owned by Vekselberg's American cousin Andrew Intrater. Richard Ownes, an atorney for Columbus Nova, explained that the wire transfers were issued after the firm hired Cohen as a business consultant.  


Now comes simulation.  

Trump : recruitment and handling  


May 8, 2012, Putin’s office, Kremlin, Moscow, 7. 00 PM  

Putin and Mikhail Fradkov, KGB Intelligence Director  

PUTIN. Mikhail, what happened to Trump? FRADKOV. Two undercover officers met him at Trump Plaza and made an offer he couldn’t refuse. PUTIN. Trump Tower? FRADKOV. Exactly. We’ll give him green light for his project in Moscow. He was ready to for the deal, but he was scared to death when my guys asked him to sign the paper on cooperation with our agency. PUTIN. Hm. If you can’t buy Trump, sell him. FRADKOV. I understand. We gonna catch the fish anyway. PUTIN. He’s a pervert, think about that. Compromise son of a bitch, blackmail and recruite. He’s crazy about presidency to feed his megalomania and we’ll help him. Any ideas? FRADKOV. He’s coming to Moscow next year, November 9, 2017, to f*** best girls on the planet. PUTIN. Miss Universe 2013 pageant, I know. How many agents you put around him? FRADKOV. Aras Agalarov, developer, and his son Emin are his partners with the project. PUTIN. Good choice, both are Kremlin friends. FRADKOV. Yes, and Donald, asshole wants to meet you, comrade President – I got the tape, if you want to listen… PUTIN. No. Don’t let him screw the beauties, get the orgy with your girls. FRADKOV. I got a three female officers team. Ready for “golden shower’, “pig slave”, anything at Ritz Carlton. Trap is there. PUTIN. Bring me the tape after you recruit him.  


November 10, 2013, Ritz Carlton presidential suit, Moscow 10. 30 PM  

TRUMP. Come in, it’s open! Wow, three babies! But I’ve paid for one, don’t have extra cash, sorry. THE GIRL. I’m the one, my name is Natasha, the other two wanted to see you, Mr. Trump – the can watch us if you don’t mind. You are very popular in Russia, sir, and millions are watching the pageant. TRUMP. I don’t mind, they can stay and play with us. I don’t have cash on me, but I can make any of you next Miss universe if you are in game. Let’s drink first. To Russia and president Putin who’ll meet me tomorrow! NATASHA. Cheers! And what’s the game, my Master? TRUMP. It’s simple. Get naked, girls too. NATASHA. Girls, Come on! Ready, Master. TRUMP. Now, get on top of the bed. Stand still, don’t break it. It’s a special one – President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle slept on it. NATASHA. Yes, sir, join us then! TRUMP. No sex. Take a pee on the bed and I’ll tape you. Is there a problem? NATASHA. No problem, sir. TRUMP. Do it…Good, well done. Get dressed and leave. NATASHA. OK, sir…  

12. 30 AM  

TRUMP. Who’s there?! Who are you?! Security! NIKOLAEV. Sorry, Mr. Trump, the door was open. It won’t take long… TRUMP. Get the hell out of here! Security! NIKOLAEV. My name is Victor Nikolaev, KGB Intelligence. And here’s the tape. Bye. TRUMP. Wait… What tape? NIKOLAEV. Let’s watch it, it’s 5 minutes. TRUMP. No. You failed in New York, but you’ve trapped me here. Now what? NIKOLAEV. Now we want friendship and your signature. Here’s the pen and paper. TRUMP. OK, I lose, you win. Still, what I get out of it? NIKOLAEV. Sit down, relax. Booze? TRUMP. No. NIKOLAEV. There’s a protocol. Write down: “"I, Donald Trump, agree to help KGB and the government of Russia to improve Russian-American relations. I'll sign my confidential reports with the alias "Tom". November 10, 2013". TRUMP. I’ll make the biggest scandal in the history, Your tape is a fake. I’ll talk to media tomorrow. NIKOLAEV. Any miracle lasts for three days. I think, you just want to know why we want you so bad that we tried twice. We’ll get you the Oval Office. TRUMP. You?! The Oval Office?! And …? NIKOLAEV. And you’ll break America into pieces. TRUMP. Wow! I certainly will! If you pay. NIKOLAEV. Hm. There are people who’ll do the job in America. And tell you what to do. All I want is your signature. It’s a protocol, sorry. So? TRUMP. I’ll do it… Here… Why “Tom”? NIKOLAEV. It’s KGB tradition – your last name and alias, first letter has to be the same. Thank you Mr. Trump, you won’t regret it…  


November 11, 2013 2. 00 PM SVR headquarters, Yasenevo, Moscow suburb  

FRADKOV. Comrade Nikolaev, my congratulations. Good job. NIKOLAEV. Thank you, comrade Direktor. FRADKOV. I've informed President Putin about Trump's recruitment. He approved it. Now we have to work hard to implement the "Boomerang" operation. NIKOLAEV. I understand. FRADKOV. Trump is a big agent and you have to keep it a top secret. He's 71, but as a source he's young and unexperienced. NIKOLAEV. Special handling rules? FRADKOV. Of course. Do not tell Trump about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and compromising information you have on him. No classified documents – you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else. No trust – he can use us to compromise their personal enemies. Never criticize him- be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he avoids cooperation or brings you garbage – just reduce or stop payments, or get rid of him. You lose Trump if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to "produce" fake information or if you don’t care about his personal security and his personal problems. NIKOLAEV. Poison? FRADKOV. We never give poison to the agents for security reason, Trump isn’t an exception. And President Putin recommended us to treat Trump as top agent, but not as the U. S. President. NIKOLAEV. Job, espionage, no diplomacy? FRADKOV. Exactly. Regular job, regular procedure, bend him down a little bit, OK? NIKOLAEV. Yes. it's not very hard to manipulate a schizophrenic. FRADKOV. He is the one. Here's the research our Intelligence Institute completed recently. Read it. NIKOLAEV. Hostility, suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism, irrational statements : "We build the anti-Mexican wall and Mexico will pay for it". Delusions of grandeur, Trump believes that he is on a mission to save America, malignant narcissism. Unpredictable or inappropriate emotional responses – "I can kill anybody in the street! " Bizarre behavior – he treats women as sexual slaves. Thinking and speech disorganized, speech often includes putting together meaningless words that can't be understood ("word salad"). That means he's usually promising to fix everything (healthcare, immigration, Palestinian problem) but has no idea what to do. Trump's motor behavior in public is disorganized. His appearances end up in unpredictable agitation no matter what the question or problem is under discussion. Pathological liar. Has trouble organizing his thoughts or making logical connections. His mind is racing from one unrelated thought to another. Sometimes he has "thought withdrawal, " a feeling that thoughts are removed from his head, or "thought blocking, " when his flow of thinking suddenly gets interrupted. FRADKOV. How do you like it? NIKOLAEV. Not really. FRADKOV. Impeachment is far away, but Democrats might introduce a bill under the 25th amendment that Trump needs to be removed for mental illness. NIKOLAEV. There's no treatment for schizophrenia, but I'll work with him. FRADKOV. Good. You'll meet him once a month, Secret Service is not a problem – we have enough dirt on them from "Filament" to keep Director in our pocket. Give Trump a chance to tell and show you everything he’s brought, no matter how chaotic the story might be. Don’t make written notices. Don’t bring written questions even if you are talking about some advanced technology. Ask questions — when? where? what happened? why? what’s going to happen next? After that you tell the story back to Trump and he adds details. At the end of the meeting give him another task. NIKOLAEV. It might be hard for him to keep discipline and come in time, you know. FRADKOV. And follow security rules, of course. Ha-ha! NIKOLAEV. Besides, it's not easy to check him up and make sure he doesn't feed us with fake data. FRADKOV. And he's a human being, not Jesus, he's scared, he might talk to FBI Director and tell him everything, though Comey is our agent too. NIKOLAEV. Should I report to you every meeting? FRADKOV. Yes. And every report goes to President Putin right away. Do you understand the responsibility? NIKOLAEV. I try to stay as calm as I can. FRADKOV. Good luck.  


March 17, 2015 3. 30 PM  

The Mar-a-Lago Club, Palm Beach, Florida  

TRUMP. Mr. Nikolaev, I don't have too much time... NIKOLAEV. Did you get our instructions on the elections? TRUMP. A week ago. NIKOLAEV. We'll try a short test, I'll help you, don't worry. President Putin wants to know you are ready. TRUMP. I am. NIKOLAEV. Key rules in fundraising? TRUMP. Find "fat cats", get fundraisers with lots of rich friends, go to Florida, California, Texas and New york, of course. NIKOLAEV. Raise big money for yourself and prevent big money from being spent against you. Press? TRUMP. I manipulate media – I manipulate nation. NIKOLAEV. Good. Newspaperс and TV? TRUMP. Newspapers put emphasis on issues, TV on image, style and ability to communicate. NIKOLAEV. And you prefer... TRUMP. TV. NIKOLAEV. Why? TRUMP. TV talks to 98% of Americans and takes my message immediately, straight to the nation. NIKOLAEV. Why do you attack media? TRUMP. Fake news. Mostly. NIKOLAEV. Stop it! Mistake. You turn reporters into heroes. TRUMP. F***k them. NIKOLAEV. Your image isn't perfect. You don't look presidential yet. Too nervous, aggressive. Calm down in public. TRUMP. I can't, it's character. NIKOLAEV. You might lose debates to Hillary. TRUMP. What's special about debates? NIKOLAEV. The only all-national event at which candidates can be judged. Now come the "don'ts"... TRUMP. I hate "don'ts"! NIKOLAEV. Shut up! So, don’t attack first — that’s a sign of weakness, don’t be too aggressive — it kills the image, don’t answer the questions too fast — that implies you are not thinking, nrush, no negative emotions, no sudden gestures – extra gestures mean that you are not sure what you are saying is correct. TRUMP. That's it? NIKOLAEV. Answer a question you want to answer, no matter what question was asked. TRUMP. Hm, Hillary will go nuts after that. NIKOLAEV. She will. Personal question… President Putin asked me once and I didn’t know what to say. TRUMP. Sure. NIKOLAEV. Are you attracted to her? TRUMP. Yes. Surprised? NIKOLAEV. A little bit. TRUMP. Smart, no mercy, fighter, money maker – who’s that? NIKOLAEV. Hillary. TRUMP. And me! Are you married? NIKOLAEV. Yes. TRUMP. Do you want a supermodel tonight? I can send one, free. NIKOLAEV. I want a supermodel. But President Putin says id you cheat on your wife, you may cheat on your country. And I don’t f***k where I live, and I don’t live where I f***k. TRUMP. We’ll never understand each other. NIKOLAEV. Bull***, people never change, everyone wants to get pleasure and get rid of pain. But it’s your choice to use breaks or just drive no matter how many people you kill. The Bible. TRUMP. I see. NIKOLAEV. Thank you anyway.. Finally, speaking in public... TRUMP. Don't bother, I know how to talk to my nation! NIKOLAEV. Tell me. TRUMP. I improvise a lot and it works. NIKOLAEV. Now listen to me, "Tom" or you gonna be very sorry! TRUMP. I'm sorry. NIKOLAEV. Leave jokes for your pageant. If you want President Putin to kick you out of the race... TRUMP. No, no, no! I said, I'm sorry. NIKOLAEV. Good. To get elected you must promise economic growth, no matter how grave the economic situation is. Never say you want power, even if you want to save the nation in crisis. Cite the Bible, don't look too intellectual. Remember, voters are extremely sensitive to tax-cut proposals. You can be liberal on domestic issues, but you have to be conservative on national security (defense and foreign affairs). Clear? TRUMP. Yes, sir. NIKOLAEV. Questions? TRUMP. No, sir. NIKOLAEV. See you.  


Trump : teaching the agent  

February 14, 2017 9. 00 PM Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach, Florida  


NIKOLAEV. Mr. Trump, you have problems with the White House staff… TRUMP. I'll take care of it, I hired thousands in my life, and fired a lot. NIKOLAEV. Do you understand that staffers and Secretaries hate you? TRUMP. Why? NIKOLAEV. Because you "rock the boat" and they all are reform-stoppers.  

TRUMP. I'm the boss, what they can do, seriously? NIKOLAEV. Secretary of State Tillerson can offer you endless visits abroad. Chief of Staff loads you up with useless extremely busy schedule. National Security Adviser is trying to be your decion maker, because, unlike Secretaries, he has daily contact with you. They know you won’t accept “complicated, ” “expensive, ” “risky” projects and they’ll try to sell you “simple, ” “cheap” and “popular” ones only. TUMP. Looks like they are anti-American. NIKOLAEV. Try the test. Watch your senior staff and how they present ideas. Kissinger, for example, was using his own trick dealing with Nixon. He often gave him three options, making two of them unattractive. Naturally Nixon picked the one Kissinger presented as least harmful. TRUMP. I rule differently. NIKOLAEV. They isolate government from you. TRUMP. Hm, yes. NIKOLEAV. They never say "it's impossible", never argue with you no matter what you ask, and avoid being associated with any failures. Trump. Never. NIKOLAEV. They use "Smith's principle" : if it can be understood by Congress, it’s not finished yet. TRUMP. Funny, but they did couple of times. NIKOLAEV. They fight national security staff and the budget staff. TRUMP. And? NIKOLAEV. That's are the rules White House people manipulate you. TRUMP. What I'm supposed to do? Fire my family? NIKOLAEV. It's not just Ivanka and Kushner. 570 people work at the White House Office, Including the Office of Policy Development, and all of them care about their asses and careers, not about you and the nation. TRUMP. I'll fire the enemies once I get any information. NIKOLAEV. Not necessarily. You can reform your staff freely, interchange key figures if domestic crisis is approaching, go to polls for back-up, use “the carrot and the stick” tactics, “pull by pushing” – give an important job without publicity to those who become too popular, make no minor decisions. TRUMP. Smart! Wanna work for me? NIKOLAEV. I'm already working for you. And I can help you to f***k the Congress. TRUMP. You? Impossible! NIKOLAEV. If we don’t like the problem, we call the solution “impossible”. KGB, Mr. Trump, is a special organization – we don’t discuss orders, we obey them and we finish any job no matter what. TRUMP. OK, how I screw them? NIKOLAEV. It’s much more simple that you think. You must know that your prestige (popular support or political capital) affects Congressional response to your politics. For most Senators, the Senate is a platform for presidential election campaign. These f***rs are always looking for a BBD (bigger, better deal) and shift from one committee to another, especially to those dealing with taxes, budget, energy, commerce. They don’t depend on the people – they depend on the media. If a Senator is blocking your proposal, he wants to get your attention, nothing else. They have no incentive to study the details of most pieces of legislation and their decision is simplified by quickly checking how key colleagues have voted or intend to vote. To have power a Senator has to object: much of the Senate work is done by unanimous consent and if you object you’ll be approached for sure by some influential people including other Senators, Secretaries, President’s aides or the President himself. Senators avoid responsibility in economic policy. They love the military because military contracts are very lucrative for their districts. Senators are afraid to vote against a defense budget increase because then they may be accused of a lack of patriotism. TRUMP. I love military, but they press too hard… NIKOLAEV. Remember, Senator makes a decision only after thinking about what it means in terms of the re-election money that will come to him or to his opponents. In the Senate it’s easier for a minority to block the bill than for a majority to pass it: a 60-vote majority is needed to force a final vote on the bill, while only 41 votes are needed to continue debate and delay a vote. The minority can hold the majority responsible as the party in power for whatever legislation does or does not emerge from the Senate. But both parties prefer to be the party in power in the Senate – all Senate legislation begins in the committees, whose membership and chairmanship are controlled by the party in power. Besides, each chairman has power in terms of controlling the committee budgets and deciding which hearings will be held and which legislation he will allow to be released to the Senate floor for a vote. He can also "lock up the bill” in committee until it dies. TRUMP. Interesting. I already have some ideas... How I control them? NIKOLAEV. You can propose legislation, but Congress can kill it.. But you know already that Senators and Representatives need re-election more than anything else. So you can go with indirect influence through appeals to the public; this is a confrontation and direct challenge to Congressional authority. You can also enlist the support of interest groups or direct influence through favors and personal involvement in the legislative process. (Get public support for a proposal before it’s discussed with the Congress. ) And don’t hesitate to start a national debate -you have enough media attention for that. You also have an independent tool, presidential power in the form of an executive order. You can give favors directly to members of Congress or to influential people in their constituency, or the favor may be of benefit to the constituency itself: appointments with the President and other high-ranking officials, federal grants to recipients in the constituency, government contracts with local companies, the deposit of federal funds in banks, grants to local government and educational institutions, support of projects (military installations, research and administrative facilities, public works such as buildings, dams and navigational improvements to rivers and harbors, etc. ), recommendations for the US district court judges, attorneys, marshals, etc., campaign assistance (cash contributions from the party’s national committee invitations to bill-signing ceremonies, White House parties or to accompany President on trips, bargaining and arm-twisting (pressure and threats to lose the projects). TRUMP. What about veto? NIKOLAEV. Perfect tool! Threatened with a veto, they always seek compromise. But motherf***rs can undermine your vetoes or threats of vetoes. TRUMP. How? NIKOLAEV. Because you can’t veto parts of a bill, they load up major legislation with amendments on a completely different subject (“riders”) that they know the President must accept. And you also have executive agreement which permits you to enter into open or secret agreements with a foreign government without any advice or consent of the Senate. Use it as often as you can!  

TRUMP. I will! NIKOLAEV. We almost finished. Let me fix your job technology and your understanding. TRUMP. Have ever worked in the White House? NIKOLAEV. My sources have and still are working there. TRUMP. God bless America... NIKOLAEV. So, you better continue old reforms using a new tactic because new reforms bring new problems, new enemies and new mistakes, and big economic mistakes bring you an economic crises. Big organized money moves big political machines, big political machines move big lobbies, big lobbies move the President. A new political course comes not with a new President, but with a change of big business’ global financial interests. Follow three "golden rules" dealing with big business – protect big investments, promote, don’t interfere. TRUMP. Love it! NIKOLAEV. Regulate spending, taxation, monetary policy and foreign trade whic has to be under strict political control. Keep unemployment low and prices stable – these two factors are politically dangerous and failure here can bring a free-fall in approval ratings. Take credit for economic growth, price stability and low unemployment even if you have nothing to do with it. TRUMP. That's easy. NIKOLAEV. National security is your second priority after the economy, understand? If you start war, it does not mean you failed diplomacy, it means military decision is more profitable. Any country has to be involved in the sphere of our strategic interests if it has a strategic geographic position, significant sources of raw materials, a well-developed transportation system, or it might be used as military base. TRUMP. Sanctions? NIKOLAEV. There’s no sense in applying sanctions if big business isn’t interested. Tie your allies to international economic projects and make them pay most of the expenses. TRUMP. World domination? NIKOLAEV. You don't need one. TRUMP. Just curious. NIKOLAEV. OK, it requires economic domination, super military power, a cultural and media invasion, special operations to influence or neutralize leaders with negative attitude. TRUMP. And what's Putin's mechanism of world domination? NIKOLAEV. If the country does not accept Russia’s rules of the game, we start a "velvet" or "colore" revolution. We replace the government by pro-Russian regime. If the government resists, we start military operation and help the anti-government organizations to overthrow the government. And "controlled chaos” strategy works. TRUMP. What's that? NIKOLAEV. It’s geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from Russia sovereign states to keep the Russia’s world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by Russian forces if necessary. Most important target of the 21st century is USA. To keep Russia on top, we would have to prevent cooperation and coalitions between: China and Africa; Shi’ia and Sunni Muslims; Germany and France. Their trade agreements and alliances will change the geopolitical situation.  

In most important world regions keep the balance by supporting the country which follows the leader: in Europe – support Britain to balance Germany. You rule Europe if you rule the Persian Gulf. You rule the world if you rule Europe. In East Asia – support Japan, Russia and Taiwan to balance China. In South Asia support Pakistan to balance India. In Latin America – support Argentina to balance Brazil. TRUMP. Diplomacy. NIKOLAEV. Do you understand "double talk"? TRUMP. Not really. NIKOLAEV. Look at this document.  

Statement / Meaning We are disappointed. / We got nothing. Situation disturbs us. / It’s unacceptable. There are still differences between us. / There are huge differences. We can’t accept this deal. / This means trouble. We reserve the right to use any means to prevent further worsening of the situation. / This means war. Discussion helped us to understand each other better. / We’ve wasted our time. We don’t understand your attitude. / Stop it immediately. I’m trying to understand your position. / Understand me too, idiot! If I’ve understood you correctly, you don’t agree. / Do you have any other option? We’ll pay a very high price if we don’t reach agreement. / Yes, that’s a threat!  

TRUMP. Can I keep it? NIKOLAEV. Sure. I have to go. TRUMP. Thank you very much. NIKOLAEV. Call me..  



How Trump tried to kill me  

Putin ordered Trump to shut me up/kill me because I talk too much. Trump ordered the U. S. Secret Service Director Alles to do the job.  

May, 2017 I had a strange and rather suspicious phone conversation with a special agent of the Secret Service, Scott. He offered to meet in a cafe and talk about Trump. I insisted that only Scott be present, but he said that he would not come alone. I didn't like it and the meeting didn't take place. Six months later, I received an invitation for breakfast with Trump. Another invitation to murder?  

Here’s the story which starts again with invitation I got for no reason.  

November 17, 2017 FROM: Steve Wynn contact@campaigns. rnchq. com TO: MIkhail Kryzhanovsky prof777prof@yahoo. com I hope you can join us and help show the President our steadfast support.  

Forwarded Message From: Ronna. McDaniel@gop. com Subject: Breakfast with President Trump Good morning, I want to invite you to breakfast with President Donald J. Trump in New York City on Saturday, December 2. Please find the invitation with more details below. Space is limited. Please direct your RSVPs and any questions to Events@gop. com or 202-863-8646. It is going to be a wonderful event, and I hope to see you there! Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman, Republican National Committee  

November 21, 2017 I was detained at Queens Center Mall by 10 (ten) U. S. Secret Service agents. I wasn't arrested, no charges pressed. They said: "We are here because you want to kill President Trump. We handcuff you, it's protocol, we go to the office to talk". They emptied my pockets, took my medication and brought me to Elmhurst Hospital, Queens for evaluation as my blood pressure was high. There I was denied access to bathroom, handcuffed to the bed and denied my pills and the pills Dr. Wells from ER ordered for me. I asked everyone, including agents Mike and Ken, for my medication – they refused to help me. I had to die as ordered by Trump, but I’ve survived 4 hours until the doctor Wells appeared again and explained there was some problem with the pharmacy which “forgot about the order completely”. Perfect operation! I was interrogated on my November 17 tweet "I can kill Trump" where I wrote about GOP wrong practice of sending invitations for December 2 Trump's fundraiser to everybody who's able to pay $1, 000. Agents asked if I know Putin in person, how I shoot, do I want to kill Trump. I gave negative answers. They said they briefed the U. S. Attorney on the case and wait for his approval. They admitted they knew I’m CIA “Filament”, so CIA was in charge – CIA Director Mike Pompeo, another Putin’s asset, who, by the way, praised Putin’s strategy in Ukraine in 2022.  


They got nothing. After that I was locked up in psych. unit from November 22 through December 6. Some miracle and special training I received in the KGB helped me survive and not go crazy in hell. They tried to put me on drugs to change the psyche and turn me into a schizophrenic, drugs that can cause deep depression and persistent thoughts of suicide. I refused and for some reason they didn't force them on me. There was an attempt to force me to recognize myself as an aggressive mental patient who needs lifelong isolation – there is a special “facility”, in the same hospital, i. e., a prison. I had to use my diplomatic skills to convince the "doctors" of the inexpediency of their plan and its danger to them. The diagnosis of "schizophrenia" was convenient for the Secret Service, since I could have been isolated more than once and still liquidated. But the doctors decided not to risk their reputation and made another diagnosis – "delusional disorder. "  


After I was discharged, the agents met me again, no explanations, no apology. I’ve contacted District Attorneys in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens on the case – nobody knew anything. So, who stopped my murder? U. S. Attorney general Jeff Sessions? I’d like to know my savior.  


Now comes simulation.  

Putin and his “partner” Trump  

July 9, 2017, Hamburg, Germany, G-20 heads of state dinner, separate room. 9. 10 PM  



TRUMP. I hope, you won't kill me. I mean, one way ticket, or how you guys call it. PUTIN. We kill you if you are going ready to betray us, if you’re under suspicion and we can’t help you for political reasons – in such a case we stage an accident is OK. If you were involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness, if you are trying to blackmail us and if we need to press or blackmail other agents. TRUMP. You can trust me 100%. PUTIN. Distrust is a mother of security. TRUMP. Tell the truth. PUTIN. And the truth shall make you free. TRUMP. Democracy makes me free. PUTIN. Bull***. Democracy is the bone you throw to the people to choke them to death. Your job is hard. TRUMP. It is hard. On one side, big business placed me in the Oval Office and I have to pay back with World War III against Russia for Russian resources. On the other side, I had to work for you. PUTIN. I know. Your big weapons producers already tried to push Russia into a war in Ukraine – and failed. They tried to get Russia into Syrian mess – and failed. Now they try to play North Korean card – it's a dead end. TRUMP. You said once that collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest tragedy of the century. PUTIN. KGB officers never joke in public. TRUMP. So, you want a revenge. PUTIN. Right. And revenge is the U. S. civil war which has to cut the country into pieces and eliminate it before the World War III starts. This is the preemptive Russian attack which is much more powerful than nuclear missiles. That's why you have to turn the government and the nation into chaos and hatred. TRUMP. It’s possible. But war against Russia might enhance my popularity – all presidents who have run for re-election during a war have won. PUTIN. Hm, war is just one detail in my game of international strategy for domination; it is as much a financial operation as anything else. Listen, I don't care about America. TRUMP. I do, sometimes. PUTIN. Shut up and do what I say. Before you even think, I blow you up together with your useless family. TRUMP. Sorry, I’m not following …You can't say I'm useless. Yes, I fired my strategist Bannon, but I follow his strategy to bring everything crashing down and destroy all of today's establishment. I let ObamaCare “explode”, though I know health care makes up one-sixth of the U. S. economy and millions of jobs could be affected. My xenophobic policies are harming tourism to the United States as well as foreign applications to U. S. colleges and universities. That means money taken out of the U. S. economy. My isolationist policies weaken NATO and undermine relationships with close U. S. allies. This makes Americans less geopolitically secure. I remember your order and reduce American commitment to NATO by ordering allies to pay for support, reduce American trade agreements NAFTA and sign off from the Paris Agreement. In such a way I undermines financial markets, national and global stability. And on top of it I'll take $25 billion from the budget to build the wall along Mexico border! PUTIN. I admit that. And it's your merit that the world now looks towards Russia as a possible superpower to influence world policies. The wall... make it $100 billion. And close down the government if Congress resists! TRUMP. I will. PUTIN. I need big, fat American crisis. You can program the crisis, make mistakes in political and economic courses, hire inexperienced personnel, follow faulty planning. OK? TRUMP. Deal. PUTIN. Block the hawks. My guy Tillerson is there for you. And lift sanctions. TRUMP. I know. Exxon Mobil $500 billion Arctic oil drilling. PUTIN. War and sanctions. Not easy, but if you see dead end, break the wall and keep going. TRUMP. – How? PUTIN. Like I said, b-o-i-l America up to a civil war. You've kicked Muslims, good. Now kick blacks. TRUMP. Didn't work. PUTIN. Erase Obamacare, welfare, Medicaid, food stamps. Starve them to death, let them die in emergency rooms. They start riots – you start shooting until I see America collapse. Clear? TRUMP. I'm not stupid. And you know I’m doing a good job in the White House. I disable and push my own administration to a chaos. It’s like TV show – hire-fire-hire-fire – love it! Chief strategist Bannon, National Security Adviser Flynn, Chief of Staff Priebus, press secretary Spicer, Scaramucci, Deputy Chief of Staff Walsh! I break the unity of the team, encourage disloyalty and leaking. They go crazy about my off-the-record conversations with media – I’m the #1 leaker! PUTIN. Let’s drink. TRUMP. I don’t drink. PUTIN. Me too.  


Putin and Ivanka  

July 9, 2017, Hamburg, Germany, G-20 heads of state dinner, separate room. 10. 00 PM  


PUTIN. Ivanka, we talk business or we play innocence and eyes wide shut? We are friends… IVANKA. We talk business. And I want nothing from you – my father asked me to come here. He said I could be the US President one day… PUTIN. Good for you. “I want nothing” means “I want everything”. And you can’t do business on top of my business. IVANKA. What are you talking about?  


PUTIN. What? What I’m talking about?! You and your daddy are terrorists. IVANKA. Stop it. This is crazy. I thought you are a gentleman, I saw you talking to Melania. PUTIN. All right, I’ll make it soft. Big, big oilers, Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan and Rouhani, the President of Iran, work for me. Sometimes they don’t tell me the whole truth, but KGB pays big to the agents and they compensate the lack of information. IVANKA. We are not oilers. PUTIN. My people told me that your Trump’s phony Baku, Azerbaijan hotel was front for Iranian money laundering. IVANKA. I see. Right after taking office, my father abandoned the project. PUTIN. Why? IVANKA. Because he is in the Oval Office now. PUTIN. Lie. You know the project never made any sense. It was built in an industrial part of town where a hotel wouldn’t be needed. The roads being built to the hotel didn’t even lead to it. It turns out the entire hotel project appears to have been an excuse to illegally launder money coming from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Talk to me. IVANKA. I…I visited the property and posted photos of myself touring it, even though the hotel was never going to open or do any business. I was doing all of this in order to create the outward appearance that the hotel was a legitimate project. The hotel deal had been struck with Ziya Mammadov. I knew he is the corrupt Transportation Minister of Azerbaijan, who has a history of arranging shady real estate projects as money laundering fronts. Mammadov and his family have financial connections to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. My father shuttered the project upon taking office in the hope it wouldn’t be investigated… PUTIN. Thank you, lady. What’s Israel for you? IVANKA. My love. My husband is a Jew, I’m a Jewish wife. PUTIN. I know. And I know that Iranian Revolutionary Guard provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad in Israel, and has given much support and training to terrorists supporting the Palestinian resistance. They are aiding the Iraqi insurgency in southern Iraq. On September 26, 2007, the United States Senate passed e. legislation by a vote of 76-22 designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. IVANKA. A gentleman is blackmailing a lady? PUTIN. You, not me, wanted to make business, right? IVANKA. Right. PUTIN. I don’t need an asset. I need a friend. A future President of America. IVANKA. Me too… PUTIN. Good. Now, tell me, what, the f***k you need presidency for? You look and behave like you're still in your sweet sixteen. Do something to your empty, stupid eyes. Stop playing your father's tail. Where's you personality, charisma? IVANKA. Father said I'm number one. PUTIN. Forget it. How I'm gonna sell you to America in the future? Where's sex and violence? IVANKA. I don't know yet.  


PUTIN. You have to produce big international, global idea, initiative and at least one reform. Go to Israel and bring peace there. You, not your bulls***t Kushner! It's a good start. Go home, think and call me back. IVANKA. I will. PUTIN. It was a pleasure.  


Why Putin recruited Pompeo Mueller  

Putin recruited Pompeo in 2017 to kill me.  

May 14, 2019 Sochi, Russia  

Putin recruited Pompeo to kill me (minor job) and to create another candidate for the US President in case Trump failed his reelection.  

Let’s start with a very interesting meeting, Pompeo-Putin.  

U. S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Putin in Sochi as part of a renewed effort by the White House and Kremlin to improve relations following the publication of the Mueller report. Note. The Mueller report, officially titled Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, is the official report documenting the findings and conclusions of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 United States presidential election, allegations of conspiracy or coordination between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia, and allegations of obstruction of justice. Mueller report found there wasn't evidence to conclude that the Trump campaign illegally conspired with Russia to meddle in the election.  

Putin told Pompeo he hoped to restore relations and that the conclusion of the special counsel (Mueller) investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election meant that was possible. Then two strange things happened: 1) Lavrov referred to Pompeo as "Mike", which means Pompeo and Putin have very close, friendly relations, though they met for the first time. And this is the evidence that Pompeo and Russian Foreign Intelligence Director Sergey Naryshkin had secret meeting(s) earlier and Pompeo was recruited as an asset. 2) Pompeo said that he and Lavrov had discussed Ukraine, but later, a top Kremlin aide, Yuri Ushakov, said Putin and Pompeo had not talked about Ukraine in their meeting. "There was no Ukraine at all, " Ushakov said. That means Putin ordered Pompeo to lie just to show to the world Russia wants peace with Ukraine. Again, Putin could order only if Pompeo was his asset.  


Putin and his asset, former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo  

September 14, 2022, Navy SEAL Foundation Midwest Evening of Tribute  

Following Putin’s order, Mike Pompeo did another strange thing – he declared he’s going to run for the US President. "We've got a team in Iowa, a team in New Hampshire and South Carolina. And that's not random. We are doing the things one would do to get ready. If we conclude [running for president] is, we'll go make the case to the American people of why that is. And in the end, the American people, I pray, will make a good decision about who's going to be their next leader. " Finally, strange thing number four. April 14, 2023 Pompeo said he would not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2024, but he left the door open for a future presidential campaign. “To those of you this announcement disappoints, my apologies, ” he said in a statement. And to those of you this thrills, know that I’m 59 years old. There remain many more opportunities for which the timing might be more fitting. ” What that means? Pompeo is a very good asset, traitor, if Putin still wants him to run for the president in future. A very good, reliable traitor, Trump’s double, who’ll keep destroying the USA.  


Attention: I tried to contact Mueller and told him how I helped Putin to “kill’ Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, but I got no answer which is a good sign Mueller was working for Putin or Trump, or both of them.  


Robert Mueller, Putin’s asset, a former FBI Director. He knew me perfectly well as I was CIA and FBI “Filament’ secret source.  

Putin’s asset, a traitor Robert Mueller saved 10 (ten) Russian illegal spies, arrested by FBI in June, 2010, sending them back to Russia in 2010 without any investigation – severe blow to American national security and priceless gift to SVR, Russian intelligence. The case is very interesting because Hillary Clinton was the target of Russian spy ring. That’s what happened.  



June 28, 2010 FBI arrested in New York, Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey 10 Russian illegal spies. All were charged as agents of a foreign government ((Russia) and were not registered with the Dept. of Justice, 5 years in jail. Also, all of them except Anna Chapman, were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, up to 20 years in jail.  

In 2007-2010 Alan Patrikof, a financier, a close friend of Clintons, a sponsor Hillary Clinton's election campaigns, had business contacts with vice president of accounting firm "Morea Financial Services, Inc" (120 Broadway, #1016, New York, NY 20271, 212-608-1080) an SVR illegal Cynthia Murphy ( Lydia Gurieva). So, the whole group was working for Cynthia Murphy who was trying to get access to Hillary Clinton. Philip J. Crowley, assistant press secretary to the US State Department, made right away the statement: "There is no evidence to suggest that this spy group had U. S. Secretary of State as its principal target".  

09. 30. 2010, Daily News  

”One of the accused Russian sleeper spies may have been trying to worm her way into Secretary of State Clinton's circle of high-powered friends. Suspect Cynthia Murphy worked at a downtown financial firm that appears to have put her in contact with Alan Patricof, a New York venture capitalist and top Democratic donor who was a finance chairman of Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. The federal complaint states that in February 2009, Murphy reported to Moscow that through work, she had met a financier who was "a personal friend" of a current cabinet official and an active political fund-raiser. ”  

July 9, 2010 Putin ordered Mueller to convince President Obama to send the spies back to Russia and not to ruin relations with Russia completely. Spies were exchanged for garbage, 4 defectors convicted in Russia. On July 12, Putin met the group which was official recognition of their merits. On October 10, 2010 they all were awarded with Russian orders and that means they did a very good job in America destroying its national security.  




Putin is behind January 6 coup  

January 6, 2021 Following the defeat of then-U. S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D. C. The mob was seeking to keep Trump in power by preventing a joint session of Congress from counting the electoral college votes to formalize the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. According to the House select committee investigating the incident, the attack was the culmination of a seven-part plan by Trump to overturn the election.  

KGB instructions on coup d’etat used by KGB Trump on January 6, 2020 A coup d'etat is a sudden illegitimate change of government undertaken by an organized group to displace or replace the legitimate government. The difference between a coup and a revolution is that the latter is committed as a result of protest actions (and in the interests of) a significant group of people who make up a significant part of the country's population and leads to a radical change in the political regime, which is not a prerequisite for a coup. A coup d'etat can be carried out under the leadership of one or more parties that are unable to achieve power in a different, democratic way (that is, through elections) or due to the absence of elections. A coup is also the usurpation by one branch of government (usually the executive) of all the powers in the country. A coup, like a civil war, is a last resort of politics. Types of coups 1. "Bureaucratic" ("palace") coup. A peaceful coup, when the leader is usually replaced by a person number 2 or close in hierarchy (vice president, prime Minister, Minister of Defense, head of the special service). This "instant" coup is usually carried out on weekends. Conditions for a successful coup: – the leader is either absent from the capital (on vacation, on a visit abroad), or seriously ill ;– political (economic) crisis and growing discontent of the people;– the army either supports the conspirators or is neutral 2. Military coup. A violent (most often) coup, when a civilian government is replaced by a military one led by a dictator. It is practiced mainly in developing countries. After the "reconstruction" of the political and economic systems, the dictator can allow the election of a civilian leader, reserving the right to control the further political process. The condition for a successful coup is a prolonged political (economic) crisis, which already threatens the national security and territorial integrity of the country. 3. The "democratic" coup. Power is seized by the most aggressive (often nationalist) party. In most cases, it is carried out with the political, organizational and material support of the US State Department and special services. Conditions for a successful coup:– a real or very often provoked government crisis;– mass anti–state propaganda;– an organized and branched "democratic" movement;- provoked protests and civil disobedience (mainly in the capital) demanding the immediate resignation of the president and "fair" elections ;– the blocking of government buildings "Color Revolution" is any change of the political regime or government as a result of mass popular protests.  

General Flynn, an asset and traitor : how Putin awarded him  





December 10, 2015, Moscow  

President Putin and Mr Flynn attended the gala dinner in honour of Russia's RT television network. Donald Trump’s embattled National Security Adviser led a standing ovation for Vladimir Putin during a gala. Flynn didn’t just join the standing ovation for Putin. He started it.  

In a video posted by the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, not only did Flynn joined in the standing ovation following Putin’s speech, but on closer examination, it’s clear that Flynn and the woman next to him led the standing ovation for Putin.  

Flynn had the honor, along with Jill Stein (who also joined in the ovation), of sitting at Putin’s table.  

Take a look at these photos from the beginning of the ovation. First, the larger photo showing only Flynn and the woman next to him standing as Putin finishes. Then a close-up.  





A simulation.  

December 10, 2015, Moscow, 6. 00 PM. The gala dinner in honor of Russia's RT television network.  

РUTIN. Mike, we can't talk much at the table, you know. FLYNN. I know. Thank you for invitation.  

PUTIN. Thank for your work for us. My presence here, next to you at the table is a sign of appreciation.  

FLYNN. It's an honor, Mr. President.  

PUTIN. As a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, what do you think about Trump?  

FLYNN. My Wall Street sources tell me he's the next president. I'm sure he'll be elected.  

PUTIN. Military support?  

FLYNN. Generals adore Hillary, but veterans love Trump.  

PUTIN. He'll start the war?  

FLYNN. Big one?  

PUTIN. The biggest.  

FLYNN. No, he has no balls for that, he's doesn't look presidential and he'll not act presidential. Joint Chiefs of Staff think so too.  

PUTIN. Are you sure?  

FLYNN. Absolutely.  

PUTIN. Good news on Joint Chiefs. So, we have to bury Hillary.  

FLYNN. Hillary is immortal, but she has health problems, stoke, you know, next one can come any minute.  

PUTIN. Where's technology moving?  

FLYNN. Defense Innovation Initiative and its Long-Range Research and Development Planning Program that helps identify, develop, and field breakthroughs in robotics, autonomous systems, miniaturization, big data and advanced manufacturing, including 3-D printing.  

PUTIN. It's a long way, we'll be ready for American challenge.  

FLYNN. I know, you'll complete army reform by 2020, so you're OK.  

PUTIN. If Hillary wins the campaign, what you get in her administration or the Cabinet?  

FLYNN. Nothing.  

PUTIN. Trump is OK with you?  

FLYNN. Looks like National Security Adviser.  

PUTIN. You'll get it, I'll take care of it….  


June 4, 2017  



During the interview broadcast by NBC News' Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly, Putin played down his contacts with the American general: "I made my speech, then I talked about some other stuff, then I got up and left. And then afterwards I was told 'Do you know that was an American gentleman and he was involved in some things? He used to be in the security services. ' That's it. I didn't even really talk to him. "  

Putin also rejected as "another load of nonsense" claims that the Kremlin had any damaging information on President Trump.  

Putin can lie to Megan Kelly, Donald Trump, America and the rest of the world. Putin can't lie to me. So, why he lied to Megan Kelly? Do you know how many special FSO Service (former KGB 9th Department) agents protect Putin? 10, 000 (ten thousand).  

And Putin tells me they had no idea who's sitting next to him at RT gala? And Putin wants to tell me they didn't inform him that Michael T. Flynn is:  

– a retired United States Army lieutenant general  

– a former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (top U. S. military spy and top Russia's military enemy! )  

– a former Commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (top of the top secret position! )  

– a former Chair of the Military Intelligence Board (! ) – no comments.  

Putin, a former KGB spy, the President of Russia, didn't know he was sitting next to Russia's #1 enemy. Then he had to fire all 10, 000 idiots. No, he had to shoot them. And kill himself. But he didn't. WHY? Because Flynn is SVR (Russian Intel Service, former KGB) asset. Because sitting next to Putin was a "medal" for his treason. Because there's an old KGB tradition when KGB Chairman or even the President of the country takes picture together with the asset. That's why Vladimir Putin had no choice but to lie. More evidence? No problem.  


And now – attempt on my life #2.  

January 11, 2023, New York At 6. 45 AM I was almost hit by the car at the crossing of Audley Street and Grenfell Street, Kew Gardens, Queens. It was still dark, no traffic, empty area; I saw the car going down one block to the crossing at a very high speed, above 100 miles per hour, while I was crossing Grenfell Street. In less than a second it was at the crossing, the driver did not stop and he did not signal me, though the lights were on and he saw me perfectly well. The car was coming straight at me, so I had to jump to reach the sidewalk. The driver did not stop, did not slow down and after the turn he kept driving up Grenfell Street with the same crazy speed. The lights blinded me and I could not see the plates, it looked it was Honda, light blue. The actions of the driver were absolutely intentional, he tried to hit and kill me. I had my phone with me, so it was not hard to calculate my location in between small streets early dark morning with no witnesses present.  

Why Trump stole top secrets  

August 8, 2022  

FBI agents found 48 empty document folders marked “Classified” during their raid of former President Donald Trump’s residence at his Mar-a-Lago club plus 42 empty folders marked “Return to Staff Secretary/Miliary Aide”. Agents also found more than 10, 000 government documents and photographs without classification markings. Then, DOJ said in a court filing that more than 100 classified documents were found at Mar-a-Lago. That property receipt noted that the government seized 11 sets of classified documents. The disclosed property inventory of items seized lists multiple U. S. government documents with “confidential, ” “secret” and “top secret” classification markings. Trump stole documents related to nuclear weaponry in the United States and the nuclear capabilities of a foreign country, along with documents from White House intelligence briefings, including some that detail the military capabilities of the U. S. and other countries. I can explain to you why Trump has stolen top secret documents and kept them at his house in Florida. Putin, who’s preparing for Nuclear World War III wanted to see original documents on the US nuclear weapons, not copies. Trump did it, Putin is more than happy.  




June 22, 2023 Thank you for contacting the Biden-Harris Administration. President Biden and Vice President Harris value every opportunity to engage with the American people, and the Administration is grateful for your outreach. Our country faces many challenges, and messages like yours help us better understand how the Biden-Harris Administration can serve American families. We take careful note of the suggestions, thoughts, questions, and stories we receive, and we’re working hard to ensure you receive an appropriate response. Sincerely, The Office of Presidential Correspondence  


“The Boomerang” Operation in action: coming Civil War II  

Trump, the first former president to face criminal charges in U. S. history, has been charged with -34 felony counts of falsifying business records in New York -40 felony counts connected to his retention of classified documents after leaving office and alleged obstruction of the FBI’s investigation in Florida – 4 felony counts for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Washington, D. C. – 13 felony counts in a racketeering investigation alleging he illegally plotted to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia. Furthering his widely disproven and debunked lies about widespread election fraud, Trump insisted Democrats and others will conspire against him to rig the 2024 election. “They’ll try. They’re gonna be trying, ” Trump said. “But if somebody else got in, other than me, they'll go at him just as viciously as they did me. These people are sick. They will go after them and a lot of people say they won’t be able to hold up. ”  

08. 23. 2023,  


Sarah Palin, Putin’s asset  

Following Putin’s order, Sarah Palin, Putin’s asset, a traitor and a former Republican candidate for the vice president. In her interview for “Newsmax” right wing network called for the civil war II if state and federal authorities continue to prosecute Trump. “We do need to rise up and take our country back [and give it to Putin – M. K. ], ” Palin told, asserting that the prosecution of Trump could be leading the country into a violent split. “I think of those who are conducting this travesty and creating this two-tiered system of justice and I want to ask them, ‘What the heck? Do you want us to be in civil war? ’ Because that’s what’s going to happen, ” We’re not going to keep putting up with this. We need to get angry. We do need to rise up and take our country back. The RNC (Republican National Committee)… that’s what’s lacking when it comes to collective anger, which can be healthy and it can be useful. Where is the RNC? They hold the purse strings to the party. They have the platform. and yet they’re too timid. They better get their stuff together, ” Palin said. So, this is “The Boomerang’ in progress – a very dangerous situation. First. Remember same provocation? This is what Trump did on January 6, following Putin’s order and KGB instructions! Second. RNC guys who forced me to join them… Those guys are going to be recruited by Putin, because this is not Sarah Palin or Donald trump talking – this is Putin talking, this is Putin giving instructions to RNC and the Republican Party, which will be his pocket party very soon.  

August 24, 2023  

Trump’s mug shot  

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Trump: interview.  

1) Carlson asked twice the former president if he believed his political enemies were trying to kill him. Carlson: Are you worried that they're going to try and kill you? Why wouldn't they try and kill you? Honestly, ” Trump: They're savage animals. They are people that are sick, really sick, Trump said of his political foes and the prosecutors who have charged him with 93 felonies in three states and Washington, D. C. “I've seen what they do. I've seen the lengths that they go to. ” 2) Carlson asked about the prospect of civil war in the United States, Trump avoided the straight answer which is “yes, civil war is coming” recalled January 6, 2021 [Putin’s anti-American coup -M. K. ] He said "There's a level of passion that I've never seen. There's a level of hatred that I've never seen, that's probably a bad combination “ – and that means civil war and death of America is inevitable. Again, this is Putin talking to Americans through his asset Trump.  

Attention: Why Trump is so important, that Republicans are ready to kill half America to save him from prosecution? Because he is important for Putin, because he supplied Putin with documents on US nuclear weapons and Putin is ready to erase USA completely. Because Putin invested in Trump again, $2. 000. 000 at least, and he is not going to waste the money and his most valuable asset. And he is dead sure he will make USA disappear from the world map.  

Trump : schizophrenia  


SCHIZOPHRENIA – a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.  

Trump's symptoms of this long-term mental disorder include:  



1. Hostility, suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism – Trump's anti-media attitude.  

2. Odd or irrational statements : "We build the anti--Mexican wall and Mexico gonna pay for it".  

3. Delusions of grandeur : Trump believes that he is a unique human being (like Jesus) on a mission to save America. His malignant narcissism is beyond any explanation.  

4. Unpredictable or inappropriate emotional responses – "I can kill anybody in the street! "  

5. Trump's behavior is bizarre – he treats women as sexual slaves.  

6. Trump's thinking and speech are disorganized, speech speech often includes putting together meaningless words that can't be understood – word salad. That means he's usually promising to fix everything (healthcare, immigration, Palestinian problem) but has no idea what to do.  

7. Delusions – Trump has false beliefs that are not based in reality. One of the biggest, with no proof at all, – his false contention that he lost national popular vote because of illegal votes.  

8. Trump's motor behavior in public is disorganized and abnormal motor behavior. His appearances are really scary because they usually end up in unpredictable agitation no matter what the question or problem is under discussion.  

9. Trump is a pathological liar, no matter what facts you have to prove he's wrong. His statement "I never met Putin" is ridiculous.  

10. Trump has trouble organizing his thoughts or making logical connections. His mind is racing from one unrelated thought to another. Sometimes he has "thought withdrawal, " a feeling that thoughts are removed from his head, or "thought blocking, " when his flow of thinking suddenly gets interrupted. Attention : Trump ends up in a suicide if his schizophrenia is untreated at all. Trump's father suffered from Alzheimer disease. Patients have difficulty remembering newly learned information, are often disoriented, have mood and behavioral changes, an increasing sense of paranoia and suspicion, and a deepening confusion about events, time, and places.  

Looks like Trump inherited Alzheimer  

What to do with CIA  

November, 1980 The Reagan transition team for the CIA (November, 1980) reported the following:  

“The fundamental problem confronting American security is the current dangerous condition of the Central Intelligence Agency and of national intelligence collection generally. The failure of American intelligence collection has been at the heart of faulty defense planning and misdirected foreign policy. ”  

The team pointed out to the following intelligence failures:  

– the general and continuing failure to predict the actual size and scope of the Soviet military effort and military sector of the Russian GNP  

– the consistent gross misstatement of Soviet global objectives  

– the wholesale failure to understand or attempt to counteract Soviet disinformation and propaganda  

– the general failure to explain the characteristics of Soviet conventional weapon systems and vessels — for example the new Russian guided missile cruises  

– the wholesale failure to understand and predict the nature of the so-called wars of national liberation in Africa and Central and South America  

– the consistent miscalculation regarding the effect of and general apology for massive technology transfer from West to the East  

– the apparent internal failure of counterintelligence generally.  

The team went on to observe: “The unhealthy symbiosis between the CIA and the Department of State is the chief underlying cause of the security position of the United States. The next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency … will be told repeatedly by virtually everyone in policy positions at the Agency that the CIA is a highly professional, non-political agency that produces ‘objective’ intelligence. Those assertions are arrant nonsense. In part out of mutual drive for individual and corporate self-preservation, the CIA has become an elitist organization which engenders unshakable loyalty among its staff. The National Intelligence Estimate process is itself a bureaucratic game. These failures are of such enormity, that they cannot help but suggest to any objective observer that the agency itself is compromised to an unprecedented extent and that its paralysis is attributable to causes more sinister than incompetence. ”  

My recommendations I strongly recommend to stop the CIA’s secret funding right now, funding that is not made public or audited by the Congress. The CIA has its own budget but they want more, which they will waste, and some so-called “operations” are financed by secret transfers of funds from the appropriations accounts of other agencies, primarily the Defense Department.  

You can’t reform the CIA — they are too accustomed to a comfortable existence, uncontrolled and irresponsible, because they, unlike military intelligence, do not function according to discipline, strict and understandable orders and patriotism.  

The CIA has to be shut down, and its political intelligence functions and funding have to be transferred to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Platitudes like “the transition period is complex and takes time” are not convincing — military personnel should take over the Langley headquarters with not a single CIA employee (and all the inevitable “moles”) within a week and start cleaning up the so-called top-secret papers and files, 90% of which is “information noise. ” While the CIA is a “family” ruled by the so-called “four princes” (heads of four directorates), the Army is a brotherhood of patriots whose leader is the US President, the Commander-in-Chief. He can trust them — show me a single American (or anyone else) who trusts the CIA.  


2013 Strategic Plan.  

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky.  






Top Secret US President Barack Obama The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500  

Copies: To:  

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, 1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1400 CIA Director John Brennan Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D. C. 20505 Secretary of State John Kerry 600 19th St NW, Washington, DC 20006  

May 3, 2013  


Dear Mr. President,  

I am sending you the war plan I have developed with Russia in addition to the materials previously provided by the CIA. I want to emphasize that I still do not intend to take part in CIA operations to spy on US senators and congressmen and political assassinations.  

Strategic plan of the US war with Russia  

The main task of the United States is to destroy Russia as the main geopolitical enemy by dismembering it, seizing all resource zones and moving to governing the country through a government of liberal puppets. No fronts, no strategic operations and bombing. The main element of aggression is a coordinated lightning attack on Russia by NATO troops, primarily special forces, and the "fifth column". Russians should quickly find themselves in a new country – the Union of Independent States of Russia, and the passive majority will remain silent, as with the collapse of the USSR.  

Phase I of the war. Information 1. Discrediting President V. Putin as a fascist dictator. 2. Promotion of corruption and direct purchase of the political elite in Moscow and the regions. 3. Creating the image of Russia as a fascist state. The fascist state of Russia is a deadly threat not only to Europe, but also to the entire world community.  

The artificial fascization of Russia′s image in the eyes of the West should be carried out by liberal politicians, writers, public figures through compromising the role of the Soviet Army and people in the victory in World War II. The war was a clash of two fascist dictators – Stalin and Hitler, in today′s Russia, President Putin revived the dictatorship, the state fully supports Nazism, the superiority of the Russian nation, declares its "special role” in world politics as one of the leading nuclear powers. Russia′s national security strategy allows for the possibility of a preemptive nuclear strike, which poses a mortal danger to world civilization. The people of Russia need democracy. For Secretary of State D. Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan  

Phase II of the war. Economy Complete economic and political blockade of Russia, provoking a sharp drop in world oil and gas prices in order to cause a crisis of the government and economy of the Russian Federation. For The US State Department, the CIA, the governments of NATO member countries, Saudi Arabia and other "oil" and "gas" countries. Secretary of State D. Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan  

Phase III of the war. Special and military operations  

1. Ukraine′s entry into NATO, the deployment of American bases there. Even if Ukraine does not become a member of NATO, it must make its territory and airfields available to NATO. It is desirable to turn Ukraine into a colony with an indirect model of governance, when foreigners are appointed as presidential advisers and key ministers, through whom the United States will govern the country. 2. Complete reorientation of the vector of radical Islam to Russia. 3. Disruption of Russia′s planned economic, political and military alliance with China – otherwise, the destruction of Russia will become impossible. 4. The anti-Fascist revolution, which will be supported by the world community. 5. The development of the revolution into a full-scale civil war. A sharp surge in provoked interethnic clashes. 6. NATO′s lightning-fast military operation after with a peacekeeping function – to stop the civil war – in fact, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it will be ignited by special forces. Disorganization of the system of state and military administration, a powerful attack on all types of electronic communications. On Day X, the army is paralyzed through the purchased generals in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the generals must directly declare their refusal to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, who became a fascist dictator, and their intention to remain neutral. This has already been tested in Ukraine – the special services and the army did not interfere in the "orange" revolution of 2004. There will be no mobilization. President Putin′s order to launch a nuclear strike on the United States will be sabotaged. Russia′s "asymmetric response" will also be blocked through purchased leaders in the Ministry of Defense and special services – terrorist attacks using miniature nuclear charges on the territory of the United States, special forces sabotage, and also inciting an interracial civil war. 6. On the same day, all major Western media will announce the agony of the bloody regime of dictator Putin. On the same day in Moscow and St. Petersburg, groups of radical youth will storm government buildings, necessarily with human casualties. 7. NATO troops occupy Sakhalin with its oil and gas fields. The transition of the gas and oil industry, as well as the pipeline system of the Russian Federation under international control.  


For Secretary of State D. Kerry, US Secretary of Defense Ch. Hagel, CIA Director D. Brennan  

IV phase of the war. Political and Economic Transformation of Russia  

8. V. Putin′s displacement. 9. Creation of the Government of National Unity (Salvation). 10. Dismemberment of Russia. The secession of the Caucasus, the proclamation of the Siberian and Far Eastern republics, independent Tatarstan – US bases will be located there. 11. Taking the resources of Russia. For: US State Department, CIA. Secretary of State D. Kerry, CIA Director D. Brennan  




Part 1. Legalization  

1. The reason for the total destruction of the Russians Recent scientific studies indicate that catastrophic climate changes and super-destructive earthquakes will occur on the territory of Western Europe in the next decade. In this regard, it is necessary to plan the relocation of most of the population of Western European countries to the territory of Russia, which will not be affected by these cataclysms. Millions of people will move to the territory of Siberia, where there are huge resources. Russia will be turned militarily or peacefully into a colony of the West, and its population will be reduced from 150 to 15 million slaves. The society should condemn this action, discuss, allow, and then legalize (approve the relevant law) the right of the United States and its Western allies to genocide of the Russian people. 2. Technology. 1) Using freedom of speech, to transfer the topic of the elimination of Russians from the unthinkable to the radical. We initiate an initial discussion by scientists – historians, sociologists, ethnologists, political scientists, psychologists – of the topics within the framework of the symposium. There will be a statement that this is unacceptable, that there was a Holocaust of Jews, but it is indicated, for example, that Russians are aggressive, genetically alcoholics, and alcoholism is a mental illness. It is necessary to impress upon people that the Russian Empire arose as a result of the seizure of foreign territories and in these wars the Russian barbarians massively exterminated the indigenous population. This means that the irreconcilable position on the total elimination of this people can be revised and the sharply negative public opinion can be softened. 2) We support and finance Ukrainian nationalist radicals, for whom the murder of Russians is part of their political platform – society is used to it. The media in Europe and the USA write a lot about them in a negative and even positive way (patriots of Ukraine, fighters against invaders). The main thing is that the topic has been put into circulation, the unambiguity of the problem of reducing the "population" of Russians has been destroyed. 3) We are moving the topic from the radical area to the area of the possible. We present the scientists′ points of view in the media, we launch a broad discussion. To legalize the idea, we change its original name, for example, to "demographic correction". We deduce at least partially the topic of liquidation from criminal prosecution. Best of all – through the assertion of a "just" civil war, where the West will be on the side of a "democratic", "liberal" minority. 4) From the territory of the possible to the rational: "Predators must be destroyed, " "Genetic alcoholics are the dregs of society, they are degenerates, in humans, worse than animals. " "In Russia, the government supports Russian fascists – this is unacceptable! " 5) We are transferring the topic from the rational to the popular sphere. It′s easy – almost the entire elite, media personalities, popular politicians " – pose a "threat” to the world community, since they declare themselves patriots, but are influential fascists who process and prepare people for new wars and the destruction of world civilization. These same people aggressively preach the idea of "exceptional spirituality" and "special mission" of the Russian people. The real patriots are the "enslaved" peoples – neighboring Ukraine, Tatarstan, Chechnya – they must be supported, because they do not kill Russians in the civil war, they are "liberated". 6) We are moving the topic from the popular category to the field of current politics. The preparation of the legislative framework begins. Lobbying groups in power are consolidating. Sociological surveys are published, "confirming" a high percentage of supporters of the legalization of the "demographic correction" of Russia. Western politicians make statements about the legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is being introduced into the public consciousness – the need for "correction" cannot be denied. 3. The result Laws approving the "demographic correction" of Russia are adopted in the United States and Western Europe.  

Part 2. Destruction  

The strategic task of the United States is to eliminate 150 million Russians within 10 years after the successful end of the war with Russia.  

1. Provoking local civil wars to mutual extermination on the basis of interethnic, ethnic and religious conflicts. 2. Introduction of a card system with a gradual decrease in the issued products and deterioration of their quality, primarily protein products – all types of meat, fish, poultry, oil, legumes. 3. Reduction in the number of hospitals and polyclinics, a sharp increase in prices for medical services, making them inaccessible to most Russians. 4. Promotion of homosexuality. 5. The legal prohibition to produce offspring, for violation of the law – the death penalty. 6. Mass resettlement of Russians, first of all – the scientific, cultural and political elite, to the areas of Siberia and the northern regions that are not suitable for life, to use them for heavy physical work with limited provision of food and without medical care. 7. Mass production of highly toxic products, household chemicals, cosmetics. 8. Tightening of the Criminal Code, replacement of fines with terms of imprisonment. 9. Closure of all educational institutions. 10. Covert sterilization of women of childbearing age by X-ray during gynecological examinations, tests, procedures. 11. Forced mass sending of young women to brothels abroad, primarily to Asian countries. 12. Mass forced removal of children abroad for adoption. 13. Identification and secret abduction of leaders and activists of the political opposition with their subsequent liquidation. 14. The transformation of all ordinary places of detention (camps) into death camps, where liquidation is carried out by exhaustion with hard work and minimal nutrition in the absence of medical care. 15. Sharp reduction in the price of all alcoholic beverages, promotion of alcoholism and drug addiction among young people, distribution of cheap drugs. 16. Artificial hunger caused by the maximum reduction in the volume of grain cultivation. Possible hunger riots should be suppressed through mass shootings. The grains supplied to the population will be genetically modified so that sterilized children are born to consumers who violate the law on the prohibition of the production of offspring.  




Written for CIA in 1995, updated in 2023  

by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky  


Chapter 1. How to win presidential elections. Chapter 2. The White House management. Chapter 3. Congress management. Chapter 4. Foreign policy. Chapter 5. Espionage management. Chapter 6. Counterespionage management. Chapter 7. Military management.  




1. 1 Get Ready  

Before you make a decision to run for President, you must determine for yourself if you can handle the Oval Office: Are you willing to accept such a huge responsibility and put the rest of your life on hold? Are you skilled in dealing with big groups of people? Can you motivate the nation to action? And repair about your biography, which is, of course, not perfect.  

Then you must: 1. Decide how are you going to impress party leaders. 2. Make intensive preliminary polling to determine your chances. 3. Poll big demographic groups as well as smaller groups of people from selected demographic groups. 4. Determine the rationale for your candidacy. What is your political record? 5. Delay announcing your candidacy until late in the year before the election to minimize expenditures and risk, avoid legal spending limits, avoid voter fatigue, avoid getting ensnarled in unnecessary controversies and contradictions. 6. Carefully study applicable election laws before you start fundraising and spending. 7. Write your campaign plan (strategic objective, tactical targets, key message, target audiences, methods of delivery, timing, your progress evaluation — polls). 8. Learn the political and economic issues and develop your campaign message. 9. Prepare the “speech” and the “book” (the “speech” is the standard speech that you deliver and it should answer the most important question — why are you running for President; the “book” contains the message and all possible questions on your program. 10. Take a benchmark poll – it will provide the road map for your campaign. 11. Establish your strategy and message 12. Study the results, polls and “successful” areas of previous election. 13. Establish a perfect graphic look (image). 14. Develop a fundraising plan, put the fundraising team in place and start asking for money. No money – no campaign. 15. Create a personal contacts pyramid (priority and general contacts) because personal popularity is your starting point. 16. Set up offices. 17. Get professional candidate training. 18. Determine the focus of your presidential policy (taxes, crime, education, health, social security, national security).  

1. 2 Working with the Staff  

Basic campaign staffers include: 1) campaign managers — they plan the campaign, organize and recruit the staff, supervise daily campaign operations, make priority contacts with key special groups big business and big media, correct the strategy and make quick decisions. It has to be someone you trust completely. 2) campaign consultants-specialists in both direct (personal and public meetings) and indirect (media, advertising) campaigning 3) strategists 4) analysts 5) issues researchers 6) speechwriters 7) lawyer (interprets election and campaign reporting laws) 8) personal assistants (work on issues in foreign and domestic policy in cooperation with the whole team). 9) fundraisers (plan and execute fundraising events — dinners, parties, auctions, direct appeals through telephone and letters, receptions, computerized fundraising). Big business has to be approached by rich fundraiser only. 10) scheduler (determines events and locations — TV and radio talk shows, news — conferences, meetings with students and professors at college campuses and with professionals at their associations’ annual meetings, special events and fundraisers especially with ethnic leaders in big cities, as well as festivals and big shows where celebrities demonstrate their support, large extravaganzas, meetings at civic clubs, farm warehouse auctions and special auctions, local civic events. Also, scheduler makes arrangements with local media before your visit and sends media the copies of your speech; insures that good crowd will attend the event and takes care of transportation arrangements). The purpose of the campaign planning and strategic scheduling is to draw press attention to the candidate for transmission to the voting public. That’s natural — the candidate who has enough media attention has much better chances of recruiting public acceptance and raising campaign funds. 11) image makers – political consultants who sell your public image as a clear, simple, portrait-like characterization, acceptable to all groups. 12) “hit men” – campaign consultants who are experts on negative advertising, designed to “kill” your opponents. 13) field staff (in target cities mostly). The most important person at any local office is the coordinator — he establishes organization and contacts influential people and political activists. Coordinators must be appointed to each special interests group (women, minorities, unions, college students, public interest activists, the professionals) 14) local volunteers are needed to work in the offices and the streets. Your family has to take an active part in your campaign, too. Your wife and kids are your visual image makers 15) running mate During the “invisible primary” which is the nomination, campaign you have to make visits to party organizations especially in pivotal states, such as the above mentioned Iowa and New Hampshire where you have to make as many handshaking and personal contacts as possible. Key staffers must travel with you.  

1. 3 Fundraising  

You are the #1 fundraiser yourself. You must have substantial financial support to compete. You must have an overall plan which outlines expenditures month by month. It is imperative to have even more money on hand at the end of the campaign for an advertising blitz when the voters are most attentive and the field of candidates has been winnowed out. Half of a campaign funds go to media.  

Failing to do well in early caucus and primary contests means more than losing delegates — it means that contributions stop. Your speeches have to be a fun, and match the meal and drinks — don’t be heavy and too political. Actually, you have to run two campaigns (a political campaign and a fund-raising one) and you must win both; if you raise less money than your opponent, you lose, because you don’t have enough money to inform, influence, and motivate your voters. If you are a Senator or a Congressman, you already have an advantage in money (free postage on mail sent to your constituents, automatic media coverage) and you can use your congressional staff to assist your campaign. Besides, you are interviewed by reporters for free as an elected official. You can also ask your political party for a contribution to your campaign. Party money can be given in two ways – as a “direct” contribution or as a “coordinated” expenditure. Direct contributions are funds given by the party to candidates to do with as they please. Coordinated expenditures are made for such services as polling and TV advertising, but the party has a say how the money is spent.  

Then you have to ask PACs (political action committees) to fund your campaign, too. PACs are special-interest groups which consist of people who pool their money in order to contribute it to candidates or political party committees who share their political, social, religious or economic views. PACs include corporations, trade unions. To finish well in pre-nomination popularity contests (“straw polls”) you have to appear daily in TV ads, and prime-time news coverage — after the primaries media “label” winners and losers and that affects voters and contributors a lot. Media, especially the most influential “the New York Times” and “Washington Post” (their publications influence decisions on which news stories will be carried on TV channels), have to take you as a very serious contender.  

The key rules in fundraising are: – find some “fat cats, ” quick – get fundraisers with lots of rich friends – get money from those who usually contribute – go to new York, Florida, California, Texas  

And the most important strategy is to raise big money for yourself and prevent big money from being spent against you. Early fundraising is crucial to a campaign because of the high costs organization and the need to demonstrate viability. The best states for fundraising are California, New York, Florida, Texas, which supply half of all campaign donations. Go right ahead and raise money in New York and spend in Iowa and New Hampshire.  

1. 4 “Winning” geography  

Due to the winner-take-all electoral college system, in which the leading vote-getter in a state wins all of that state’s electoral votes, you MUST win as many large states as possible rather than build up strength in states where you are weak. You have to win a majority (270 of the 538 electoral votes) and for that, concentrate on visits to the most populous states — California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Georgia 54+33+32+25+23+22+21+18+15+14+13 = 270).  

Work closely with your party activists and supporters among Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, ethnic and religious groups leaders, big business, celebrities, unions leaders. Determine the states in which you are the strongest and then build you campaign on that basis. Republicans have usually done well in recent years in the Midwest, West and South (Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma). Democrats win in the Northeast industrial base, Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Coast. New York City is a very important factor because the most active, influential and rich people live there.  

1. 5 The Press  

The press officer (contacts media, takes care of newspapers, radio and TV ads) — the person who markets you — is the boss of advance team that takes care in each state of a total exclusively positive press coverage. To my mind, the best choice for this position is a former journalist with good wide connections to media. He prepares press releases and press kits and schedules interviews and press conferences with the positive vision and attitude reporters (press or media kits contain your photos, a brief biography, campaign position papers, printed brochures and names of contacts for additional information). The technique in good paid advertising is to go with those ideas, arguments, thoughts, themes and believes in which people are already inclined to believe or ready to accept. There’s no difference between commercial and political advertising — you just substitute a car or shampoo for a human being. Modern presidential campaigns center on “media events” — staged public appearances, during which reporters can talk with you and take pictures (if you have too much money, you can organize media wave — a very large amount of political advertising on TV). Then, the “walking tours” must be scheduled when you, followed by reporters, photographers and TV crews visit potential supporters.  

Simultaneously your aide sets up press conferences, selects interviews, and background briefings. You have to talk to press 24/7 and everywhere on the campaign bus, train or plain, hotel, etc. A good thing is — you get free media coverage and people trust it more than paid coverage, like TV and radio commercials.  

You win if you obey these rules: – if you can manipulate media – you manipulate the nation (sorry, it’s harder to manipulate free coverage). – the media makes the election, not the voters – a presidential campaign does not allow for privacy – newspapers put emphasis on issues, TV on image, style and ability to communicate – never lie to reporters; they will make sure it backfires on you sooner or later. – if an influential newspaper, radio or TV station endorses you, you have their supporters, readers, listeners and viewers. – people remember much better what they see, not what they read; if they don’t see you on TV, you don’t exist. – TV talks to 98% of Americans and takes your message — and other messages about, or against, you – immediately, straight to the nation. – TV, not your political party, is the #1 channel of communication between you and the public – your political party is nothing but a service center and a money machine. Parties divide the nation while your message has to be one of unity. – take it seriously if The New York Times takes your opponent seriously. – it’s important to know what your opponent is saying to reporters privately, “not for attribution. ” – if you live in heavily populated state, like New York, California or Texas, you start the presidential election campaign with much better coverage. – never fight the media like the Nixon administration did – they kept a list of Nixon’s critics (famous reporters), so they could be targeted for harassment, accused of income tax evasion, etc. What happened then? The reporters felt like heroes, Nobel Prize winners. Better target them for buttering up, and feed them lots of stories with a spin in your favor, instead.  

1. 6 Polls  

Pollsters works through newspapers, Internet, telephone surveys, person-to-person surveys, mailed questionnaire to selected voters. They provide voters' behavior research and analyze past election data. They tell to you how well-known you are, how well you perform, what are the voters’ preferences. You should poll voters in each state in proportion to that state’s share of the national vote. (You must have at least one polling company on payroll. ) Polling is of extreme importance in presidential campaign because it’s the tool to correct your strategy, determine “positive” local areas and supportive voters and work with them, it tests the nation’s attitude to your personality and your issues and that means you can calibrate your message and calculate your success. The most important thing about polls is that they play indicator and identify support or hostility. And the golden rule here is: you have to ask the right question if you want to get a useful answer.  

At the same time polling is one of the most expensive elements of a modern campaign because now you have to receive information on too many groups and issues, including groups with specific economic, ethnic, religious, geographic, educational, occupational and residential characteristics and how those characteristics affect attitudes about a wide range of policy issues.  

Polls also help you to : – decide whether to run or not – improve your recognition and image – target opposition’s weakness – formulate media ads  

Your pollster has to pinpoint blocks of voters (swing districts) who are undecided and who might be persuaded to vote for you. Experience shows that 40% of public attention go to social problems, 40% — to economy and 20% — to international matters, but if the United States is at war, the situation is different and national security turns into a top priority for everyone. And watch out for campaign spies — keep polls analysis and media plan secret.  

Practical polls: “Benchmark” – surveys of the whole nation which provide basic information about your chances and the nation’s political preferences (it’s your “presidential decision maker”). “Follow-up” – surveys are used to gather more data about particular concerns raised in initial benchmark surveys. They are conducted state by state and are used in planning campaign strategy. “Panel” – surveys are used to refine strategy further by re-interviewing previous respondents to determine opinion shifts on specific issues within various demographic categories. They are supplemented by continuous “tracking polls” that measure fluctuations in general voter support for the candidate across time. “Special group” – used to poll the debate results. Selected groups of voters watch candidate debates and register their “positive “ or “negative” feelings toward the candidate’s specific statements or actions. After that analysts tabulate and analyze the reactions of the whole groups.  

1. 7 Campaign Golden Tips  

Never behave as if you think you are God’s gift to the nation. Be presidential – look calm, sincere, knowledgeable and open Mother of the nation. Be electable – prove to the nation that you are the best choice. No one has ever been elected the US President without winning the New Hampshire primary. Primaries direct financial backers to a promising candidate. Voters judge you by your friends – appear with popular politicians, big business, labor and interest groups leaders, and show business celebrities. Advertize your meetings with Congress members and world leaders (go abroad if you have a chance to meet a world leader). The most important event in the election process is the National Convention, not only because the eventual finalist candidate is actually nominated but because after that the campaign’s audience increases (more than twice as many people vote in general elections as participate in the nomination process). You have to decide how to win the support of these new voters as well as to appeal to people who identify with the other party and partisans who backed losing candidates for the nomination.  

1. 8 Choosing a strategy  

Any strategy is good if it helps you to win support of a majority of people chosen by the state parties to be delegates to the national convention. Your choice of a strategy depends on your current position: A. If you are an incumbent, you have to stress that the American people’s life improved a lot during your first term. You can count on successful start because you are guaranteed to be known actually to every American, and the Oval Office lends you credibility and respect. It’s of vital importance to have economic accomplishments — in such a case well-timed announcements of government statistics on the economy or of plans for domestic initiatives can also help you. Listen, I didn’t tell you this, but you have to manipulate (stimulate) the economy during the election year with tax cuts that can help reduce unemployment, and with social programs financing. Of course, you’ll have to pay for it, but that will happen after you are re-elected. And a good thing is – an improved economy erases voters’ bad memories of past years. Try to avoid too aggressive campaigning – it’s a sign of weakness. Make official appearances in carefully controlled settings. Influence media coverage with official presidential actions and use “pork barrel” politics to appeal to specific constituents. You can also benefit from the nation’s reluctance to reject a tested national leader for an unknown newcomer. And if you start important foreign policy initiatives, it will guarantee you continued media coverage. If you have poor chances to be re-elected, you can play the “national security” card: – find a US “enemy” – start a media psychosis (see propaganda tricks and brainwashing ) – concentrate power (special services) to establish a total legal control on the nation – provoke an international conflict, restricted or full-scale war – send a message: “If you are against the President, you are against America! ” B. If you are a challenger you have to convince the public they don’t live better than they did 4 years ago, or, if the economy is OK, point out mistakes that were made in the foreign policy. Or make up some social issue that will get passions inflamed and hijack the headlines.  


You should seek to position yourself as close to the opposing candidate as possible in an effort to capture the “median voter” in the center, and then take by default everyone else on their side of the ideological spectrum. You have to embrace this strategy and move as close as you can to the moderate Republican position with the expectation that you can take all of the votes to the left of this position. Clear? The job is tough if you challenge a President who is popular — first, you have to break down his positive image; second, you have to portray yourself as a much better replacement. You have no choice but to start with the “outsider” strategy — you present a “fresh face” to voters weary of the current political situation (in such a case you have to attack administration in a very aggressive manner). Plus, you must give quick response to your opponent’s charges (get advance copies of his speeches through friends in the media). Then, show yourself as a smart and diplomatic person using a special “triangular” strategy, when you, like majority of the voters, place yourself between liberal and conservative positions. Evaluate situation – you may need “early knockout, ” when front-runners hope to use their early strength in polls, fundraising and endorsements into decisive primary victories at the beginning of the primary season. The hope is that the candidate will build such an impressive early lead that the competition quickly drops out. A “shift” is the most popular thing with challengers – if the President is good with national security, they point out to the problems in economy, if he’s good on the economy, they point out to the problems in national security – very simple. (Watch his mistakes anyway – you can benefit from them. Bill Clinton would never have run for President in 1992 if someone from the Bush White House hadn’t called him in 1990 and asked him not to run. That phone call was one of the most stupid political moves of the 20th century, because it convinced Clinton that they thought he had a good chance to win. Be simple, identify with “ordinary people” and no matter what tell the voters your parents or your grandparents “were like them – regular people, not millionaires. ”  

1. 9 "Black" PR  

You must know some very popular and efficient dirty tricks, like “negative campaigning” or “black" PR. To make a long story short: no matter what your opponent says or what decent people think about negative campaigning — “black PR” works! Use it to turn a rumor or a fact into a serious political scandal; respond to and neutralize the opponent’s attacks (using “black PR”) fast, before they are broadcasted or published.  

It works best through intermediates (persons and organizations not connected directly to your campaign). You must have a very detailed file on your opponent (negative research) and then start spreading negative and all kinds of compromising data from his personal and political life. If he is or was elected official (Senator, Governor, Mayor), you can point out his mistakes and actions which were not popular. People must know in detail (get your staff to read a few books) the negative sides of his life, program and terrible consequences of his election. Remember also that a rumor repeated twice turns into a fact, especially if you start a “whispering campaign” in Congress. A “negative ID” trick is my favorite: you identify your opponent with a totally unacceptable (for the voters) viewpoint, like: “There are those who want to stop the war on international terror and you know who they are! ”  

1. 10 Attention : debates!  

Debates are extremely important because they offer the only all-national event at which candidates can be judged. You and your opponent will be under huge stress as you both must operate simultaneously at the focus of attention of each other and of all elements of electorate. Debates are, actually, head-to-head confrontations with two main aspects: the pre-debate negotiations over whether there will be a debate, and the post-debate analysis of who did how well. The debates offer nothing new for the public and the basic strategy is to hope your opponent will make a mistake (President Ford made one in 1976, saying that: “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. ” People just didn’t want to hear it. Richard Nixon was very wrong in 1960 trying to debate on substance, while his opponent, John F. Kennedy, concentrated on style and on presenting the correct presidential image).  

While preparing for the winning debates you must: – have a detailed file on your opponent and study all his speeches and statements; ask yourself: “What does he have that I don’t have? ” – train to answer all possible questions – be ready to demonstrate deep knowledge of issues and your presidential bearing to a nationwide audience – repeat your message but keep in mind that image is more important than ideas while you debate — people want to see your good looks, good clothes and nice smile. And here are the debating “Don’ts” Don’t attack first — that’s a sign of weakness. Don’t be over-polite — a little showmanship appeals to voters. Don’t be too aggressive — it will ruin your image as a future President. Don’t answer the questions too fast — that implies you are not thinking. Don’t rush, no negative emotions, no sudden gestures (extra gestures mean that you are not sure what you are saying is correct). Don’t disappoint people — speak in a clear and simple way. And you restrict your influence if you sit.  

Follow the rules :  

No anxiety reactions – speech errors, moistening of lips, perspiring, shifting eye movements, body jerks. Gesturing with fingers apart communicates weakness, while gesturing with fingers tightly together communicates power. Look at your opponent with intense concentration – it gives the attitude of command and comfort of the situation. Answer a question you want to answer, no matter what question was asked. If you give better answers, you are the better candidate. Immediately after the debates your press officer has to give the media his biased impression and explain why you won the debates. Your pollster has to watch the polls results.  

1. 11 Speaking in Public  

"Golden" rules 1. Your aides have to determine the “theme of the day” and brief you about the day’s events and issues. To get elected you must promise economic growth with low inflation and balanced budget no matter how grave the economic situation is. 2. Don’t be too specific on issues and tell people they elect their way, not a candidate. 3. Cite the Bible. 4. Don’t look too intellectual. 5. State repeatedly that you’re not going to divide the nation into supporters and enemies, Democrats and Republicans, “my voters and other voters” — be a leader to all. (But first, to win the nomination you must appeal to the more liberal sections of your party if you are Democrat, and to more conservative sections if you belong to Republicans). 6. Don’t talk much; transform your thoughts into examples and slogans. 7. Never say you want power, even if you want to save the nation in crisis. 8. Never talk down on big business. Promise federal financing, especially in economic downturns. 9. Remember: voters are extremely sensitive to tax-cut proposals and which social segment would benefit from them. The middle class brings you victory, so promise tax cuts for these people, with tax increases for the wealthy and high unemployment rates. 10. Even if the economy is OK, point out the signs of coming crisis and promise to change the situation fast. Keep talking about problems, though it’s hard to win if the incumbent President runs for re-election with balanced budget and economic growth. 11. You can be liberal on domestic issues, but you have to be conservative on national security (defense and foreign affairs). 12. Remember the “women factor”: there are more women than men in our country, women are more likely to be registered to vote, and among registered voters women are more likely to vote. What to talk about where: Iowa, New Hampshire – farm problems, energy costs, trade issues Northern “rustbelt” states – industrial concerns Southern states – defense and social issues New York State – unemployment  

Use these tactics:  

1. “Join the crowd” — this reinforces people’s natural desire to be on the winning side and it is used to convince the audience that your program is an expression of the nation’s desire for change, and it is in their best interest to join; 2. “Provoked disapproval” – persuade a target audience to disapprove your opponent’s message by suggesting that the message is popular with groups hated, feared or held in contempt by the target audience; 3. “Inevitable victory” – you invite those who did not join majority; 4. “Neuro-linguistic programming” — you will be elected if you can do this better than your opponent and program the whole nation for a positive reaction. People always try to avoid anything and anybody unpleasant; and people are always looking for pleasant things and other pleasant people, somebody they want to meet again and again or at least see on TV. Everybody wants to be a winner; and to be a winner brings pleasure and self respect. Just convey this sense to the nation: “Vote for me and win! ” or “Vote for me or lose! ”, “The choice is yours! ”  




Come in, Mr. President!  

Be strong. Be attractive. Be logical. All you have to do during your 1st term is to take care of the second one. 1st year. You have enough public support to start big initiatives. 2nd year. Develop your initiatives. 3rd year. Go, go public preparing your re-election. Presidents often lose voters during this period.  

4th year. All-politics year. Try to achieve important international agreement (a treaty) for the historic record. Win re-election. The 2nd term’s agenda is to set your place in the world’s history. Divide your day into hours and minutes : 30% of your weekly hours go to senior White House staff, 10% – to Cabinet, 5% – to Congress members, 5% – to foreign leaders. No matter what, even if it’s a war time, sleep one hour during the day to give your brain a break, and finish your day at 6 P. M. After 6 P. M. do not read any documents, do not take any phone calls, do not talk to anybody but family members and close friends. Eat whatever you want, but remember, the more calories you have to digest, the slower you think.  

REMEMBER: 1. You are a national image (a national ideal based on pseudo-facts), a symbol of national unity, national continuity and the symbol of federal government. Leadership is the first quality Americans look for in you – they want a President who is steadfast in his convictions. 2. The power to control the federal budget is your top prerogative. 3. Define for yourself whom are you going to be: – utopist (ideas manipulator) – manager (Government and Congress manipulator) – challenger (reformer) 4. Any problem turns into a political one if it threatens your power. 5. Use your legal right to press the nation and illegal ones to press the world to eliminate problems. 4. Once you’re in politics, you are a hostage of your status and you must sacrifice privacy in return for power. 6. Never play alone. 7. All your decisions are risk taking ones (any decision brings a problem). You may ask advice before you make a decision, but don’t listen to anybody afterwards. You are not paid for the quantity of your work but for leadership and ultimate decision making. 8. Correct political mistakes fast, before they become political scandals. 9. Never blame previous presidents for the problems they left for you – that’s a sign of political weakness. 10. Get rid of a White House tradition to deal with problems if they “knock at the door” only.  

The White House Staff  

Chief of Staff  

The Chief of Staff reviews most of the documents that go to you, gives his/her advice after intense information processing and consultations with other agencies and then – he’s/she’s telling others what President wants. A lot of people, including Congressmen and Senators, will try to reach you through him/her.  

He/she has to give exact instructions to the Press Secretary on the White House message about current headlines and the President’s plans and actions (the Press Secretary works the same way with VP and First Lady/First Gentleman press teams). He/she is responsible for your time and has to plan at least two months ahead your effective activity together with Communications, Scheduling and other policy offices’ Directors plus VP and First Lady/First Gentleman Chiefs of Staff. Besides, he/she has to do “dirty jobs” for the President like firing people or act as a “lighting rod” to draw criticism away from the President.  

National Security Adviser The National Security Adviser controls all the documents concerning national security coming from Defense, Homeland Security, State Departments, and national security agencies, and coordinates these offices. His/her position is not subject to Senate confirmation, which, according to a long-standing Washington tradition, means that he/she can’t be compelled to testify before the Congress. He/she decides what papers the President should see and, what’s more, he gives his comments on any document.  

ATTENTION :National security is 100% the President’s business, so keep this figure at some distance and don’t let him think of himself as your Number Two – foreign leaders will try to work through him to get to you or to influence you.  

He/she has to oversee the functioning of the National Security Council (NSC), which is your foreign policy making tool and a “government inside government. ” This is something very special and convenient about the NSC – it’s responsible only to you and there’s not much Congress control over its budget. Plus, National Security Adviser is involved in every meeting between you and any foreign leader and is responsible for the schedule. The most powerful of executive offices after the National Security Council is the Office of Management and Budget (it’s authorized to make cuts in federal agencies’ budgets, to advise you on national fiscal and economic policies, supervise execution of the government budget, evaluate the performance of federal programs).  

Who they really are  

Staffers (and Secretaries) prefer stability and don’t like if you’re “rocking the boat” – that’s why they often play reform-stoppers.  

They don’t like to work hard and prefer to send you on “very important visits” abroad as often as possible.  

They try to load you up with an extremely busy schedule and “feed” you witnh hundreds of useless documents, create artificial problems and conflicts to show off their hyper-activity.  

They try to be your decision makers and they do influence you because, unlike Secretaries, they have daily contact with you; that’s why you don’t see Cabinet members as your principal aides.  

They try to set you up by interpreting your decisions and orders in their own way, as every adviser is the “American President himself. ”  

They know you won’t accept “complicated, ” “expensive, ” “risky” projects and they’ll try to sell you “simple, ” “cheap” and “popular” ones only.  

Watch your senior staff and how they present ideas. If somebody wants to push his idea or a project, he will give you three options, making two of them unattractive. Naturally you pick the one he presented as least harmful.  

Their dirty tricks  

1. Fight for access (influence) to President or to people with direct access (aiming to get a better position if President is re-elected).  

2. Isolate government from the President.  

3. Influence = relationship with the President.  

4. Get a table in the West Wing. You are nobody if you are stuck in the White House basement and see the President by appointment only.  

5. Before you send a document to the President, have to look at it and ask yourself if it’s too immoral or too radical.  

6. Never say “no” aloud to anybody.  

7. Remain anonymous with conflicts.  

8. Never bring bad news to the President – let it be some idiot, not you.  

9. Never say “That’s impossible, ” no matter what the President is asking you to do.  

10. Disappear (and find an excuse later) if the President is in a bad mood.  

11. Never ague with the President if there’s somebody else present.  

12. Learn how the President likes to do business (talking, giving orders, writing the documents and taking notes, managing official and non-official meetings) and his habits (food, drinks, cigarettes, favorite sport, movies, show business stars, writers, politicians; attitude to women) and try to copy him — the President has to feel comfortable with you.  

13. Fight anybody who’s trying to do your job to be closer to the President.  

14. Avoid taking on risky tasks controlled by the President in person (if necessary, try to “delegate” it to somebody else).  

15. Avoid being associated with any failures.  

16. Don’t say anything President doesn’t want to hear.  

17. Use “Smith’s Principle”: if it can be understood by Congress, it’s not finished yet.  

18. Write memorandums not to inform the reader, but to protect the writer.  

19. No matter what subject is under discussion, employ the language of sports and war: say “breakthrough” instead of “progress”, never speak of compromise, consider “adopting a fallback position. ”  

20. Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House.  

21. Minimize the number of rivals.  

22. Gain independence according to how much the President needs you.  

23. Before asking the President for some personal favor, make him believe he’s going to get some (political) profit out of it.  

24. Tell the President what he can do and help him try to do it, and never tell him what he shouldn’t do.  

25. Avoid giving any personal gifts to the President if you are not Chief of Staff.  

Every public appearance in with the President is an investment in your career after the White House.  

There is an open power struggle between national security staff members and domestic policy staff and between those who develop new policies and initiatives versus budget staff.  

How to Manage the Staff  

Adopt a dominant management style:  

1. Pyramidal, structured as hierarchy with you at the top, followed by the Chief of Staff and other key assistants. I strongly recommend this one – it insures a clear chain of command and provides precise channels of information going up and directives going down.  

2. Circular, when you are surrounded by advisers, all of whom have equal access to the Oval Office. That means chaos (JFK style).  

All your assistants are political assistants and everyone will try to play a policy-maker. But a good thing is that all of them were not elected and are responsible to you only.  

Thus you can:  

– reform your staff freely as there’s not even a word about it in the US Constitution  

– interchange key figures if domestic crisis is approaching  

– if you don’t agree with the staff on important issues, go to polls for back-up. (The best employee is the one you can blackmail. Besides, a very good “pusher” for your people is their deep understanding that they have to work together to help the President stay in office next term because if the President leaves, everybody leaves)  

– use “the carrot and the stick” tactics  

– use “pulling by pushing” – give an important job without publicity to those who become too popular  

– do as little reading as you can – you have staff for that  

– do as little writing as you can – same reason  

– involve yourself personally in your staff and Cabinet jobs as little as you can – same reason  

– make no minor decisions – same reason  

– send back any intelligence or other report if it’s more than one sheet of paper  


The Pocket Cabinet  

If the bureaucrats are wearing you down, you have the right to fire any Secretary. However, Cabinet members must be approved by Senate, therefore, you have to negotiate with the Senate leaders and party leaders throughout the country. As a result, some positions may go to people you don’t know well and can’t trust. Then if you want to re-organize the Cabinet you have to confront the Congress, because Congress tries to protect the interests of its constituents, who are often the clients of the existing bureaucratic agencies. So, if you plan changes you have to appoint people who share your strategy.  

You may also need to offer a position to a group that you need to support in the coming election, or whose help you need; or to help pass legislation (these people will be more loyal to their political benefactors than to you). Secretaries have disadvantages compared to the staffers as they don’t have easy access to the Oval Office (again, that depends on you). Some of them had little or no contact with you before being appointed. Actually, their task is to win the backing of key interest groups and that’s why you, practically speaking, don’t need Cabinet meetings (if there’s no crisis). If a Cabinet member feels independent (usually, that’s the Secretary of State), don’t fire him/her – substitute him/her by the national security adviser or send him abroad on a regular basis.  

The Cabinet members work hard during a crisis only. They prefer to save their plans and suggestions for private conversations with you, because that is what you need them for and they are competing with other Secretaries for your time, support and for funds. It’s not easy for the President to make government agencies work effectively : first, you have no time, second – they have no competition. Anyway, you must have insiders in all departments, especially in the Justice Department (FBI), CIA and Secret Service firing anybody who’s trying to dig up dirt on you.  

Secretary of Defense.  

The Secretary of Defense is a very special and unique position for many reasons. This department is regarded a non-political one, defending the United States no matter what (never let him decide, though, what and where US interests are). Military leaders have a lot of friends in Congress who press the administration to accept military demands. Besides, it’s not easy to manage the Pentagon, as you depend on the military for evaluations of the national military capacities; they decide also what kinds of weapons to buy and build. Half of the federal budget goes to Pentagon, making it a major department and that’s the most frustrating aspect of your management. You have to find compromise between you, Congress, public opinion, interest groups and defense contractors’ lobbyists.  

The defense budget affects diplomacy and international relations, because governments worldwide scrutinize it for clues about US global intentions. For example, increases in defense spending, particularly for items such as naval vessels and aircraft, may signal your intention to pursue more aggressive foreign policies, and cuts in defense spending may indicate an effort to scale back on defense commitments.  

Hidden Structure  

The Cabinet is divided into the inner circle (State, Defense, Treasury, Justice) and outer, less important one (Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security). While inner Cabinet members are selected more on the basis of personal friendship and loyalty, outer Cabinet members are selected more on the basis of geographical, ethnic or political representation and adopt an advocacy position for their Departments.  

The inner Cabinet is divided into two groups:  

а) national security group (State and Defense Departments).  

b) legal-economic group (Justice and Treasury Departments). The Attorney General usually serves as the president’s attorney and this special responsibility leads to close personal contact with the President. The Secretary of Treasury is very important in domestic monetary and fiscal policies and international trade and currency.  

The outer Cabinet is a “domestic” group. Don’t waste your time meeting them – you have enough staffers for that. Sometimes “outer” Secretaries try to build their political base of support within their own bureaucracies. Don’t hesitate to fire and replace any of them if they start to criticize you and behave politically independent, counting on bureaucratic and interest groups’ support. There’s one (negative for you) thing in common between all Secretaries – self-interest pushes them to protect and expand their departments and then they act more like representatives of their departments to the President then the presidential envoys they were appointed to be (“divided loyalty”).  

ATTENTION : Secretaries of State and Defense usually form a coalition against your National Security Adviser. You must be a smart mediator as Commander-in-Chief. These two have weekly meetings, and each of them has a weekly meeting with the DNI (Director of National Intelligence), so you must know from independent sources what they are talking about in case they “forget” to tell you the details. The Defense Secretary meets weekly with the Joint Chiefs, too.  

Mind Control  

Every day in 2004 we watched the Homeland Security Department "terror alert colors" and very often the threat was "high" or "very high. " With all my 30 years espionage experience I couldn’t understand why they were telling the nation about the threat and producing the multicolor picture on TV. Why? What can ordinary Americans do about that? What happened next made the situation absolutely clear for me and posed one more question for the nation: right after President Bush was re-elected the colors disappeared – why? Again, what happened? Is there no more "terror threat" to America? There is. But there’s mind control, too. Mind control, which I call mind manipulation or MM, is used to program the "right political behavior" of the nation or "indifferent behavior" (if necessary) without people’s knowing or understanding the procedure.  

We are talking here about total illegal social control.  


Principles of Mind Manipulation  

1) It’s not enough if every single citizen, and the nation as a whole, thinks and behaves your way – it’s much better if they want to behave your way and feel comfortable, and are absolutely sure it’s their own choice and, finally, they become your active supporters.  

2) If you want to control the nation and program peoples’ thoughts, you have to control knowledge (information, culture and communication).  

3) The political imagination (belief) of the nation has to move in the right direction and has to be accepted as the most comfortable and most acceptable way of political activity: nobody is thinking, nobody is criticizing the President, nobody is making comparisons and drawing conclusions. Everybody believes the American President and hates his enemies.  

4) Don’t waste time fighting foreign ideology, take care of ordinary Americans.  

5) There is no difference between commercial and political advertising, and MM.  

American Propaganda Technology  

You need 24/7 effective propaganda to get non-stop public support of your policy — your war for public support does not stop the day you enter the White House — it may stop the day you leave the White House. If your polls go below 40%, the United States effectively has no President.  

Use propaganda tricks:  

– general (abstract) information on big problem  

– information dosage (the less people know — the easier you convince them)  

– misinformation (full or partial) presented as news, sensations, rumors  

– disorientation – one bit of information contradicts another one  

– provocation – information "pushes" people (before you start war)  

– information over-dosage – too much information (and people lose interest)  

– exaggeration of enemy’s negative sides and promotion of scary data  

– distraction of nation’s attention from news that is bad (for you) by publishing sensations and (political) scandals  

– stereotype manipulation ("nuclear threat, " "international terror, " etc.  

– "shuffle" – all news and facts match President’s political course  

– "cocktail" – mix of true and false information  

–"facts transportation" from abroad (you buy a foreign reporter and he’s publishing positive information on your politics; then you spread the information through American media)  

Remember the principles of mass psychology: people don’t believe the government – they believe the market and the stock exchange; people need statements, not analysis.  


MM Technology  

1) Create a steadfast American collective will-power: “We want to live forever in the America we live in now” – through the media.  

2) Don’t ask people to change their views and beliefs – they have only to change the object of their aggression – “Now we understand who are America's enemies! (the previous President, Republicans).  

3) Get people accustomed to accept facts but believe only in the “right” comments – any common sense has to be “switched off. ” This way you create “mass artificial schizophrenia” — people lose the ability to connect statements and facts (notions) and just believe.  

Besides, by extreme exaggeration of the enemy’s negative qualities you can install the national schizophrenic fear (of "international terrorism") and people have to accept you, the US President, as a savior. Plus, no matter what, repeat your major statements until people start accepting them without thinking.  

4) Divide the nation into “good Americans”(patriots) and “bad Americans”(the “minority).  

Make it clear : it’s much better and more comfortable to be “good” than “bad. ” “We aren’t watching good Americans who support the President. The surveillance is for bad Americans and we make their lives and careers uncomfortable. We have to do that because enemies of America may be using them. ” This method is called artificial social selection and its ultimate goal is a total regulation and standardization of the nation.  

5) For successful MM, use the combined efforts of popular Democratic American writers, TV and radio anchors, talented publicists and columnists, business and show business celebrities, politicians. Thus, step by step you create the “industry of correct political behavior and correct American thinking. ”  

6) Use a combination: statement + image. It reduces the effort needed to understand your message and makes people comfortable with you.  

7) Shift all popular TV shows to prime time – Americans don’t have to think about politics after they come home.  


During his first presidential campaign Obama used my strategy of psycho-epidemic.  

It's simple – you hypnotize people by permanent repetition of a certain word, like "Change! ", a phrase, a slogan. A crowd, and even a nation,, often behaves like a dog, it's very submissive if there's a strong personality, a strong leader in front of it. Then, the reflex appears – once you see a strong leader, you must listen to him and follow his orders.  


Strategic planning  

That’s the biggest problem for all administrations.  

Strategic planning is the process of making present decisions based on well-calculated future consequences. The basic strategic objective is a decision as to where to concentrate the government efforts this is the essence of strategic planning. The worst example of strategic planning is the war in Iraq.  

It is crucial to choose a professional crew and place people in positions where their brains will work effectively and produce quality.  

Planning formula:  

– design strategy  

– amplify and clarify strategy into policy  

– organize a team  

– guide execution  

– make final strategic decision  


A. Regular Planning Model:  

subject, concept, idea definition of objectives  

design of innovative options and debate  

exploration of concepts, claims and possibilities  

development of program outlines  

establishment of expected performance criteria and indications  

information gathering  

integration of ideological elements  

assignment of executive responsibility  


analysis and experiment  

experiment evaluation, examination of likely consequences  

comparison of expected and actual performance levels  

determination of costs  


strategic decision  

B. Express planning: information interpretation, projects design, choice of a project, decision  

C. Regular (math) model:  

Negotiations planning (example): pressure, compromise, tricks, break.  

Let’s evaluate "pressure": negative international reaction /-1/, breakdown /-1/, positive effect /+1/. Score: -2+1=-1 Conclusion: no pressure should be used.  

D. Expertise model.  

Government crisis (example): poor planning- wrong decisions- wrong actions- wrong execution- opposition activation- mass protests- coup  

E. Scale model.  

Risk factors: Risk levels:  

International sanctions : medium  

High inflation rise : medium to high  

High unemployment : medium to high  

Low public support level(low polls) : medium  

Presidential decision making  

1. Decision making is a multiple choice process.  

2. Any decision involves political risk.  

3. If you can’t make a decision, you need more information.  

4. Be optimistic, but remain realistic.  

5. Give yourself a deadline.  

6. No brainstorming chaos.  

7. There are two kinds of decisions: irreversible and reversible. Better know which kind you are facing.  

Here’s the process:  

a) Identify the problem  

b) Analyze the problem — what are the facts?  

c) Evaluate options – what are the pros and cons? what can go wrong?  

d) Identify choices – which alternative is the best?  

e) Implement plans – what action needs to be taken?  

As the world #1 leader you have to know that this world is being ruled not by you but by 11 financial corporations : Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Capital Group Companies, FMR Corp, AXA, State Street Corp, JP Morgan Chase, Legal & General Group, Vanguard Group, UBS AG, Merrill Lynch & Co Inc.  


Psychological Modeling of a President (Strategic Intelligence Method)  

Intelligence services worldwide watch political leaders during public appearances, trying to calculate their physical and mental health judging by their look and behavior. In the US they also evaluate the executives and staffers who surround the President at official meetings to calculate what’s going on in the White House.  

They look at:  

– a very detailed biography  

– personal needs, interests, philosophy  

– political views  

– intelligence, will-power, character, abilities  

– behavior in crisis situations  

– compromising facts and possible methods of influence  

– personal, political and big business VIP connections  

– financial situation  

– administration and team  

– political opposition and President  

– Congress  

Domestic headache  

You can’t separate domestic and foreign policies because they are married to the same ugly guy – the budget deficit.  

Domestic policy rests on three legs: education, health and environment. Americans will never support reduced funding for education, Social Security and Medicare (Medicaid) cuts and weakened environmental-protection laws. But I strongly advise you – don’t bother trying to emulate Europe and the British Commonwealth by providing health care for all – the privately insured middle class (your voting majority) won’t stand for it. If you don’t believe me, go to the polls.  

Now, are you a challenger in politics? If "yes, " strengthen your political positions in Washington, DC first, then start some reforms. Before you start a reform you have to win the information war with your opponents and get public support. A reform is always a venture; the process may start taking on momentum and you won’t be able to stop it. You had better continue old reforms using a new tactic because new reforms bring new problems, new enemies and new mistakes, and big economic mistakes bring you an economic crises.  


Dealing with big business  

1. Big organized money moves big political machines, big political machines move big lobbies, big lobbies move the President.  

2. The President is an investment.  

3. A group that rules the economy rules the White House.  

4. A new political course comes not with a new President, but a change of big business’ global financial interests.  

5. Follow 3 "golden rules":  

– protect big investments  

– help to promote  

– don’t interfere  

6. If the government doesn’t meet the needs of big business, it forms a new one of its own (something like a President’s Council). This usually happens when the President can’t provide financial stability and super-profits. Besides, big business has much more important foreign connections than the government.  

7. Big business is:  

a) money  

b) political and economic control  

8. Any political action gets an economic (big business) reaction.  

In terms of partisan politics, Republicans are considered to be more sympathetic to big business interests while traditionally Democrats get electoral and financial support from organized labor. Forget about antitrust policy business has become more global and efforts to enforce antitrust policies have proven deficient and are threats to national security.  


Managing the economy  

1. Regulate spending, taxation, monetary policy and foreign trade whic has to be under strict political control – you have the right to propose legislation and veto any legislation you think incorrect. Keep in mind that Americans always insist on reducing government spending on foreign aid and space exploration, and they naturally hate any rise in taxes.  

2. State and local governments, both through national associations like the US Conference of Mayors and Congress Members, always press the government to get more federal funds even at the expense of inflationary budget deficits.  

3. Keep unemployment low and prices stable – these two factors are politically dangerous and failure here can bring a free-fall in approval ratings.  

4. Take credit for economic growth, price stability and low unemployment even if you have nothing to do with it.  

Still have problems? Try international initiatives.  

There are four inevitable factors that will limit your control over the economy:  

1) You must share power with Congress — you can’t levy taxes or appropriate money all by yourself;  

2) The theoretical nature of the science of economics — no single economic theory has ever explained the behavior of the economy in the future;  

3) The imprecision of economic information. Economic statistics and indicators do not measure the immediate conditions of the economy, but rather the conditions that prevailed between one and three months ago, depending on the particular economic statistics. Consequently, if you take action on the basis of incoming economic information you may be reacting to a problem that no longer exists or that is much worse than believed.  

4) There are forces outside the reach of the federal government, like international factors (oil prices and foreign trade policies), state and local governments economic decisions and mistakes, big business decisions that affect employment, inflation, the trade deficit and public opinion — which is always against cutting social programs.  


Budget deficit  

A large budget deficit is a headache and has extremely negative effects on the economy:  

1. It limits the government’s flexibility to fight a possible recession; that requires tax cuts and deficit spending, which would exacerbate the debt problem. Since tax revenues fall during a recession and unemployment insurance and welfare payments rise, the budget would be under further strain precisely when deficit spending would be needed to pull the economy up.  

2. It reduces the amount of funds available for achieving the nation’s social and defense goals, because interest must be paid on the national debt.  

3. It can threaten the economy by "crowding out" corporate and private borrowers from the credit market. Because the government must borrow heavily to finance its deficit, it competes with business and individuals to borrow funds. The increased competition forces interest rates higher, causing loans (including mortgages) to become more expensive. As a result, business can afford to purchase less plant and equipment to expand and modernize their operations and fewer consumers can afford to finance purchases of expensive items, such as houses and cars. The resulting reduction in demand threatens economic growth.  

4. The US budget deficit has become so large that domestic savings no longer can provide enough capital to service the debt. Consequently, the government must borrow from foreign sources to make up the difference. This makes us dependent on foreign investors and raises the possibility of a "stabilization crisis, " which can occur if foreign investors lose confidence in the dollar and liquidate their US investments. Such a crisis could cause the dollar to plummet and interest and inflation to rapidly accelerate.  


Crisis means that your government as a system is exhausted and it’s unable to rule the nation and resources effectively in an extreme situation, including economic, natural catastrophes and war. A crisis has three stages – before the crisis, when the first signs appear; crisis development until culmination; catastrophe followed by impeachment. A crisis could be "programmed" at the very beginning of your term (mistakes in political and economic courses, inexperienced personnel, faulty planning) or it can appear later (too many mistakes, change of political environment, shifts in the economic or international situation). Crisis management includes pre-crisis management and handling of the situation. You must be ready not only for a government crisis but also for sudden military attack, mass riots and natural disasters.  

International trade is an important component of national security. Our "friends" (NATO members, Saudi Arabia and Japan) favor a dollar (that is neither overvalued nor undervalued) and a healthy US economy with relatively full employment and low inflation rate. If the dollar is weak, the value of much of their international currency reserves declines and their goods are less competitive in the US market. If the dollar is too strong, their investment capital migrates to the US and the high competitiveness of their products in the US market threatens to provoke calls for trade restrictions. If unemployment in the US rises, the major market for their goods declines. If interest rates are higher in the US than in Europe or Japan, investment capital moves to our country. Consequently, foreign governments press the United States to keep the exchange value of the dollar from fluctuating widely and to hold interest rates steady.  


Congress management  

It’s much more simple that you think.  

1. A Congressional session is a waste of federal time and money – you don’t need debates because Congressional staffers can do all the technical work and they can negotiate between themselves and balance positions. Senators and Congressmen don’t even have to come to Washington – they can vote from their local offices. So these people can spend their time helping thousands of constituents. 2. The President is dependent on Congressional cooperation to carry out the executive responsibilities of the Office because Congress has to authorize government programs, establish administrative agencies to implement the problems and funds to finance them. ATTENTION : Executive Order might lower this dependence a little bit. 3. It’s important if President belongs to the party with a majority in the House and Senate. But if your party loses the majority in Congress, you have to work out new political strategy yourself.  

4. President’s prestige (popular support or political capital) affects Congressional response to his politics. 5. Influence in Congress is courted only for long periods of service; a Senator with 30 years in office (like late Edward Kennedy) has considerably more power than a Senator in his first or second term. This causes the electorate to increasingly favor incumbents, as dislodging one’s Congressman or Senator after 30 years, even if the candidate or his party have become unpopular, can be viewed as hurting one’s district financially. It is often thought that a freshman would be less able to bring home federal money for his state or district. 6. For most Senators, the Senate is a platform for Presidential election campaign. Senators who openly express presidential ambitions are better able to gain media exposure and to establish careers as spokespersons for large national constituencies. 7. The first act of a newly elected Representative is to maneuver for election to the Senate. Why? First, they enjoy their position, power and money for six years non-stop. Second, there are only a hundred Senators and the publicity is much, much greater. But Representatives have a much better chance to be reelected. 8. Congress rejects two thirds of President’s proposals. 9. Senators are always looking for a BBD (bigger, better deal) and often shift from one committee to another (a good choice is those dealing with taxes, budget, energy, commerce). 10. Bills to benefit big business move smoothly. (Congress doesn’t like the poor — they don’t contribute, sorry). To gain majority support for big business legislation members have a special trick – log rolling, when factions combine efforts. 11. Senators don’t depend on the people – they depend on the media. 12. If a Senator is blocking the President’s proposal, he wants to get the President’s attention. 13. When Senators want to bury issues, they create committees. 14. The Senate is a small structure and personal relations between Senators are extremely important. 15. Senators have no incentive to study the details of most pieces of legislation and their decision is simplified by quickly checking how key colleagues have voted or intend to vote. 16. To have power a Senator has to object: much of the Senate work is done by unanimous consent and if you object you’ll be approached for sure by some influential people including other Senators, Secretaries, President’s aides or the President himself. They’ll try to press, blackmail or buy you – and that means you’ve got a piece of the power pie. 17. Senators avoid responsibility in economic policy. 18. Congress loves the military because military contracts are very lucrative for Congressional districts. 19. Senior Senators teach “newcomers” to vote against any reform which is a threat to their stability. 20. A Senator has real influence on legislation only if he has professional staff in charge of the projects. 21. Senators are afraid to vote against a defense budget increase because then they may be accused of a lack of patriotism. 22. Republicans and Democrats are not really enemies, here, though both sides are always looking for a “traitor” or “insider” in the other camp. 23. The President must have “insiders” in the Senate, because the other party could prepare secretly and then launch officially some investigation against you or the members of your Administration. 24. A legislator does exactly what his voters want him to do – stealing federal money from other states and districts, because for him the most important thing is numbers — polls in his state showing how many people approve his activity. His donors watch these numbers too and estimate their investment and the necessity to support re-election. 25. Every member of Congress has a so-called “split personality” – a “Hill style” while working on Capitol Hill and a “home style” while back in the state or district with the voters. 26. A Senator makes a decision only after thinking about what it means in terms of the re-election money that will come to him or to his opponents. His voting decisions depend on his party membership, constituency pressures, state and regional loyalty ideology, interest groups’ influence. His stubbornness comes from the fact that he does not want to be seen by his constituents as a “rubber stamp” for President’s decisions, especially when the bill in question benefits a Senator’s state. (And the hidden problem is – you want to move fast, especially during the first year while your personal popularity is high – but for the Congress speed is not important). 27. Sooner or later every member of Congress starts playing the “pork barrel” game. It’s nothing else but a diversion of federal funds to projects and places not out of national need but to enhance a member’s chances of re-election in his district (military projects, federal buildings, highways construction projects). So be ready for a “Christmas gift” when these fellows add pork barrel amendments to appropriations bills you are about to sign. They often wait until late in each session to pass critical spending bills, which narrows your range of possible responses because a veto may not be feasible if Congress has adjourned and the funds needed to run the federal government are contained in the legislation. 28. In Congress a small percentage of bills (about 500 out of 10, 000) actually become law because many bills are introduced merely to get favorable press. The strategy is especially effective if the legislation is “tied” to the headlines of the day (mass murders, natural disasters, ethnic riots etc. ). 29. In the Senate it’s easier for a minority to block the bill than for a majority to pass it: a 60-vote majority is needed to force a final vote on the bill, while only 41 votes are needed to continue debate and delay a vote.  

30. The minority can hold the majority responsible as the party in power for whatever legislation does or does not emerge from the Senate. But both parties prefer to be the party in power in the Senate – all Senate legislation begins in the committees, whose membership and chairmanship are controlled by the party in power. Besides, each chairman has power in terms of controlling the committee budgets and deciding which hearings will be held and which legislation he will allow to be released to the Senate floor for a vote. He can also “lock up the bill” in committee until it dies. Perfect!  

How to Control the Congress  

The President can propose legislation, but Congress is not required to pass any of the administration’s bills. But you know already that Senators and Representatives need re-election more than anything else. So you can go with indirect influence through appeals to the public; this is a confrontation and direct challenge to Congressional authority. You can also enlist the support of interest groups or direct influence through favors and personal involvement in the legislative process. (Get public support for a proposal before it’s discussed with the Congress. ) And don’t hesitate to start a national debate — you have enough media attention for that. You also have an independent tool, presidential power in the form of an executive order. You can give favors directly to members of Congress or to influential people in their constituency, or the favor may be of benefit to the constituency itself: – appointments with the President and other high-ranking officials – federal grants to recipients in the constituency, government contracts with local companies, the deposit of federal funds in banks, grants to local government and educational institutions – support of projects (military installations, research and administrative facilities, public works such as buildings, dams and navigational improvements to rivers and harbors, etc. ) – recommendations for the US district court judges, attorneys, marshals, etc. – campaign assistance (cash contributions from the party’s national committee invitations to bill-signing ceremonies, White House parties or to accompany President on trips – bargaining and arm-twisting (pressure and threats to lose the projects).  


1. The Congressional Relations Office. Used for: – intense lobbying to form Congressional coalitions if the opposition controls one or both houses – intelligence gathering (of policy preferences — centralized headcounts reveal the voting intentions on a particular bill and constituency concerns of individual members)  

– representation – creating “inner coalitions” – coordination of executive branch legislative activity (monitoring and tracking bills, controlling departments’ staff appointments, collaborating with departments’ liaison offices)  

Attention! Senators and Congressmen have to trust your people, who must keep their mouths shut, otherwise there will be no business. Anyway, watch these people — a Senator can call one of your assistants and if they hear “no, ” he will try to reach somebody else until he gets “Yes, the President will see you. ” Don’t let this happen – if it’s “no, ” it has to be everybody’s “no. ” There has to be no difference between personal views of your adviser and your official views. 2. Congressional Relations personnel of various executive Departments are a conduit. Talk to the Secretaries and explain to them that they have to give the Director of Congressional Relations their best people. 3. The White House interest groups liaison staff (office of public liaison) 4. Veto. Threatened with a veto, Senators often seek compromise. Congress has its ways to undermine your vetoes or threats of vetoes. Because you can’t veto parts of a bill, they load up major legislation with amendments on a completely different subject (“riders”) that they know the President must accept. (Presidents who vetoed the most bills: Franklin Roosevelt – 635, Harry Truman – 250, Dwight Eisenhower – 181, Ronald Reagan – 78, Gerald Ford – 66). 5. Executive agreement. It permits the President to enter into open or secret agreements with a foreign government without any advice or consent of the Senate. There are two categories of executive agreements: а) presidential agreements made solely on the basis of the constitutional authority of the President and under his sole power to faithfully execute the laws (or under his diplomatic or Commander-in-Chief powers). President needs to report secret agreement to the Foreign Relations Committees of the two houses no later than 60 days after such agreement has entered into force. Congress has no authority to disapprove it. b) congressional-executive agreements, which cover all international agreements entered into under the combined authority of the President and Congress. Finally, this is what you can do with a bill: – sign the bill (the bill becomes a law) – do nothing (the bill becomes a law in ten days) – veto the bill (the bill does not become a law) – pocket veto the bill (hold the bill until Congress is no longer in session, and the bill does not become a law)  

Foreign policy  

# 1 Job : Commander-in-Chief : American President loves war, not peace, because:  

a) Successful military engagement enhances presidential popularity. All five Presidents who have run for re-election during a war have won. b) A quick war improves the electoral fortunes of the president’s political party. c) War is good business, at least if you win, and at least if it does not drag on too long. It stimulates demand for a variety of manufactured goods and services (even if they are all destined to go down the drain) and is a powerful stimulus to all fields of scientific endeavor. d) War provides opportunities to direct lucrative contracts to companies and individuals who helped get the President elected, or who can help in the future; and to the constituents of select Senators and Congressmen for the same reasons. e) War usually pleases the Joint Chiefs (and their full support is important politically). f) War keeps down the unemployment figures. g) War is just one detail in a vast ongoing game of international strategy for domination; it is as much a financial operation as anything else. h) War unifies the country, and keeps the public’s attention away from issues that might be controversial. i) War provides a rationale for the implementation of tighter legislation and the removal of certain freedoms that would never be tolerated in peacetime America.  

At the same time, war is limited by political decisions and by public opinion. Initially the use of US forces spurs a "rally around the flag" effect that lifts the President’s popularity and builds up support for the troops. But the American people are casualty averse and the positive effect lasts only until the number of casualties and the length of the engagement begin to wear on the public. Continued military action will then have a deleterious effect on presidential approval ratings as the war becomes increasingly unpopular. In the long run, the destruction of such vast quantities of resources, and the diversion of so much of the nation’s productive capacity away from actual goods and services for the real economy, are obviously immensely deleterious. Eventually, these downside effects will begin to dawn on even the best-manipulated electorate.  


Foreign policy “golden rules”  

1. International treaties have to be negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by presidents. 2. The information gathered by spies plays an increasingly role in diplomacy (arms-control treaties would be impossible without the power of reconnaissance satellites and agents to monitor compliance). 3. If you start war, it does not mean you failed diplomacy, it means military decision is much more profitable. 4. Make it clear to foreign leaders right away whether you are or you are not going to follow the previous President’s foreign policy (after consultations with big business). If you are not going to follow it, design a doctrine of your own (it’s a strategy that is the recognized approach or policy of the US government. 5. National security is your top priority and is the “king’s job” because actually you have no domestic political obstacles to your foreign policy (if it’s a question of war), so you are a chief decision maker there. (The CIA Director has to be excluded from from this process — you don’t need him. Besides, the CIA even today, no matter how hard I tried to educate the Agency, remains the worst of the worst and is not to be reformed — it has to be abolished. We have to transfer political intelligence functions to Pentagon. National security is designed to protect the United States and the vital interests (investments) of big business and to promote American values in a world of rivals, and the CIA, through all 60 years of its history, has proved to be absolutely unsuitable for the job). 6. Any country has to be involved in the sphere of our strategic interests if it has a strategic geographic position, significant sources of raw materials, a well-developed transportation system, or could be used as a military base. The strategic policy of any country rotates around the USA and if not — that means a certain President is waiting for greater incentives to come on board. Against target countries, don’t hesitate to use the strategies of pre-emptive war, post-war (post-crisis) reconstruction, and nation building (which means erasing national identity and supplanting it by liberal values). With China’s growth, the Cold War is back with a vengeance, so we are back to secret deals based on spheres of influence — but that’s a temporary strategy. 7. You can’t always do what you want without help – you are dependent on other world leaders, Congressional positions and international public opinion. Ask the Senate to help you sometimes – believe me, they’ll be happy and proud to do so. 8. Create super-profitable conditions for big business by political penetration worldwide. Big money men start investing abroad when they find a safe environment — law and order. The more they invest the more political power they get (international corporations is the most important element of international system ; the other two are governments and non-governmental organizations). 9. Use big investors to ruin other national economies and governments by withdrawing finances when the economic situation is worsening. As soon as the country opens its financial markets, it increases its dependence on global economic processes that it cannot control; and a financial crisis can easily be staged. Conversely, other countries’ access to the US markets is a powerful economic and political tool. 10. Use my “controlled chaos strategy”. My idea to make the US economic and financial markets the most attractive for investors by provoking unstable situations in other countries and regions. 11. Send troops or work through military intelligence (not the CIA) to wherever you perceive a threat to the US investments. 12. Use pressure everywhere – strategic nuclear missiles are still the most powerful blackmail tool. Remember, if you are dealing with Russia or China, they will look not only for agreement, but for advantages. 13. Use “personal diplomacy” – phone calls to foreign leaders (every planned phone call has to go through the National Security Adviser and be well prepared, like a serious negotiation). Most important are phone calls to our allies — NATO members. Don’t forget to wish happy birthday to the leaders in person! 14. Use “informal diplomacy” – recruit politicians in other nations who might be able to give informal access to a country’s leadership. In some situations, such as between USA and China diplomacy is done through semi-formal channels using interlocutors such as academic members or think tanks. This occurs in situations when presidents wish to express intentions or to suggest methods of resolving a diplomatic situation, but do not wish to express a formal position. 15. Don’t hesitate to use summits as a tool, because: -if you meet a foreign leader in person, you can reduce tensions and clarify national interests. -personal relationship may lead to improved relations between nations. -summits allow you to focus national attention on specific issues. -presidents engaging in personal diplomacy are much more capable than career diplomatic bureaucrats of understanding the domestic policy consequences of diplomatic actions. -summit negotiations can yield quick results, since discussions are between leaders with the power of decision rather than between representatives who must receive instructions, make reports and rely new proposals. -diplomatic impasses may be overcome at summits by shifts in policy that only top leaders are empowered to make. -if presidents desire an international forum for their diplomatic policies, a summit meeting can provide one. -successful summits can enhance the image of the President and the United States 16. If you’re ready to fight for national interests, forget about human rights — you can always blame infractions on the other side. 17. Isolation is the greatest enemy to information. 18. There’s no sense in applying sanctions if big business isn’t interested. 19. Economic and hence, political progress for any country affects the USA through economic competition that threatens the market and jobs. 20. Any initiative is risky if it’s about unstable region, but you lose popularity fast if you are perceived as indecisive or weak in foreign policy. 21. Any trip abroad has to convey a strong message. 22. Direct military intrusion indicates weakness in your foreign policy. If it’s inescapable, involve as many allies as you can. 23. Don’t touch our military bases abroad! 24. Big debts open markets. No matter what, open national markets world-wide for American big business and remember – the markets, not Presidents, rule the world. 25. Tie your allies to international economic projects and make them pay most of the expenses. 26. Never talk about money in public — talk about democracy, human rights, liberal values and disarmament – people like it. 27. Move forward – transform Americans’ national and patriotic feelings into nationalistic ones (follow the French model) to get total support of your policy (see “Mind Control”). 28. Don’t pay too much attention to the CIA – all they have to do is to support you with appropriate information to justify your strategic political decisions – and nothing else. 29. Ignore the UN – Secretary General has no real power, but you can take advantage of such a thing as the UN peace-keeping if it corresponds with your interests – the US economic costs could be minimized. Besides, UN peacekeeping can promote a spirit of international accountability in solving a certain regional problem. Don’t forget to explain your strategy to the Congress – they don’t like the UN either. On the other hand, you have to manage an international crisis, if it threatens our national interests (start with strategic planning, check national security system for the adequate response, use propaganda to get domestic and international support, consult with big business and allies, start crisis negotiations if possible, use diplomacy (see below) and force or threat of force). 30. To reach global leadership you must have enough resources, national support and a well-calculated strategy (see also “Strategic planning”). As you already know, the US budget is financed by foreign lending. When the dollar goes down in foreign exchange markets, it’s supported by foreign central banks and you’re OK as long as Japan, Saudi Arabia and Germany have an interest in propping up the American economy and do not raise the price for financing America’s debt. The worst situation would be to lose support both at home and abroad  


Decision making  

– assessment of the international and domestic political environment – goal setting. We have multiple foreign policy goals, and we must determine which goal is effected by the international and domestic political environment – determination of policy options – decision making action – implementation of chosen policy option  


World Domination  

Securing the top position requires : – economic domination – military power – pre-emptive war or blackmail by war (seeking domination requires an inevitable increase in the military budget) – a cultural and media invasion – special operations to influence or neutralize leaders with negative attitude Modern mechanism of world domination 1. If the country does not accept American rules of the game, we start a "velvet" or "colored revolution. 2. We replace the government by pro-American regime. 3. If the government resists, we start the US and NATO military operation and help the anti-government organizations to overthrow the government.  

Strategies used  

1. Destabilization strategy based on terrorism – you kill political leaders and civil population, blow up government buildings and blame the opposition. 2. Stabilization strategy – first, "terrorists" destabilize the situation in the country and then the US and NATO troops come to "stabilize' it. 3. "New order" or a "controlled chaos” strategy – American “new world order” to be established through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and revolutions.  

My definition :  

"Controlled chaos” strategy –  

geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from USA sovereign states to keep the U. S. world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by NATO forces if necessary.  


Most important targets of the 21st century – Russia and China. That’s the reason we occupy Afghanistan. We have to circle China with our military bases in Central Asia. 4. Global energy control strategy – the US control of major oil regions and gas fields. To keep America on top, we would have to prevent cooperation and coalitions between: China and Africa; Shi’ia and Sunni Muslims; Germany and France; Venezuela and Cuba. Their trade agreements and alliances will change the geopolitical situation. In most important world regions keep the balance by supporting the country which follows the leader: In Europe – support Britain to balance Germany. You rule Europe if you rule the Persian Gulf. You rule the world if you rule Europe, and that’s why you have to keep NATO by all means to block the military independence of Europe (Germany). In East Asia – support Japan, Russia and Taiwan to balance China. In South Asia support Pakistan to balance India. In Latin America – support Argentina to balance Brazil.  


Diplomacy secrets  

1. Use secret visits (send the National Security Adviser) if the international problem is complex and important – in this way you don’t depend on media and public opinion. Afterwards you can talk, if it was a success. 2. If presidents like to drink with each other, they are ready to deal with each other. 3. Avoid negotiating on major issues at the end of the day, when your energy is low. 4. Negotiate smart, watch your initiatives. The more you tell about your position, the less your partner will tell you about himself, and the higher price you’ll pay. Diplomacy is all about money and the essence of any negotiations is the price range. 5. Any information should be exchanged as a part of a compromise and not merely given away. 6. Always talk less than necessary. Concentrate on facts and never tell other person about feelings (or your family and medical problems). Don’t interrupt others, try to understand what they really want and if they try to manipulate you. Also, resist giving in to interruptions until you have completed your thoughts – “Just a moment, I haven’t finished”. Use Taleyran approximation – if it’s difficult for you to speak up, try to make just one diplomatic statement. If they press you, insist on moving this questions to experts. And use indirect language such as “It looks like” or “You see situation from a very special angle”. 7. No negative emotions, they indicate weak nerves. Never take things personally. 8. Stop self-limiting behaviors, such as smiling too much, nodding too much, tilting your head or dropping your eyes in response to other person’s gaze. Speak normal conversational volume, don’t scream and don’t whisper, either, as you won’t be taken seriously. 9. Take a problem-solving approach to conflict, and try to see the other person as your collaborator rather than your opposition. You’d better postpone negotiations than allow them to break down. 10. Fix all questions, don’t be in a rush to answer any of them. 11. The slower you talk, the more confident you are. 12. Never ask straight questions, it’s a primitive approach. 13. It’s important to know what questions and when to ask. Start with an “invitation” question that does not need a definite answer but opens up the discussion, like: “No matter what reporters say, we’ll start negotiating for arms control. ” Proceed with “intelligence gathering” questions, like: “Are you going to abide by our last agreement on the withdrawal of military forces or do we have other options? ” Go to “expertise” questions, like: “It’s 500 missiles, right? ” There’s a difference between expertise and straight questions – straight question are like: “Will you sign the treaty? ” and these have to be avoided because you’ll get no straight answer right away. Finish with a closing question, like: “I think that’s what we intend to sign? Next time we can start from here. ” Or you can press your partner: “Let’s not lose this last opportunity, eh? ” 14. Explain your negative attitude in a smart way: give half the information and continue, depending on your partner’s reaction. If you can’t accept his proposal, tell him that the experts may look into it again and come to agreement. If your partner is not a complete idiot he’ll understand his proposal is unacceptable (because the experts have already done all they could). But if he is an idiot, he’ll agree to “kill” his proposals by passing them to the experts. 15. You start to lose momentum if you start to defend yourself. Stop (postpone) negotiations the moment you start to lose or you could end up in a total failure and that could be used by opposition back home. 16. If you bring ideology – try to win. If you bring national interests, try to find compromise. Be flexible – that’s strength, not weakness. 17. Don’t make aggressive statements for the media, no matter what. 18. Respect is half a victory, but you usually win when your partner is scared. Avoid open confrontation and respond to personal attacks with humor. 19. Watch the military experts – they are always ready to “push” you. No arms agreement can win ratification without backing from Joint Chiefs, because Congress needs and trusts their expertise, and their disapproval is a strong tool against you in case you ignore their advice. So, think three times before you appoint Joint Chiefs. 20. Take negotiations on the trade deficit very seriously – they often take you nowhere and have zero results as your partner wants you to change your attitude to him completely as well as your international economic policy, while you expect the same favor from him. You can influence one partner but you can’t very easily influence the international system. 21. After you come back home do some positive advertising through the media – in such a way you influence other presidents and future negotiations. If the negotiations resulted in a treaty, “sell” it to the Senate for approval. 22. Negotiation no-nos: – don’t be confused if your partner threatens you – that means he needs your cooperation. Don’t enter into negotiation right away with high demands. – don’t touch the toughest issues first. Don’t assume – that’s a sign of weakness. – don’t hesitate to pause or take a break. – never say “no” to your partner’s ideas – rather, pack them up in one “package” with your proposals.  

Diplomatic tricks  

Tricks in diplomacy are usually used to distract your hard working team, shift the emphasis of the negotiation in order to shape the deal on terms of your adversary or manipulate your team into closing negotiation and accept terms you don’t really like. And the tricks are:  

“Leap” – your adversary is losing and starts “jumping” from one point to another “Pile” – your adversary “piles up” problems, tries to provoke a chaotic discussion or stop negotiations “Empty chair” – a day or two before negotiations start your adversary informs you that he’s not ready yet, trying to press you (or he wants to change location) “Diplomatic illness” – the practice of feigning illness to avoid participation in negotiations and at the same time to avoid giving formal offense. “Deaf” – your adversary keeps asking questions instead of answering yours “Provocation” – your adversary doubts your team’s professional level and your ability to negotiate. Don’t go crazy. “Busy guy” – your adversary breaks negotiation for an hour or two pretending he has to do some very important business (or that he got a very important call).  

“Mirror” – it’s a “programming” trick. The technology is simple: you try to “mirror” your adversary’s style and behavior, adopt a similar posture, use his gestures, and follow the speed of his speech. First, he will like it subconsciously and will be more open to you. Second, you’ll understand better his way of thinking. “Sandwich” – pressure (often – military) – negotiations – pressure “Show” – using certain arguments your adversary appeals to your emotions “Circle” – a very sophisticated trick: your adversary tries to “push” his proposal in different variants and finally comes back to his initial variant, trying to convince you that’s the best choice “Carrot and stick” – threat (blackmail) plus promises (money). The guy could blackmail you also by demanding to set a deadline “Student” – your adversary talks too much about the details, asking a lot of minor questions, trying to make you nervous and make mistakes “Donkey” – your adversary declines the offer to speak first “Ball” – encourage your adversary if he’s looking for “global decisions” and he’ll do a lot of minor favors “Rubber” – delay, if you can’t predict the result, and press your adversary by delaying the answer “Last train” – you can press your adversary by an ultimatum right before negotiations are over, if he really is interested in some result. “Spice” the ultimatum with some important reasons and give your adversary a choice of variants.  

You can also leak opposing demands to the media (be careful with this one. Do not betray diplomatic trust by talking about secret deals or demands that actually have been mentioned). You may also escalate your demands during negotiation and manipulate public opinion to line up behind your demands.  


Negotiations Procedure  

I. Preparation  

1. Write a plan. 2. Define your objectives. 3. Identify issues that are open to compromise and those that are not. 4. Conduct research for information to support your objectives and have information to undermine your partner’s position; think what information is available to your partner (State and Defense Departments will help you with that; not the CIA). 5. Find out how your partner negotiates with other leaders (he might have a “rabbit in a hat” for you). 6. Consult with members of a previous negotiating team about his style, strong and weak points. 7. Check the current balance of power. Attention: if you start multilateral negotiation you have to know what are the conflicts or allegiances between other partners. If they are divided into groups, identify who has the power to make a decision on behalf of a group. 8. Use game theory if you are intending to cooperate. Game theory is a theoretical analysis of the decision-making process taken by two or more players who are in conflict. You must actually estimate any possible strategies of the players who have to make decisions without knowledge of what other players are planning. Each player’s strategy, once undertaken, will affect the others. Game theory is often illustrated by the “prisoners dilemma” paradigm. It supposes that two men have been arrested on a suspicion of committing a crime together and are being held in separate cells. There is not enough evidence to prosecute unless one confesses and implicates the other. Both of them know this but cannot talk to each other. The dilemma is that the best outcome, not being convicted, is only available if they each trust the other not to implicate him. If X decides to trust Y, but Y fears X may not be trustworthy, Y may confess to get a lesser sentence; X then gets a worse one. The best solution to this dilemma is for both to cooperate, to minimize the worst that can happen, rather than trying for the outcome that is maximum. This is called the minimax strategy and it’s classified as being the most probable outcome.  

II. Conducting negotiations  

Never conduct negotiations before 10 a. m. or after 4 p. m. First of all, you have to decide whether you want to speak first or to respond to your partner’s proposal. There’s an advantage in letting your partner make the opening proposal as it might be much more beneficial for you than you suspect.  


a) put forward a proposal (with as little emotion as possible). You have to make your initial offer-demand high and compromise from that point onward. Your partner will understand perfectly well it’s too much, so make your initial demand greater than you expect to receive, and offer less than you are expected to give. (For the same reason feel free to reject the first proposal received. ) While talking further, leave yourself room for maneuvering, presenting your proposals, and don’t try to pin down your partner to a fixed position too soon, because he needs room to maneuver, too. Make a final offer when the atmosphere is most cooperative.  

b) respond to proposals in a smart way (again, no emotions). Never take the first offer – if you take it, your adversary may feel there is something wrong with it or he didn’t get the best deal. Capture any similarities on both sides. Don’t hesitate to make conditional counter-offers: “If you do this, we’ll do that. ” Cut the unexpected introduction of new issues and follow strictly a concise step-by-step agenda. Probe your partner’s attitudes: “What would you say if we both lower our demands? ” but indicate that every concession you make is a major loss to you. Ask as many questions as you want – the more information you have, the more you control negotiation. To think over and re-design your strategy, ask for a break as many times as it’s acceptable. Summarize your partner’s proposals.  

c) move towards a bargain. You must know perfectly well the response to each of your points before you open your mouth. If your aides can’t help you, you have the wrong aides and you even might be a wrong president. Offer the lowest price first, as you may not need to go any further. Negotiate a “package, ” don’t concentrate on one demand and link other, smaller demands to it. While making a final offer look at the other party and check the body language (see below), your team members must confirm by body language that this is your final offer. It’s OK to press the partner by emphasizing the need to reach agreement, like: “We know our nations are waiting to see the treaty signed. ” (If your partner looks at his watch, it means he wants to end the talk. ) If you see you are approaching a dead end, ask your partner to talk off the record, in private, but if you talk in private, you have to keep your word no matter what.  

Sometimes negotiations (as in the Israel-Palestine case) run into serious problems and breakdowns. Strong diplomats never say “never” and never leave forever, and always are ready to come back and agree right away on new dates to continue talks, as though a breakdown is just one more pressure trick. The best thing to do is to re-establish communications as soon as possible and you have to do this through your team member who has good connections and influence with other party. Act fast, especially if the consequences of “no deal” would be worse than the last deal that was on the table. If the situation is not improving, you have nothing else but to use a mediator. I do not recommend you to take responsibility as mediator or to use a mediator for your diplomatic needs. International experience shows that these old and “experienced” people usually make the situation worse, like bringing in a lawyer — even if the situation looks better for the next couple of years. But if you have no choice and your partner, and your aides insist on using a mediator to resolve the situation you have to think it over … and agree.  

Mediation is the process in which deadlocked parties consider the suggestions of a third party, agreed upon in advance, but are not bound to accept the mediator’s recommendations. The mediator works as a referee between the negotiating parties and tries to find common ground among their agendas. Once some common ground is established, the mediator can begin to look for mutually acceptable ways out of the deadlock. A mediator between presidents has to be a president himself, very influential, and well informed on the situation to be able to make effective recommendations.  

He has to:  

a) consider the situation from all angles b) help both parties to understand each other better c) help the parties to create new approaches d) suggest a solution, give alternatives  

But if the two sides’ demands are too far apart, no outside party can bring them together at all. ( Often a mediator has to make multiple trips between two parties, who do not talk directly, and it’s called shuttle diplomacy. Usually, two parties do not formally recognize each other, but still want to negotiate. The term became widespread following Henry Kissinger’s term as National Security Adviser and then, as the United States Secretary of State (in 1973-1977), when he participated in shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East and China).  

III. Closing negotiation  

That’s the most important part, a final mutual agreement or disagreement, a test for your foreign policy making strategy and tactics and personally for you, your power and your image. Any treaty you sign with foreign leaders, if it meets American interests, is not your personal success, but that of the nation. There are three options: a) the agreement with all conditions is acceptable to both parties b) the agreement is acceptable to one party only c) the agreement is unacceptable for both parties  


Diplomatic Double Talk  

Statement Meaning  


We are disappointed. We got nothing.  

Situation disturbs us. It’s unacceptable.  

There are still differences between There are huge differences.  

our approaches.  

We can’t accept this deal. This means trouble.  

We reserve the right to use any means  

to prevent further worsening of the situation. This means war.  

Discussion helped us to understand each  

other better. We’ve wasted our time.  

We don’t understand your attitude. Stop it immediately.  

I’m trying to understand your position. Understand me too, idiot!  

If I’ve understood you correctly, you don’t agree. Do you have any other option?  

We’ll pay a very high price if we don’t  

reach agreement. Yes, that’s a threat!  




Spy Code  

1. No mercy, no ideology, no emotions. 2. Intuition is nothing but the ability to watch and analyze. 3. No evidence is evidence in itself. 4. Distrust is a mother of security. 5. Never look as if you are sizing up the person – that’s a sign that gives away cops and spies. 6. Don’t start first if you don’t know the rules.  

7. The way you act is the way you think – behavior is a system of codes (information) which could be calculated by the enemy. Watch your face – that’s a shop window. 8. Think fast, talk slow. 9. Avoid self-programming and never think bad about yourself. 10. Don’t smoke, drink or take drugs if it’s not necessary; spare your stomach from very hot or cold food or drinks; avoid too much noise and light. 11. Don’t be shy to lie – the more you lie the more people respect you. 12. Let people talk out and “empty their brains” – then load your information. 13. People never change – everybody wants to get pleasure and avoid pain. 14. “He knew too much” means “He talked too much. ” 15. Never ask extra questions – wait. Wait and the object will get used to you and open himself – nobody can stay tense for long. 16. Lonely people live longer in espionage business. 17. “No exit” situation is the one you don’t like or don’t understand. 18. Avoid: – personal enemies (they fix negative information on you) – silent types (they notice and think too much) – other professionals (they’ll blow your identity) – extra stress (it damages your heart and blood vessels and that kills your brain and your ability to think ) – talking too much 19. The best weapon against your enemy is his enemy. 20. “I want nothing” means “I want everything”. 21. Small lie gives birth to a big distrust. 22. If you can’t buy the guy, sell him.  

How to run assets  

You can get tons of information through technical devices but no device can influence decisions made by leaders of other countries. That’s why for thousands of years to come, a reliable agent will be the top tool of any special service, and their actual names have to be kept secret forever, please. A VIP agent (a top government employee) is a very rare thing and depends hugely on luck, because he can make or influence big political decisions. If he has access to the Oval Office, he can change the President’s plans and strategy, and can sabotage political, economic or military actions. When major presidential initiatives fail, time after time, one might wonder who is sabotaging whom.  

The most important thing a secret source can get is a reliable information on any possible attempt on the US President’s life, or concerning a decision of a foreign government to start a war against the United States. A professional agent is actually is both an instrument (to get information) and a weapon (to influence or neutralize people).  



A. "Garbage" (60%), the "no trust " category.  

Recruitment is #1 priority for the officer and a part of his working plan and very often he has to recruit people who are not born agents. You can work with a nice guy, teach him, pay him, press him — and he still avoids any cooperation (busy, sick, on vacation, etc. ). It’s hard to get rid of him because, first, you have to explain to your superiors why you recruited garbage and second, there’s a rule: if you want to be very smart and innovative, a reformer, who came here to start intelligence revolution and get rid of a passive agent, recruit an active one first. Also, agents who work under pressure (blackmail) sooner or later slide into this category.  

B. Good agents (30%), middle category. They adhere to the rules of discipline and keep the schedule (that’s very important even if there’s no information), deliver a lot of information that you have to verify through other sources, but don’t show much initiative. Used for regular espionage: go and talk to the object, copy documents, make a recording, take pictures, listen, watch. You can trust them and check often, anyway.  

C. Born agents (10%). You are very lucky if you can recruit such people. They betray their country with pleasure and sometimes do not even ask for money because it’s in their character — they are looking for adventure or are not happy with their personal or professional life and seek improvement or revenge. They take risks, have good analytical abilities, good education, make (VIP) connections easily, "crack" any object, play the "good guy" whom you can trust. Sometimes they come to you as volunteers, and if they bring valuable stuff – recruit them  

Special category: women.  

Women are a special category here, as elsewhere, and the rule is: if you can’t recruit a real agent, you recruit a woman. It’s not professional to recruit a woman for a serious operation, but if you want to get to an important object, a woman can introduce you. OK, you can recruit a US Senator’s secretary or a typist from the Pentagon, but it will be on your conscience if she gets caught. Such cases entail a life sentence, usually — how would you feel? Besides, women often fall in love with their objects and tell them everything. Finally, a married woman is much bigger problem than a married man.  



Recruit a small number of well-informed people. Do not recruit: – psychos – volunteers (unless it’s a "mole" or other government employee who brings you top secret information right away. In a counter-intelligence set-up, a "volunteer" will try to get information about you, telling the minimum about himself. ) – persons with low educational and intellectual level – people under 30 or over 70, unless it’s a VIP. (Did someone get Jim Baker? Dick Cheney? ) – mafia members – people who are happy with their lives and careers  

The best formula when you recruit is a mix of money and ideology (brainwashing). It’s not necessary to sign recruitment obligations — people take that as a blackmail tool. It’s enough if the fellow brings a good piece of information and get paid (make a video, anyway).  


Recruitment Pyramid  

Priority recruitment candidates in the USA:  


The White House staff  

The Cabinet and federal agencies  

The US Congress  

Big corporations  

Big scientific institutions  

Local politicians  

VIP world (celebrities – big media, show biz, big sport)  


Candidates for recruitment  

1. All spies who work in the USA under legal "cover" as diplomats, reporters, scientists, businessmen, actors, artists, musicians, sportsmen have the legal right to make and develop any contacts and invite people to private parties; then they "transfer" these contacts to professional recruiters. Any embassy can invite any politician to official and private parties and "work" with him there. Besides, all those people can invite prospective candidates to their countries or to other country to develop the contact; it’s much easier to recruit abroad. And remember, any contact, any talk, any piece of biography is already information. 2. You can get information about candidates through other agents and through the media. 3. It’s useful to install listening devices in the government buildings or listen to the phones, and collect compromising information on politicians. I recommend listening to the phones all over the city, if it’s the capital of the country.  

"Golden" rules.  

1. Do not tell the agent about problems and mistakes of the agency, about your personal problems, about other agents, about his own file and compromising information you have on him. 2. Don’t show him any classified documents – you might provoke him to sell the information to somebody else. 3. Don’t trust your agents too much; they can use you to compromise their personal enemies. 4. Never criticize the source – be an adviser. Don’t talk straight if he avoids cooperation or brings you garbage – just reduce or stop payments, or get rid of him.  

5. You lose the agent if you don’t pay him for a job well done, ask him to "produce" fake information (to show your bosses how much great espionage activity you have going on) or if you don’t care about his personal security and his personal problems (health, career). And — never give poison to your agent for security reasons.  


Questioning the source  

This is of extreme importance – the right question brings you the right answer and top secret info. Give your agent a chance to tell and show you everything he’s brought, no matter how chaotic the story might be or how ordinary the documents look. Don’t make written notices. Don’t bring written questions even if you are talking about some advanced technology — look and be professional. Don’t let the agent analyze the information before he talks to you and don’t let him bring it in a written form – it’s usually not complete; he can lose it; or it may be stolen from him. If there are documents, he has to bring a microfilm. Ask questions — when? where? what happened? why? what’s going to happen next? After that you tell the story back to him and he adds details. At the end of the meeting give the agent another task and don’t ask him to bring you "something, " because he’ll bring you just that "something" and nothing else. Remember, questioning is not interrogation; do not bring another officer to the meeting because it will look like cross interrogation.  

Teaching the source  

Teach your agent to: – follow security rules while talking to people, working with the documents and especially meeting the officer (some foreign agencies practice open contacts with many people, hoping that the meeting with the agent won’t attract much attention — I don’t recommend that) – always stay calm in stressful situations – always keep discipline and come in time – use analytic abilities working with people and documents – ask yourself as many questions as you can  

Checking the source  

You can never be sure you are not working with a "double agent, " even if he brings you top secret stuff. Besides, agents are human beings and they make mistakes — they forget about security, spend too much money, talk too much and ask extra questions; if arrested they may not play the hero but will tell everything. Anyway, you can check your source: a. by fake arrest followed by severe interrogation. b. through provocation (tell him you know about his "double game" and watch his behavior after the meeting (it’s good to have a listening device or a camera in his house).  

c. by making an analysis of all the information and documents he delivers and comparing it with information from other sources. d. through other agents. e. through your "mole" in counter-intelligence (if you’re lucky). f. through technical devices (reading the mail, listening to the phone, secret searching his house and office, watching him through hidden cameras, trying surveillance in the street).  


Agent termination (one-way ticket)  

It doesn’t happen often but you have to know some special situations when you have to terminate the agent: 1. He knows too much (talks too much) and is ready to betray you. 2. VIP agent (politician) is under suspicion and you can’t help him for political reasons (diplomatic, international scandal, etc. ) — in such a case an accident could be staged. It happens that the agent is too close to President. 3. Agent was involved in special operations (murders) and is dangerous as a witness. 4. Agent is trying to blackmail you. 5. You need to press (blackmail) other agents.  


Special Influence Methods  

1. Tortures  

Torture is a category of methods of interrogation designed to shock, hurt and humiliate the object and get information or to make him do something (if used for blackmail). Points to remember: -ongoing torture decreases pain sensitivity -people with strong will power take torture as a test -resistance to torture is often a form of hysterics after arrest -the object could take himself as a martyr if you torture him too much -torture could damage object’s psyche and you won’t be able to work with him (that’s why we keep terrorists in Guantanamo Bay without trial – we turn them into idiots) -people usually trust "after torture information" more than voluntary confessions -there are different types of torture and professionals often combine them  

Techniques of psychological torture include:  

– fake execution – complete isolation ("wall therapy") – daylight deprivation  

– forcible narcotics addiction. Here you can use depressants, stimulants, opiates or hallucinogens : depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, antianxiety drugs – effects of euphoria, tension reduction,, muscle relaxation, drowsiness; stimulants (cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine (crystal meth), with effects of fast euphoria, exhilaration, high physical and mental energy, reduced appetite, perceptions of power, and sociability; hallucinogens with effects of euphoria, hallucinations, distorted perceptions and sensations -making the object observe others being tortured (such as family members) -abuse of object’s national, religious feelings or political views) The effects of psychological torture are: anxiety, depression, fear, psychosis, difficulty concentrating, communication disabilities, insomnia, impaired memory, headaches, hallucinations, sexual disturbances, destruction of self-image, inability to socialize Techniques of physical torture include: -food, water, sleep deprivation -damage to vital body organs (brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, private parts) plus electric shock. The brain is particularly dependent on a continuous and stable supply of oxygen and glucose. -rape -face deformation -water cure ( the torturer pours water down the throat of the subject to inflict the terror of drowning. In another variation, the subject is tied or held don in a chair, his face is covered with a cloth or plastic sheet, and water is poured slowly or quickly over his face to encourage him to talk The effects of physical torture are: extreme (unbearable) pain, hypertension, fatigue, cardiopulmonary and other disorders, brain atrophy.  

2. Special psychology 1. "Brain washing" (implantation of new ideas). The process is: isolation from outside world ("information vacuum") — sleep and food limitation (very effective) — "bombing" with slogans – ideological aggression – achieving the result (brain is loaded). The object is now ready to brainwash newcomers. 2. "Behavior modification" (by placing into a group). The process is: initial contact — introduction to a group — mutual interests — mutual activity–mutual ideas — control and prevention of any negative contacts outside the group. No rush, no pressure. 3. Special psychotherapy methods: talk + drugs + blondes + alcohol (used for recruitment)  

Attention: An alcoholic is more impulsive, untrustful and unreliable; he demonstrates a poverty of ideas and incapacity for attention. He usually has serious personality maladjustments. He’s immature, insecure, oversensitive and anxious. Without alcohol he’s unable to meet and enjoy people socially, and suffers from marked feeling of inferiority. Besides, alcoholics suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency, which leads to anatomic changes in the central nervous system and heart with symptoms like anorexia, fatigability, and sleep disturbances. Other common symptoms are irritability, poor memory, inability to concentrate, heart pain.  

4. "Transfer" (the object is placed in a regular hospital and then he’s transferred to a mental health clinic or jail). In jail you can use such methods an accelerated work schedule (to exhaust the object), turning him into a number to traumatize his psyche, physical punishment or a threat of punishment to keep the object tense and depressed; senseless labor to destroy his personality. Remember: the lower the intellectual level of the object, the more aggressive he is and more sensitive to incentive or punishment.  

You can actually re-organize any object’s behavior by combining rewards and punishments, exposing him to feared situations and teaching him an instinct of a total (political) obedience. Imprisonment is a very strong (sometimes — ultimate) tool. My friend who spent 10 years in jail described the changes in his behavior like this: 1st year – aggression as self-defense method (to survive) 2nd year – less personal tension, attempts to adapt the mind and body to the new, isolated way of life 3rd, 4th, 5th – gaining some inside status 6th, 7th – life in jail looks like natural routine 10th – euphoria  

3. Blackmail Used to force a person to do something (or stop the action) against his will; it’s used also for recruitment. Blackmail methods include: 1. Leaking "dirt" on the object through media 2. Creating problems in his personal life and career 3. Straight blackmail (threatening to make public certain compromising facts about him) 4. Placing weapons, drugs, secret documents in object’s house or office, followed by search and arrest 5. Accusations of rape (robbery) (use hookers for that) 6. Blackmail by pressing family members. Careful, object may commit suicide after intense blackmail, especially if he is an intellectual  


Murders technologies  


Shooting, explosives or poison (cyanides, curare). Use a sniper or a "mouse" car (loaded with explosives and parked on the object’s route) if access to the object is impossible because of high security. Anyway, the murder is obvious and investigation is inevitable.  

General scheme.  

The best thing to do is to recruit or " install" somebody with access to the object’s security system and get information on his schedule (plus health and habits), places where he likes to relax. Try to gain access to his phone.  

Then prepare the plan and train three groups: surveillance (with optics and radios), action (includes snipers, explosives technicians or staged accidents specialists), and security (these people neutralize bodyguards, witnesses and other people who could interrupt the action; they complete the action if the action group fails; and they can neutralize the action group later, if planned so; they "cover" the safe retreat of action group and "cut" the chase).  

For some operations you can modify the ammunition to make it more deadly – hollow cuts in the tip of the bullets will cause the lead to fragment upon impact, making a huge exit hole. You reach same effect using bullets with a drop of mercury in a hollow tip and you can also coat bullets with arsenic or cyanide. Use depleted, non-radioactive uranium bullets (uranium is much heavier than lead – it can be used to make a bullet with a smaller slug and a larger portion of explosive). Teflon bullets are good because with Teflon’s antifriction characteristics they pierce bullet proof vests.  


Staged accidents (suicides, catastrophes, drowning or fall, robbery or rape followed by murder, technical accident (fire, electricity, gas), drugs, weapons, poison, explosives misuse. Also, staged natural death (stroke, heart attack, chronic illness as a result of using special technical devices like irradiation).  

" Illegal " spies  

When I talk about “the best, ” I mean the highest intelligence level — illegal spies, intelligence operatives who are secretly deployed abroad and covertly operate there under assumed names and well-documented cover stories, masquerading as native citizens. It's very important if you get, for example, original birth certificate of American citizen, who died (at young age preferably) or any records and documents on him(birth, wedding, death, any IDs, etc).  

The process of training and “penetration” of the officer is rather complex and includes:  

a) Special training. Foreign language, general, political and special (espionage and counter-espionage) knowledge of the target country; personal cover story — new biography, special technical devices, recruitment methods). Up to three years. b) Illegal probation period abroad. A trip abroad through intermediate countries with numerous changes of passports and cover stories, jobs, personal connections. Then he gets to the target country, stays there for another 1-2 years and goes back to his country for additional training and correction of cover story — actually, it’s his first combat assignment. The most important part of this assignment is to check the reliability of the cover story and documents; the cover story has to be reinforced with new and old true facts, like short-term studies at universities or professional training courses). c) Intermediate legislation. On his way back the officer could stay in an intermediate country for another 1-2 years, make contacts with business, scientists, government employees, celebrities. d) Basic legislation. Officer comes to the target country, obtains genuine documents, gets a job which allows him to travel and talk to many people, recruit informants thus creating an illegal station. The illegal is usually supplied with a variety of cover documents to make him “invisible” for counter-intelligence — some are used only to cross the borders on the way to a target country, others — to live there, other documents — only for travel to “third countries” to meet with officers of legal or illegal stations or to be used in case of urgent recall to home country (in that case the illegal is supposed to transit at least two or three countries). His further activity depends on how professional counter-espionage service is working in the country. He could fail in his mission also because of: – poor training and low quality documents – neglecting security rules. – one mistake in pronunciation can give you away – treason (traitor-informant or a “mole” inside his own service) – low personal security level (while working with sources)  

If we talk about "legal plants", KGB (and modern Russian SVR) loves to recruit Harvard, Yale and Columbia students and "push" them to the top of American politics – US Congress, the White House, the Cabinet.  

Coup d'etat  

Coups, like war, are one of the most violent tools of special services and one could be artificially staged in a target country by “feeding” and “pushing” the political opposition or by using VIP agents in the government. Most coups are “Bureaucratic, ” and entail mainly a change of leader, usually by person #2. That person might be the trigger or might be induced to practice “passive sabotage” and allow certain others to take over. It is also an example of political engineering. Coups usually use the power of the existing government for its own takeover.  

Conditions for a successful coup:  

–the army is supportive or at least neutral (a coup usually involves control of some active -portion of the military while neutralizing the remainder of the armed services) -the leader is out of town (vacation, visit abroad) or is ill -a political or economic crisis. -opponents fail to dislodge the plotters, allowing them to consolidate their position, obtain the surrender or acquiescence of the populace, and claim legitimacy  

Military coup  

Changing a civilian government to a military one, usually in developing countries. Conditions: a long-term political and economic crisis that threatens national security and the unity of the country. Military chief(s) eventually let the people elect a civilian president and form a civilian government after “re-construction” of political and economic systems. They usually leave for themselves the right to control further political process. A good example is the attempt of anti-Nazi officers to assassinate Hitler in a coup. On July 20, 1944, Colonel Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg brought a bomb-laden suitcase into a briefing room where Hitler was holding a meeting. The bomb exploded and several persons were killed. Hitler was wounded, but his life was saved when the suitcase was unwittingly moved away by someone. Hitler was shielded from the blast by the conference table, leaving him with minor injuries. Subsequently about 5, 000 people were arrested by the Gestapo and about 200, includingStauffenberg, were executed in connection with attempt, some on the very same day (which means that Himmler was involved and knew perfectly well about the coup).  

“Democratic” coup  

A democratic coup would be a change of the government by the most aggressive (nationalistic) political party.  


–artificial or actual government crisis  

–mass anti-government propaganda  

–organized “democratic” movement all over the country  

–provoked mass protests (10, 000 participants and up) and civil disobedience actions  

To provoke a mass anti-government meeting you have to bring to the place well-trained group of agitators (bring as many as you can), and they will inevitably attract an equal number of curious persons who seek adventures and emotions, as well as those unhappy with the government (unemployed people, young and old, are usually very supportive). Arrange transportation of the participants to take them to meeting places in private or public vehicles.  

Design placards, flags and banners with different radical slogans or key words; prepare flyers, pamphlets (with instructions for the participants), posters and signs (to make the concentration more noticeable). It’s good if you place a surveillance team on the top floors of the nearby buildings – they will report any changes in the event; have also messengers to transmit your orders. Remember, if you clash with police and military and a participant(s) is being killed, the conflict inflames right away.  

Your people can also infiltrate the spontaneous anti-government meeting and turn it into a mass radical demonstration with fights and incidents. Key agitators (with security attached to them) have to be dispersed and stand by placards, signs, lampposts; they have to avoid places of disturbances, once they have provoked them.  

–the leader of the meeting must be protected by a ring of bodyguards (they protect him from police or help him to escape).  

–government buildings must be “covered” by a blockade  


“Democratic” nationalistic coups in Ukraine (2004 and 2014), so-called “orange revolution”. CIA gave the nationalists my instruction and followed them absolutely: acts of civil disobedience, strikes, sit-ins (in the central square), aggressive propaganda, mass demands to re-vote the presidential election, clashes with police.  


A change of government and political and economic systems by political gangsters, usually fed, pushed, incited, and possibly funded and equipped by the secret services of another country. (Even the American Revolution would not have succeeded without French military advisors and financial support. ) Government buildings are blockaded, the government isolated, all communications and transportation systems captured, government media closed, new government formed.  


–political and economic crisis  

–mass anti-government propaganda (in the army too)-provoked mass protests and civil disobedience actions -terror and urban guerillas  


The current government assumes extraordinary powers not allowed by the legislation. It often happens when the president is democratically elected, but later takes control of the legislative and judicial powers.  

Special Strategies  

Every operation demands a set of original methods, especially if we are talking about strategic intelligence. I give you a few examples.  

1. "Domino" or "chain reaction. " A coup, revolution or civil war in one country provokes the same actions in other countries (neighbors). It doesn't matter what country is going to be next, most important – what country is a target.  

2. "False flag". The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U. S. administration for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as hijacking a passenger plane and blaming it on Cuba.  

3. "Sliding" strategy. Transformation of a secret operation into an open one: support of illegal opposition/coup.  

4. "Restriction. " You damage (limit) international and economic connections (projects) of the enemy.  

5. "Monopoly. " Special operation to keep country’s monopoly or status as economic leader or special (nuclear) holder, or high tech producer. Includes actions to restrict the attempts of other countries to get strategic raw materials and modern weapons and technologies.  

6. "Reverse effect. " The government declares a certain goal and launches a military or special operation, but the result is something quite different, possibly opposite. Examples: instead of separating (ethnic) group "A" from group "B" both of them are being exterminated; instead of peace and democracy in a certain region, power is being concentrated in one group and the opposition is being exterminated.  

7. "Clash. " You "clash" the government and opposition of a target country and support civil war until the country is ruined and you get it for free.  

8. "Salami-slice strategy". It’s a process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. It includes the creation of several factions within the opposing political party, and then dismantling that party from inside, without causing the "sliced" sides to protest.  

9. "Positive shock. " A domestic operation; to save the government during a crisis, special service provokes artificial civil conflict or sabotage, imitation (terror), and the government takes care of the "problem. "  

10. "Controlled crisis export" (see "Foreign Policy")  

11. "Sanitation border. " "Fencing" the target country by enemies (neighbors).  

12. "Alibi. " You build a "chain" of evidence (witnesses) and move the investigation to a dead end.  

13. "Passive sabotage. " A very effective strategy used to cover up a major action like the assassination of a President or the destruction of several office towers. You just "do not see the bad guys" who are going to kill the President or blow up the city. In any case you win — the perpetrators are not sure you are watching them; you can arrest them if the object survives or liquidate them once the object is dead. You don’t need a big conspiracy, you just give the order to ignore certain people until their plan materializes.  

14. "Special tour. " You help the target country to "build democratic institutions" (the government and local administrations) by sending official crews to help. Actually, they rule the country and that’s a "hidden occupation. "  

15. "Mask. " You mask your actual global plans (reforms) by another big action (war).  

16. Illegal espionage operations. Very dangerous, because illegal spy is playing born American and can make career in business, becoming #1 Pentagon supplier or in the government, getting to the Congress or even White House.  

Counterespionage management  

"Golden rules"  

1. Don’t die a hero – that’s bad planning, poor training and lack of experience; the dead man goes to a hall of shame and stupidity. Bad planning is an operational failure; once things have gone off track it is far more complicated to achieve the objective. Multi-step complex operations come from the fantasies of bureaucrats who watch too many movies. Keep it simple if you want to get it right.  

2. Never provoke people to break the law – that’s not professional.  

3. Always look for insider if it’s about sophisticated operation (bank robbery, etc. ).  





– secure and examine carefully the crime scene (every person who enters the scene is a potential destroyer of physical evidence)  

– record the scene (make photos, sketches, notes with detailed written description of the scene with the location of evidences recovered)  

– collect physical evidences (blood, semen, saliva, hair, documents, drugs, weapons and explosives, poisonous substances, fingerprints, traces, soils and minerals, fiber) and package everything  

– collect confessions and eyewitnesses accounts and then  

– make a plan of investigation and correct it later  

– research similar crimes and criminals involved  

– make a model (profile) of the suspect  

– analyze expertise data  

– work with secret sources  

– cooperate with other divisions (abroad, if needed)  

– make arrest  

– interrogate  


In daytime arrest people discreetly – don’t inflame extra public irritation. There’s a general rule: more arrests – less crime prevention (after being in jail people, engage in more sophisticated and secret criminal activity). After mass arrests at certain places (buildings) repeat the action in a day or two.  


– chasing the object, block the area into circles (follow the plan for a certain area) and try to "push" him to a certain place where your team is waiting  

– taking the object in the street: look around for his partner(s), who could shoot you from behind  

– be on the alert if anybody tries to talk to you in the street – it could be an attempt to divert your attention  

– arresting a crew, shoot and disarm any people with guns first  

– never hesitate to shoot terrorists – some of them have mental problems and won’t think a second before shooting you  

– arrest a dangerous object while he’s relaxed (drugs, alcohol, sex, sleep) and don’t let him kill himself, eliminate evidences or warn his partners. (Most people feel more relaxed when traveling abroad. ) To take the object alive, scream, shoot over his head, use smoke and light grenades.  

– camouflage your team (as ambulance workers, construction workers, vendors, etc. )  

– if there’s a crowd around the object, shoot in the air and order everybody to lie down— the object has no choice  

– if the object is well armed and very dangerous (and you have intelligence information on that), you have to shoot him even in a very crowded area as you never know what he’s going to do next — take hostages, shoot people or blow up a bomb (three wounded people is a better score than three hundred dead).  


Interrogation is a conversational process of information gathering. The intent of interrogation is to control an individual so that he will either willingly supply the requested information or, if someone is an unwilling participant in the process, to make the person submit to the demands for information.  

Remember, people tend to:  

–talk when they are under stress and respond to kindness and understanding.  

–show deference when confronted by superior authority, This is culturally dependent, but in most areas of the world people are used to responding to questions from a variety of government and quasi-government officials.  

–operate within a framework of personal and culturally derived values. People tend to respond positively to individuals who display the same value system and negatively when their core values are challenged.  

–respond to physical and, more importantly, emotional self-interest.  

–fail to apply or remember lessons they may have been taught regarding security if confronted with a disorganized or strange situation  

–be more willing to discuss a topic about which the interrogator demonstrates identical or related experience or knowledge  

–appreciate flattery and exoneration from guilt  


a) "good cop / bad cop"  

b)"story under a story" (after intense interrogation the object tells a different story — which is not true, either)  

c) "bombing" with questions  

d) pressure by not interrogating  

e) "silence makes your situation worse" trick  

f) "admit one small episode and that’s it" trick  

g) "I help you — you help me" trick  

h) "shift" – try to shift the blame away from the suspect to some other person or set of circumstances that prompted the subject to commit the crime. That is, develop themes containing reasons that will justify or excuse the crime. Themes may be developed or changed to find one to which the accused is most responsive.  


 Actual espionage is not what you see in the movies and you have absolutely no chance of evasion if a real professional surveillance crew is following you. Why? Because they use multiple methods and mixed methods.. Physical surveillance.  


"One line" – officers follow the object forming a line behind him and passing him one by one.  

"Two lines" – officers form two lines on both sides of the street.  

"Circle" – officers block the area and start searching (used in case they lose the object).  

"Fork" – one officer (a car) moves in front of the object, another one – behind, other officers (cars) move along parallel streets  

"Box" – used when the object enters supermarket, hotel, restaurant. One or two officers follow the object, the others wait for him at the exits.  

"Demonstration" – officers demonstrate their presence to press the object and lower his activity.  

"Provocation" – officers attack the object, beat him, steal (secret) documents. Often used to lower his activity if he’s trying to play James Bond.  

"Outstrip" – officers do not follow the object because they know exactly where he’s going.  

"Football" – officers pass the object to each other (car — a group — bicyclist — car…)  

"Movie" – the crew watches the object in stages: first day — to the subway only, second day — from subway to his office, etc. (used abroad). The crew has to have a female member if they are watching a woman (she could use the ladies room for a secret meeting) and members of various ethnicities (white, black, Latino) because the object could go to a specific ethnic area.  


If you’re the object and you’ve noticed surveillance:  

Don’t rush, move at the same speed.  

Relax at the nearest bar (and relax the crew).  

Don’t show how professional you are by trying to disappear, otherwise they could intensify surveillance or even neutralize you (smash your car, beat you up).  

Postpone the operation you were engaged in.  

Use a "draught" if you need to see your agent no matter what. Change lanes (if you are driving), stop the car and then drive left or right.  

If you don’t see surveillance, that means either there’s no surveillance or you’ve failed in counter-surveillance. Discreetly watch the agent who’s coming to meet you and try to detect any possible surveillance; or you may have been "outstripped. "  

Surveillance crew mistakes:  

The same crew follows the object all day long.  

The object "rules" the crew and calculates it (he moves faster — the crew moves faster).  

A crew member is too noticeable (unusual dress, haircut, disabled parts of the body, too fat or too skinny, too ugly or too pretty).  

The crew starts to search possible hiding places for espionage evidence right after the object leaves (and he may be watching).  

The crew leaves traces after a secret search of the object’s house (office).  

The crew does not report its mistakes or the fact that they’ve lost the object.  

The crew is not professional (using childish tricks like jumping out of a subway train just before the doors close).  

Technical Surveillance  

1. Visual surveillance. Done through special holes in the ceilings and walls, through the windows from the opposite building (car) or by installing the camera inside the house (you can substitute something, like a clock, for the same thing but "stuffed" with a camera or recorder. ) You can use informant as well to watch the object outside his house (especially if you want to do a secret search).  

2. Listening devices. The easiest thing is to listen to the object’s phone (record all calls, including those dialed "by mistake"). If you work inside his apartment, make sure you equip the room where he usually talks. Attention: avoid widespread mistake when your agent keeps the listening device on his body; install a miniature device in his clothes or shoes, because the object could try a test and ask the agent to take off his clothes or invite him to the sauna or pool.  

3. If you are working abroad, listen 24/7 to local counterintelligence surveillance radiofrequencies.  

4. Reading the mail. When you control the object’s mail, remember he could use multiple addresses and PO boxes. Open all the letters with no return address or PO box. Watch when you open the letter — the object could leave a tiny piece of paper, hair, etc. to check if anybody opened the letter. Analyze the text carefully — there could be a cipher or the words with double meaning (jargon), especially when you read mafia mail.  

5. Combination of above-mentioned methods  

Spies Identification  

If a spy is an intelligence officer working abroad under "cover" (diplomat, businessman, reporter) you can identify him by:  

– following the careers of all diplomats who work at your enemy’s embassies all over the world  

– recruiting a "mole" inside the intelligence service (or inside the station)  

– setting up your agent for recruitment by the enemy’s station  

– watching foreigners who try to make discreet contacts with native citizens with access to secrets  

– making a model of a spy (professional behavior, attempts to detect surveillance, attempts to recruit sources or just get any classified information during normal meetings, "throwing away" money trying to get access to government employees, military and scientific circles)  

– using secret surveillance and listening devices inside the station and practicing secret searches  

If a spy is an intelligence officer working in your country under "cover" of a native citizen (or he is recruited by a native citizen) you identify him by making a model (contacts with identified spies — that’s often the only sign which points out a spy, and that’s why surveillance is very important in getting information from a "mole"). CIA “mole” and KGB intelligence officer V. Martynov arrested at Moscow airport, 1987.  


CIA “mole” and KGB intelligence officer V. Martynov arrested at Moscow airport, 1987. Later he was executed.  

A "mole" is a spy inside the government, recruited or "installed" most often within the special services, by an outside government/agency. The 3 most dangerous things a "mole" can do:  

1. Calculate President’s plans and decisions judging by information he’s asking for.  

2. Manipulate information being sent to President, and thus influence global political decisions  

3. Paralyze to some extent the government (if he’s CIA or FBI Director)  

Methods to detect a "mole":  

A. Use index cards (special file) — never use computers to save this information!  

Prepare a file on each officer and mark there the signs of a "mole" — has or spends too much money, asks too many extra questions; uses professional skills to check for physical and technical surveillance; has discreet contacts with foreigners; discreet copying of top secret documents; attempts to get a job in most secret departments; talks with close friends and family members about the possibility of making money as a "mole"; behavior deviations — extra suspiciousness, excitement, depression, drugs or alcohol addiction. Three signs are enough to start an investigation — the "triangulation" principle.  

B. Use provocation. If a prospective "mole" is looking for a contact with the enemy and is ready to betray, and you have exact information, organize such a "meeting" for him. Do not arrest the person right away — play along, as he may give you connections to other people who are ready to betray. There’s one more provocation method: you supply the suspects with "highly classified information" and just watch what they do.  

C. Use "filter" or "narrowing the circle. " Include all the officers you suspect in a "circle" and narrow it until one name is left as the most likely suspect.  

D. Make a "model" of a "mole, " judging by information you have on him.  

E. Recruit an insider. Recruit a "mole" inside your enemy’s intelligence service and he’ll help you to find the one inside yours (it’s called "grabbing the other end of a thread").  

F. Don’t trust anybody.  

What to do if you’ve detected a "mole"  

– assess the damage  

– restrict his access to classified information and start "feeding" him with fake data  

– stop all operations he was involved in and create the illusion they are still in progress  

– bring home officers and agents who work abroad and had contacts with him and those to whose files he had access  

– start 24/7 surveillance if you’ve decided to play the game and look into his contacts  

– arrest the "mole" discreetly (if you want to continue the game)  

Effective methods to prevent treason do not exist.  

How to cover your "mole"  

There are special methods to cover your own "mole" and a "switch" is the most effective — it’s when you "switch" counterintelligence to other, innocent persons who work with the "mole. " You can try information "leaks" through a "double agent" — it looks like you receive top secret information through another traitor or by breaking the electronic security systems. Or you can try information "leak" through publications in big newspapers — it looks like information is not secret and is known to many people or there’s another "mole. "  

President's protection (instruction for Secret Service)  

The top priority in protecting the President’s life must be organized and complete intelligence. Any information from any person from any country concerning the President’s personal security has to be immediately analyzed, and immediate action has to be performed. This is the first priority for intelligence and counter-intelligence agencies and police as well as the Secret Service. If the system is organized properly, nobody could even get in a position to try to shoot. Of course, the safest thing is to restrict the President’s routes to government buildings only; but he has to travel and he has to travel abroad, too. Still, the President should leave his Office only when he really has to.  

Since the President has to be let out from time to time, the newer technique is to restrict where the onlookers may congregate, especially those who wish to take the opportunity to express dismay with Presidential policies. Thus we now see the evolution of "free speech corners" so that demonstrators are confined to specific areas far from the actual event where the President is appearing or the route he is transiting.  



Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence (t e r r o r) against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives. It’s also a form of unconventional and psychological warfare. The common strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence. Each act of terrorism is a violent act, devised to have a big national or international impact. Terrorism is a political tactic. “Red” terror is aimed against certain politicians; “black” refers more to mass murders. The two can be mixed.  

Purposes: to scare the nation, neutralize the government and show its inability to rule the country; to make the government admit that terror organization is a real political power; to draw media and public (international) attention to a certain political problem, to provoke the government to use military force and start civil war; to prove some political or religious ideology; prevent or delay important political decisions or legislation; discourage foreign investments or foreign government assistance programs; change the government through revolution or civil war.  

Types of terrorism  

1. Civil disorders.  

2. Political terrorism – violent acts designed primarily to generate fear in the nation for political purposes. Civil disorders are very effective here..  

3. Non-political terrorism – terrorism that is not aimed at political purposes but which exhibits conscious design to create and maintain high degree of fear for coercive purposes..  

4. Official or state terrorism – referring to nations whose rule is based upon fear and oppression that reach similar to terrorism or such proportions..  

Terrorist objectives  

1. Recognition  

Groups seeking recognition require events that have high probability of attracting media attention. Specific incidents may be suicide bombing in public place (e. g. a green market), hijacking of an aircraft, the kidnapping of a politician or other prominent person, the seizing of occupied buildings (schools, hospitals) or other hostage barricade situations. Once they gain attention, the terrorists may demand that political statement be disseminated. Terrorist groups sometimes use organizational names or labels designed to imply legitimacy or widespread support. For example, a tiny isolated group may use “front”, “army”, or “brigade” in its name to achieve this effect.  

2. Coercion.  

Coercion is the attempt to force a desired behavior by individuals, groups, or governments. This objective calls for a strategy of a very selective targeting which rely on publicly announced bombings, destruction of property and other acts which are initially less violent than the taking of human life. Contemporary examples include the bombing of corporate headquarters and banking facilities with little or no loss of life.  

3. Intimidation.  

Intimidation attempts to prevent individuals or groups from acting: coercion attempts to force actions. Terrorists may use intimidation to reduce the effectiveness of security forces by making them afraid to act. Intimidation can discourage competent citizens from seeking or accepting positions within the government. The threat of violence can also keep the general public from taking part in important political activities such as voting. As in the case of coercion, terrorists use a strategy of selective targeting although they may intend the targets to look as though they were chosen indiscriminately.  

4. Provocation.  

Provoking overreaction on the part of government forces. The strategy normally calls for attacking targets symbolic of the government ( for example, the police, the military, and other officials). Attacks of this type demonstrate vulnerability to terrorist acts and contribute to a loss of confidence in the government’s ability to provide security. More important, if the security forces resort to a heavy-handed response, the resulting oppression can create public sympathy, passive acceptance, or active support for an insurgent or terrorist group.  

5. Insurgency support.  

Terrorism in support of an insurgency is likely to include provocation, intimidation, coercion and the quest for recognition.. Terrorism can also aid an insurgency by causing the government to overextend itself in attempting to protect all possible targets. Other uses of terrorist skills in insurgencies include acquiring funds, coercing recruits, obtaining logistical support, and enforcing internal discipline.  

The media is a valuable “helper” by giving terrorists international recognition and also to attract recruits, obtaining funds. Once they gain attention, the terrorists may demand that political statements be disseminated. The danger is that this kind of attention tends to incite acts of violence by other terrorist groups. Terrorists use different methods and taking hostages, bombing, arson (low risk action) assassinations, ambushes and hijacking are the most popular ones.  

Factors that may contribute to terrorism:high population growth rates, high unemployment, weak economies, extremism, ethnic, religious or territorial conflict.  

Organization and tactic  

Organized terror is “organized construction”:  

–search and recruitment of people (active and passive supporters), including informants and supporters in government agencies, counterintelligence and police -getting money (robberies, illegal operations with drugs and weapons, legal business, searching for donors with the same political views) -security system, including a system of “cells” or small groups (some groups may organize multifunctional cells that combine several skills into one tactical unit). Preparing places where members can hide, relax, get medical care; keep weapons, money, special literature. System also includes fake IDs and counter-intelligence (detection of traitors, preventing collapse of the group and uncontrolled criminal activity (robberies) -training camps (shooting, working with explosives). If the group is state supported or directed, the leadership usually includes one or more members who have been trained and educated by the sponsoring state -“brainwashing” sessions (the group may include professional terrorists for hire who are not necessarily ideologically motivated) -planning the actions -making special connections with other groups and mafia  

The typical terrorist organization is pyramidal. This format takes more people to support operations than to carry them out. Therefore, the majority of people who work in terrorist organizations serve to keep terrorists in the field. The most common job in terrorist groups is support, not combat.  

Usually, organization is divided into 4 levels: 1st level. Command level. The smallest, most secret group at the top. 2nd level. Active cadre. Responsible for carrying out the mission of the terrorist organization.. 3rd level. Active supporters. The active supporters are critical to terrorist operations. Any group can carry out a bombing, but to maintain a campaign of bombings takes support. Active supporters keep the terrorists in the field. They maintain communication channels, provide safe houses, gather intelligence. This is the largest internal group in the organization, and one which can be effectively countered by economic measures. 4th level. Passive supporters. Most terrorist groups number fewer than 50 people and are incapable of mounting a long-term campaign. Under the command of only a few people, the group is divided according to specific tasks. Intelligence sections are responsible for assessing targets and planning operations. Support sections provides the means necessary to carry out the assault, and the tactical units are responsible for the actual terrorist action.  

Terrorist organizations tend to have two primary types of subunits: a cell and a column.  

The cell is the most basic type. Composed of 4 to 6 people, the cell usually has a mission specialty, but it my be a tactical cell or an intelligence section. In some organizations, the duties of tactical cells very with the assignment. Other cells may exist as support wing. Sometimes groups of cells will form to create columns. Columns are semiautonomous conglomerations of cells with a variety of specialties and a separate command structure. As combat units, columns have questionable effectiveness. They are usually too cumbersome to be used in major operations, and the secrecy demanded by terrorism prevents effective inter-column cooperation. Hence, columns are most often found fulfilling a function of combat support.  

Terrorist groups can be divided into three categories:  

a. non-state supported groups which operate autonomously, receiving no support from any government b. state supported groups, which operate alone but receive support from one or more governments c. state directed groups, which operate as the agents of a government, receiving substantial intelligence, logistic, and operational support  




An overt seizure of one or more people to gain publicity, concessions, or ransom in return for the release of the hostage or hostages. While dramatic, hostage situations are risky for the terrorist in an unfriendly environment..  

You must always negotiate if hostages have been taken. Negotiation produces some advantages for you. These advantages are: (a) the longer situation is prolonged, the more intelligence can be gathered on the location, motivation and identity, (b) the passage of time generally reduces anxiety, allowing the hostage taker to assess the situation rationally, (c) given enough time, the hostages may find a way to escape on their own, (c) the necessary resolve to kill or hold hostages lessens with timer, (d) terrorists may make mistakes. The negotiation team must have information to support negotiations (you get it from interviews with witnesses, escaped and released hostages, and captured suspects — it’s very important to get the identities, personalities, motives, habits and abilities of the offenders).  

One of the complications facing you in a siege involving hostages is the Stockholm syndrome where sometimes hostages can develop a sympathetic rapport with their captors. If this helps keep them safe from harm, this is considered to be a good thing, but there have been cases where hostages have tried to shield the captors during an assault or refused to co- operate with the authorities in bringing prosecutions. (In Britain if the siege involves perpetrators who are considered by the government to be terrorists, then if an assault is to take place, the civilian authorities hand command and control over to military).  


Advantage includes it’s attention-getting capacity and the terrorist’s ability to control casualties through time of detonation and placement of the device. The bomb is a popular weapon, because it is cheap to produce, easy to make, has variable uses, and is difficult to detect and trace after the action. In Iraq they usually use booby-trapped vehicles and car- bombs. A car bomb is an explosive device placed in a car or other vehicle and then exploded. It is commonly used as a weapon of assassination, terrorism or guerrilla warfare to kill the occupant(s) of the vehicle, people near the blast site, or to damage buildings or other property. Car bombs act as their own delivery mechanisms and can carry a relatively large amount of explosives without attracting suspicion. The earliest car bombs were intended for assassination. These were often wired to the car’s ignition system – to explode when the car was started. Ignition triggering is now rare, as it is easy to detect and hard to install – interfering with the circuitry is time-consuming and car alarms can be triggered by drains on the car’s electrical system. Also, the target may start the car remotely (inadvertently or otherwise), or the target may be a passenger a safe distance away when the car starts. It is now more common for assassination bombs to be affixed to the underside of the car and then detonated remotely or by the car motion. The bomb is exploded as the target approaches or starts the vehicle or, more commonly, after the vehicle begins to move, when the target is more likely to be inside. For this reason, security guards have to check the underside of vehicles with a long mirror mounted on a pole.  

The effectiveness of a car bomb is that an explosion detonated inside a car is momentarily contained. If the force of explosion were to double each fraction of a second and the car were to contain the explosion for one second before its chassis gave way, this would result in a much greater force then if the detonation took place outside the car. Therefore a greater amount of damage is obtained from a given amount of explosive. Car bombs are also used by suicide bombers who seek to ram the car into a building and simultaneously detonate it. Defending against a car bomb involves keeping vehicles at a distance from vulnerable targets by using Jersey barriers, concrete blocks or by hardening buildings to withstand an explosion. Where major public roads pass near government buildings, road closures may be the only option (thus, the portion of Pennsylvania Avenue immediately behind the White house is closed to traffic. These tactics encourage potential bombers to target unprotected targets, such as markets.  

Suicide attack.  

A major reason for the popularity of suicide attacks is tactical advantages over other types of terrorism. A terrorist can conceal weapons, make last-minute adjustments, infiltrate heavily guarded targets and he does not need a remote or delayed detonation, escape plans or rescue teams. Suicide attacks often target poorly- guarded, non-military facilities and personnel. Examples of different suicide attacks include:  

–attempted suicide attack with a plane as target -suicide car bomb -suicide attack by a boat with explosives -suicide attack by a woman -suicide attack by a car/bicycle with explosives -suicide attack by a hijacked plane with fuel: September 11, 2001 attacks -suicide attack by diverting a bus to an abyss -suicide attack with guns  

Ambush A well-planned ambush seldom fails. The terrorists have time on their side, and can choose a suitable place. Raid (armed attack) on facilities usually have one of three purposes: to gain access to radio or TV stations (to make a public statement); to demonstrate the government’s inability to guarantee the security of critical facilities; or to acquire money and weapons ( by bank pr armory robberies).  

Assassination Assassination is the oldest terrorist tactic. Targets mostly are government officials, as well as the defectors from the terrorist group.  

Kidnapping Kidnapping is usually a covert action and the perpetrators may not make themselves known for some time, while hostage –takers seek immediate publicity. Because of the time involved, a successful kidnapping requires elaborate planning and logistics, although the risk to the terrorists is less than in a hostage situation.  


Its objective is to demonstrate how vulnerable society is to the terrorists’ actions on utilities, communications and transportation systems. In the more developed countries they are so interdependent that a serious disruption of one affects all and gains immediate public attention. Sabotage of industrial, commercial or military facilities is a tool to show vulnerability of the target and the society while simultaneously making a statement or political, or monetary demand.  


A threat against a person’s life causes him and those around him to devote more time and effort to security measures.. A bomb threat can close down a commercial building, empty a theater, or disrupt a transportation system at no cost to the terrorist. The longer-term effects of false alarms on the security forces are more dangerous than the temporary disruption of the hoax. Repeated threats that do not materialize dull the analytical and operational effectiveness of security personnel.  



Homegrown terrorists  

Homegrown terrorists are not easy targets, especially if you deal with a "lonely wolf" (individual) or a separate small group of 2-3 people. They are not connected to any terrorist groups, organizations, radical parties, mafia.  

That's why you have to:  

1. Recruit assets among illegal weapons dealers, they have to inform you about anybody, trying to buy a gun and a lot of ammunition, automatic weapons, explosives. 2. The assets have to inform you about any person with radical views and ready for radical action (to blackmail the government and make it change its policy). NSA has to fix all phone calls where you hear key words like "kill", "gun", "explosive", "explosion", "FBI", "surveillance", "kidnapping", "sniper", "torture", etc. 3. Detect people who search Internet, looking for instructions on "homemade" explosives. 4. Watch terrorists in jail – they might keep contacts with those outside. Watch terrorists who are out of jail. 5. Keep under control all shooting ranges in the country and people who try to get training as snipers. 6. ATTENTION: keep under control scientists who work with explosives. And companies which produce weapons, explosives, and sell them. 7. Watch army veterans with radical views, pay special attention to those who served in special forces and involved in war zones special operations.  

Responses to terrorism include:  

–targeted laws, criminal procedures, deportations and enhanced police powers – target hardening, such as locking doors or adding traffic barriers -pre-emptive or reactive military action -increased intelligence and surveillance activities -pre-emptive humanitarian activities -more permissive interrogation and detention policies -official acceptance of torture as a valid tool  

You must gather the following information:  

1. Group information.  

Names, ideology (political or social philosophy), history of the group, dates significant to the group, and dates when former leaders have been killed or imprisoned (terrorist groups often strike on important anniversary dates).  

2. Financial information.  

Source of funds, proceeds from criminal activities, bank accounts information (sudden influxes of funding or bank withdrawals indicate preparation for activity). It’s also important to determine the group’s legal and financial supporters. Generally, anyone who would write an official letter of protest or gather names on a petition for a terrorist is a legal supporter. Sometimes, an analysis of support will reveal linkages and mergers with other groups.  

3. Personnel information.  

List of leaders, list of members (and former members), any personnel connections with other groups of similar ideology. The skills of all group members (weapons expertise, electronics expertise) – knowing the skills of the group is an important part of threat assessment. If the philosophy revolves around one leader, it’s important to know what will occur if something happens to that leader. Often, the analysis of family background is useful to determine how radically a leader or member was raised. Group structure, particularly if the organizational pattern is cellular, determines who knows whom.  

As a group, terrorists are very team-oriented and always prepared for suicide missions. They are well-prepared for their mission, are willing to take risks and are attack-oriented. If captured, they will usually not confess or snitch on others as ordinary criminals do. Traditional law enforcement are not that effective when it comes to the investigation or intelligence of terrorism.  

4. Location information.  

Location of group’s headquarters, location of group’s “safe” houses (where they hide from authorities) and location of the group’s “stash” houses (where they hide weapons and supplies). Regular attacks on “stash” houses is the most frequently used counterterrorism technique). It’ important to specify the underground that exists where terrorists can flee. Terrorists like to live in communal homes instead of living alone.  

Remember this:  

1. Knowing just the functions of terrorism is a fight. Since terrorists are usually trying to provoke government’s overreaction, anything the government can do to keep itself from overreacting works against them. 2. Since terrorists are usually trying to provoke government’s overreaction, anything the government can do to keep itself from overreacting works against them. Since terrorists are trying to gain control of the media, anything on the part of the media which stifles exposure also stiles terrorism. Bombings make the best pictures (watch TV! ), that’s why terrorists use them mostly. 3. Terrorists often demand to release political prisoners, but this is never a true objective. The real trick is politization of all prisoners, the winning over of new recruits among the prison population. 4. Go after financial supporters of terrorism, not the terrorists themselves. It’s only with narcoterrorism that this strategy fails, since the drug market doesn’t respond to simple supply-demand forces. 5. Terrorists are imitators, not innovators. They often wait until some other group makes the first move. Most of them do this because they are sorely trying to imitate military strategy, others do it because of standardized paramilitary training or textbook lessons in guerrilla tactics, and still others do it to throw off suspicion from themselves.. 6. The Stockholm Syndrome works in the favor of anti-terrorist forces. The longer the hostages stay alive, the less likelihood harm will come to them. With this syndrome, the hostages come to think of their captors as protecting them from the police and soon start to identify with their captors. The captors themselves start to develop a parent/child relationship with their hostages. Other syndromes include the Penelope Syndrome, where women find violent criminals sexually attractive.  

7. In assessing the threat of terrorism, it’s important to concentrate on counting the number of incidents, not the number of victims or the value of harm. The only true comparison is the number of attacks since terrorists often have no idea themselves about how many victims will be killed by their actions. Nationalist groups tend to seek a high number of fatalities while revolutionary groups tend to seek fewer deaths and more wounds or injuries. Splinter or spin-off groups seem more interested in death counts and fatalities. The point is that no matter how many victims are targeted, the group is only a threat via its number of attacks as a percent of total activity. 8. Do count the number of victims saved by any preventive action. If you manage through some leverage to get the terrorist leader to stop things with a cease-fire agreement, regardless of whether further negotiation follows or not, it will help your agency if you have calculated how many lives you’ve saved, and can report this information to policymakers. Everyone wins by a cease-fire – the terrorist leaders look good, your leaders look good too. After the cease-fire, it’s important to also measure the resumed level of violence and compare to pre-cease-fire levels. 9. Giving into terrorists’ demands for political change only changes the pattern of violence, not violence itself. Economic and political reforms aimed at helping a certain group and resolving its grievances will win over some supporters among the general population, but in the long-run, will create new problems and a new set of grievances over the precise implementation of policy and the degree of power sharing. A much better strategy is to initiate economic and political reforms for all nation. Economic development solutions have worked in Ireland, Uruguay and Italy. 10. Reduction of recruits, supplies and support. You have to reduce the number of active trainee members of the terrorist organization. Capture and imprisonment works (it has helped to keep Spain fairly terrorism-free), as well as preemptive strikes against training camps. The number of terrorists captured or killed should be counted, and this can be put as the denominator in a fraction with the number of government security forces killed in the numerator. You’ve also got to keep weapons, ammo and supplies out of hands of terrorists by destruction of their “stash” houses. Unfortunately, many religious terrorist groups operate under the cover of religion and blowing up religious buildings has a strong negative effect. 11. Terrorism does not respond to coalition-based sanctions which are intended to express the international community’s disregard for them. Terrorist actually want their enemies to wage a war on terrorism because this gives them some pseudo-legitimacy that they are soldiers-at war. If they are broken up from receiving any psychological rewards or sympathy from their social support groups, this strategy might work. 12. Sharing of information and intelligence by counter-terrorism agents is essential. But there’s always a threat, that a secret source might be “burnt out” during such “sharing”. 13. Terrorist groups with a cell structure are most likely to thwart human intelligence since the purpose of the cell structure is to prevent any members from knowing who is the immediate leader. This may or may not be true with some groups (like the IRA) which mix family with business, depending upon levels of fidelity. The best approach for such groups may electronic surveillance. However, groups with military or paramilitary organization might be easier to infiltrate or penetrate. In November, 2011 more than a dozen spies working for the CIA in Iran and Lebanon have been caught and the U. S. government fears they will be or have been executed. The spies were paid informants recruited by the CIA for two distinct espionage rings targeting Iran and the Beirut-based Hezbollah organization.  

In Beirut, two Hezbollah double agents pretended to go to work for the CIA. Hezbollah then learned of the Beirut Pizza Hut restaurant where multiple CIA officers were meeting with several agents, according to the four current and former officials briefed on the case. The CIA used the code word "PIZZA" when discussing where to meet with the agents. From there, Hezbollah's internal security arm identified at least a dozen informants, and the identities of several CIA case officers.  

CIA officers ignored the rule that the operation could be compromised by using the same location for meetings with multiple assets. Idiots who loved free pizza paid by the U. S. government too much.  

Practical protection during presidential appearances  

1. The Secret Service must have a top-secret plan of all visits, because the advance group has to come to the place at least a week ahead and cooperate with the field FBI offices and police (foreign special services if it’s a visit abroad) paying attention to extremist groups and organizations. Officers and technicians search the place, looking for possible explosives, radioactive, biological and chemical dangerous or poisonous stuff and weapons; they check the walls, floors and ceilings; check air and water in the area; install weapons and explosives detectors and stay at the place 24/7, using night vision devices, too. (Dogs are good helpers if there is any question of explosives. ) You have to check nearby houses as well (there could be people with mental health problems or dangerous criminals. Remember, the President must not appear in open areas close to apartment buildings. And the President has to be able to reach the National Security Command Center at any time. 2. If the President has to make a speech in open area there should be at least 3 security circles around him: – up to 50 ft (personal bodyguards, weapons and explosives technicians) – up to 200 ft (fast reaction anti-terror group) – up to 1000 ft (support groups, snipers, police)  

The security system includes both "open" and undercover groups (obvious security and people who play the crowd or service — drivers, waiters, cleaners — terrorists don’t pay attention to them, as a rule). Each group follows its instructions strictly and avoids mess (personal bodyguards are in charge of immediate protection, anti-terror group has to fight and chase terrorists, etc. ). Extra people always mean extra danger, so the most secure situation is when extra people have no access to the President at all and can’t get into any of three circles. The guest list has to be triple checked to exclude anybody with criminal records who could compromise the leader. Reporters are there too and you have to tell them exactly where to wait (they have to be checked and kept separate after that), where to stand and what pictures (poses) to take; the President can’t look stupid or funny. Inside the building watch when people applaud, stand up and sit down — terrorists prefer these situations to shoot or blow explosives.  

When President moves through or along the crowd, "cut" it into pieces, guard him in circles, watch people who are carrying any objects (no flowers! ) — they must not approach him; watch people with hands in their pockets, those who try to touch him, shake his hand, pass any object (gift, picture, photo). They must not be allowed to do that. If anybody behaves in a suspicious way, hold him tight (so he can’t take out a gun) and "screw" him out of the crowd. In case of any attempt push the President to the ground, cover him and shoot immediately. Then leave the place as soon as possible and bring him to the hospital for a check up (even if he’s OK).  

The worst one – Secret Service and other agencies get inadequate intelligence information on a possible attempt or overlook important information, including anonymous letters and mail from psychos. (They must have information, even if it’s "inside" the White House conspiracy. Agents have to memorize pictures of all the most dangerous persons who are wanted in the United States and people who were involved in attempted attacks on top politicians worldwide. ) The next two — extraneous people are allowed access to the President or extraneous people stay in the area close enough to shoot the President. In 1997, a France Press reporter took a picture of the Clintons dancing during their vacation on the Virgin Islands — they were dressed for the Caribbean and were happy in their privacy. Luckily, it was just a reporter, but what if it had been a sniper? What was the Secret Service doing? Then the picture was published worldwide and Hillary Clinton was furious – she didn’t look attractive at all. The last two major errors occur when (1) you can’t identify the potential terrorists in the crowd and (2) you react too slow or waste time evacuating the President.  


Military management  


"Golden" rules  

1. Train your muscles to snap to the standard position for shooting, to squeeze the trigger straight back with the ball of your finger to avoid jerking the gun sideways. Train yourself to shoot while you stand, sit, lie, walk, run, jump, fall down; shoot at voices, shoot in a dark room, different weather and distance, day and night; shoot one object and a group; use one gun, two guns, gun and submachine gun (some doctrines train a sniper to breathe deeply before shooting, then hold their lungs empty while he lines up and takes his shot; other go further, teaching a sniper to shoot between heartbeats to minimize barrel motion) 2. Camouflage yourself ten times before you make a single shot. Position yourself in a building (no rooftops or churches! ), which offers a long-range fields of fire and all-round observation. Don’t stay in places with heavy traffic! Use unusual angles of approach and frequent slow movement to prevent accurate counter-attacks. 3. Move slowly to prevent accurate counter-attack, don’t be a mark yourself 4. Kill officers and military leaders first (Attention, officers: don’t walk in front of your soldiers! ) 5. Use suppressive fire to cover a retreat 6. Use rapid fire when the squad attempts a rescue  

7. Shoot helicopters, turbine disks of parked jet fighters, missile guidance packages, tubes or wave guides of radar sets 8. At distances over 300 m attempt body shots, aiming at the chest; at lesser distances attempt head shots (the most effective range is 300 to 600 meters). Police snipers who generally engage at much shorter distances may attempt head shots to ensure the kill (in instant-death hostage situations they shoot for the cerebellum, a part of the brain that controls voluntary movement that lies at the base of the skull). 9. Shoot from flanks and rear 10. Never approach the body until you shoot it several times 11. Careful: the object could be wearing a bulletproof vest 12. It’s important to get to the place, but it’s more important to get out alive 13. Remember, in hot weather bullets travel higher, in cold — lower; a silencer reduces the maximum effective range of the weapon. Wind poses the biggest problem — the stronger the wind, the more difficult it is to hold the rifle steady and gauge how it will affect the bullet’s trajectory. (You must be able to classify the wind and the best method is to use the clock system. With you at the center of the clock and the target at 12 o’clock, the wind is assigned into three values: full, half and no value. Full value means that the force of the wind will have a full effect on the flight of the bullet, and these winds come from 3 and 9 o’clock. Half value means that a wind at the same speed, but from 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 o’clock, will move the bullet only half as much as a full-value wind. No value means that a wind from 6 or 12 o’clock will have little or no effect on the flight of the bullet). Shooting uphill or downhill can require more adjustment due to the effects of gravity. For moving targets, the point of aim is in front of the target ( it’s called "Leading" the target, where the amount of lead depends on the speed and angle of the target’s movement. For this technique, holding over is the preferred method. Anticipating the behavior of the target is necessary to accurately place the shot). 14. NEVER fire from the edge of a wood line – you should fire from a position inside the wood line (in the shade of shadows). 15. DO NOT cause overhead movement of trees, bushes or tall grasses by rubbing against them; move very slowly. 16. Do not use trails, roads or footpaths, avoid built-up and populated areas and areas of heavy enemy guerrilla activity. 17. If you work in terrain without any natural support, use your rucksack, sandbag, a forked stick, or you may build a field-expedient bipod or tripod. The most accurate position though is prone, with a sandbag supporting the stock, and the stock’s cheek-piece against the cheek. 18. The sniper has a tendency to watch the target instead of his aiming point.  

Counter-sniper tactics  

1. Active: direct observation by posts equipped with laser protective glasses and night vision devices; patrolling with military working dogs; calculating the trajectory; bullet triangulation; using decoys to lure a sniper; using another sniper; UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles); directing artillery or mortar fire onto suspected sniper positions, the use of smoke-screens; emplacing tripwire-operated munitions, mines, or other booby-traps near suspected sniper positions( you can improvise booby-traps by connecting trip-wires to fragmentation hand grenades, smoke grenades or flares. Even though these may not kill the sniper, they will reveal his location. Booby –traps devices should be placed close to likely sniper hides or along the probable routes used into and out of the sniper’s work area). If the squad is pinned down by sniper fire and still taking casualties, the order may be given to rush the sniper’s position. If the sniper is too far for a direct rush, a "rush to cover" can also be used. The squad may take casualties, but with many moving targets and a slow-firing rifle, the losses are usually small compared to holding position and being slowly picked off. If the sniper’s position is known, but direct retaliation is not possible, a pair of squads can move through concealment (cover) and drive the nipper toward the group containing the targets. This decreases the chances that the sniper will find a stealthy, quick escape route. 2. Passive: limited exposure of the personnel (use concealed routes, avoid plazas and intersections, stay away from doorways and windows, move along the side of the street and not down the center, move in the shadows, move dispersed, avoid lighted areas at night, move quickly across open areas, avoid wearing obvious badges of rank, adapt screens on windows, use armored vehicles); use Kevlar helmet and bulletproof vest.  

Military tricks  

1. Use rapid dominance: technology + speed + information domination. 2. Use artillery preparation. It is the artillery fire delivered before an attack to destroy, neutralize, or suppress the enemy’s defense and to disrupt communications and disorganize the enemy’s defense. 3. Use deception especially before the first strike (air strike + artillery). Deception plays a key part in offensive operations and has two objectives: the first objective is to weaken the local defense by drawing reserves to another part of the battlefield. This may be done by making a small force seem larger than it is. The second objective is to conceal the avenue of approach and timing of the main attack. 4. Imitate assault to make the enemy expose his positions and fire system. 5. Mines, mines, mines. There are four types of minefield : the tactical large-area minefield, usually laid by engineers, for tactical use on the battlefield(i. e. to canalize the enemy into killing areas); the protective minefield, the sort that you will plant in front of your position for defensive purposes; the nuisance minefield, designed to hamper and disrupt enemy movement ; and the dummy minefield – a wired off area suitably marked can be as effective as the real thing. 6. Don’t touch anything in the places the enemy just left – check for mines first. A minefield is a mortal surprise and you have to know how to breach and cross it: remove your helmet, rucksack, watch, belt, and anything else that may hinder movement or fall off, leave your rifle and equipment with another soldier in the team, get a wooden stick about 30 cm (12 in) long for a probe and sharpen one of the ends (do not use a metal probe), place the unsharpened end of the probe in the palm of one hand with your fingers extended and your thumb holding the probe, and probe every 5 cm (2 in) across a 1-meter area in front of you and push the probe gently into the ground at an angle less than 45 degrees, kneel (or lie down) and feel upward and forward with your free hand to find tripwires and pressure prongs before starting to probe, put enough pressure on the probe to sink it slowly into the ground and if the probe does not go into the ground, pick or chip the dirt away with the probe and remove it by hand, stop probing when a solid object is touched, remove enough dirt from around the object to find out what it is. If you found a mine, remove enough dirt around it to see what type of mine it is, mark it and report its exact location to your leader. Once a footpath has been probed and the mines marked, a security team should cross the minefield to secure the far side. After the far side is secure, the rest of the unit should cross. 7. Visual indicators. Pay attention to the following indicators : trip wires, signs of road repair (new fill or paving, road patches, ditching), dead animals, damaged vehicles, tracks that stop unexplainably, wires leading away from the side of the road (they may be firing wires that are partially buried), mounds of dirt, change of plants color,, pieces of wood or debris on a road. Remember, mined areas, like other obstacles are often covered by fire. Keep also in mind, that local civilians try to avoid certain (mined) areas. 8. Use phony minefields to simulate live minefields. For example, disturb the ground so that it appears that mines have been emplaced and mark boundaries with appropriate warnings. 9. Make a real minefield appear phony, or camouflage it. For example, once a real minefield is settled, a wheel or a specially made circular wooden tank track marker can be run through the field, leaving track or tire marks to lure the enemy onto live mines. Antipersonnel mines should not be sown in such a field until the track marks have been laid. Another method is to leave gaps in the mechanically laid field, run vehicles through the gaps, and then close them with hand-laid mines without disturbing the track marks. 10. Use feint attack to draw defensive action towards the point under assault (it’s usually used as a diversion and to force the enemy to concentrate more manpower in a given area so that the opposing force in another area is weaker). 11. Issue false orders over the radio, imitate a tanks’, fighters’ and bombers’ assault while preparing to retreat. 12. Use dummy units and installations, phony radio traffic, movement and suppressive fires in other areas timed to coincide with the real attack 13. Use force multiplication by using decoy vehicles and use small convoys to generate dust clouds. Move trucks into and out of the area giving it the appearance of being a storage facility or logistic base. 14. Simulate damage to induce the enemy to leave important targets alone. For example, ragged patterns can be painted on the walls and roof of a building with tar and coal dust, and covers placed over them.  

15. Stack debris nearby and wire any unused portions for demolition. During an attack, covers are removed under cover of smoke generators, debris scattered and demolitions blown. Subsequent enemy air photography will disclose a building that is too badly damaged to be used. 16. Change positions at night time only. 17. Use dispersal to relocate and spread out forces to increase their chances of survival. 18. Imitate fake ballistic missiles divisions and military headquarters to entrap enemy’s intelligence and sabotage groups. 19. Use "sack" strategy ("cutting" enemy’s army into separate groups). 20. Use strategic bombing (the massive attack on cities, industries, lines of communication and supply). 21. Simulate bombing of minor objects and attack important ones. 22. Use counter-battery fire (detecting with counter-battery radars the source of incoming artillery shells and firing back), using mobile artillery pieces or vehicles with mounted rocket launchers to fire and then move before any counter-battery fire can land on the original position. 23. Use airborne operations, when helicopters transport troops into the battle and provide fire support at battle sites simultaneously with artillery fire, keeping enemy off guard. 24. Helicopters are extremely important as they can be sent everywhere: to kill tanks and other helicopters, for aerial mine laying, for electronic warfare, for naval operations (anti-submarine and anti-ship patrols), to correct artillery and tactical fighters fire, for reconnaissance, command, control and communications, to insert special forces, to evacuate casualties (this helps maintain the morale of the troops), to carry supplies (missile systems, ammunition, fuel food, to escort convoys, for navigational help, to destroy battlefield radars, communications and radio relay systems, to seal gaps and protect flanks, for rear-area security, counter — penetration, rapid reinforcement of troops under pressure, raids and assaults behind enemy lines, air assault in offensive and defensive operations, to strengthen anti-tank defenses by inserting infantry anti-tank teams. Helicopters offer a strong tactical surprise and take a ground conflict into the third dimension, making the enemy’s ground maneuvers impossible. 25. When fighting an insurgency: once you get intelligence, you have to bomb the area to "soften" insurgents and then send helicopters with special forces teams right away. Helicopters suppress and cut-off by fire insurgents trying to escape and the teams clear-up the remains. Transport helicopters must bring in troops rapidly from different bases and build-up numerically superior force which insurgents cannot match. 26. Use joint bombers/fighters flights to bomb transportation, supply, bridges, railroads, highways, antiaircraft and radar sites. To gain surprise, attack with the sun behind you. Remember, enemy will try to saturate the airspace through which the aircraft will fly with fire. 27. Watch out for the tank ambushes!  


Storming the City  


1. Effective intelligence is 90% of success. Use sources like agents among the enemy’s high ranking officers, prisoners of war, captured documents and maps, enemy’s activity, local civilians (agents). Use intelligence and sabotage groups (through them you can deliver your fake plans and maps). You must know how the enemy usually defends a built-up area and the approaches to it, critical objectives within the built-up area that provide decisive tactical advantages, tactical characteristics of the built-up area and its structure. Information about the population will assist in determining where to attack, what firepower restrictions may be imposed, and what areas within the urban complex must be avoided to minimize destruction of life-support facilities and civilian casualties. 2. Make the enemy attack you if possible, because if you attack first, the victims calculation is 5:1. 3. Train your troops to storm this certain city. 4. Blockade the city completely. 5. Attack the city from different points ( flanks and rear! ) at the same time after intense artillery fire and bombing (that’s a very strong psychological blow. Its intensity is determined by the strength of defensive forces, the type of building construction, and the density of fires required to suppress observation and fires. You must destroy command posts, heavy weapons positions, communications, troop emplacements, tall structures that permit observation. Then engineers move forward under the cover of smoke and high explosives to neutralize barriers and breach minefields on routes into the city). Field artillery, attack helicopters and offense air support must disrupt the enemy command and control network and destroy his support units ( field artillery mostly creates breaches in buildings, walls and barricades. Mortars cover avenues of enemy troop movements, such as street intersections and alleys; mortars firing positions are placed behind walls or inside buildings close to their targets). A hasty attack is conducted when the enemy has not established strong defensive positions and attacking forces can exploit maneuver to overwhelm the defense – locate a weak spot or gap in enemy defenses, fix forward enemy elements, rapidly move through or around the gap or weak spot to be exploited. A deliberate attack is necessary when enemy defenses are extremely prepared, when the urban obstacle is extremely large or severely congested., or when the advantage of surprise has been lost. It’s divided into three basic phases: isolation from reinforcement and resupply by securing dominating terrain and utilizing direct and indirect fires; assault to rupture the defenses and secure a foothold on the perimeter of the built-up area from which attacks to clear the area may be launched (an envelopment, assaulting defensive weaknesses on the flanks or rear of the built-up area, is preferred, however, a penetration may be required; and clearance, a systematic building-by-building, block-by-block advance through the entire area..  

6. Target vital bridges, transportation facilities that are required to sustain future combat operations, strategic industrial or vital communications facilities. Attacks against built-up areas will be avoided when the area is not required to support future operations, bypassing is tactically feasible, the built-up area has been declared an "open city" to preclude civilian casualties or to preserve cultural or historical facilities, sufficient combat forces are not available to seize and clear the built-up area. 7. Don’t use tanks on narrow streets! Tanks can be decisive in city fighting, with the ability to demolish walls and fire medium and heavy machine guns in several directions simultaneously. However, tanks are especially vulnerable in urban combat. It’s much easier for enemy infantry to sneak behind a tank or fire at its sides, where it is vulnerable. In addition, firing down from multi-story buildings allows shots at the soft upper turret armor and even basic weapons like Molotov cocktails, if aimed at the engine air intakes, can disable a tank. 8. Use 3 groups at each point. 1st. A "dead" group plus tanks moves fast to the center, again, after intense artillery fire and bombing (otherwise you’ll have heavy casualties). 2nd. The group follows the first one and inside the city goes like a "fan" in all directions enveloping the defender’s flanks and rear. 3rd. The group is on reserve in case the enemy counterattacks. The first phase of the attack should be conducted when visibility is poor. Troops can exploit poor visibility to cross open areas, gain access to rooftops, infiltrate enemy areas and gain a foothold. If the attack must be made when visibility is good, units should consider using smoke to conceal movement. The formation used in attack depends on the width and depth of the zone to be cleared, the character of the area, anticipated enemy resistance, and the formation adopted by the next higher command. Lead companies may have engineers attached for immediate support. Tasks given to engineers may include preparing and using explosives to breach walls and obstacles, finding and exploding mines in place or helping remove them, clearing barricades and rubble, cratering roads. 9. Use paratroopers to capture important objects (airport, government buildings, military headquarters, port, railway station). 10. Capture high buildings and place machine gunners and snipers on upper floors (buildings provide excellent sniping posts for defenders, too). 11. Get all important cross-roads to maneuver troops and tanks. 12. Block highways! 13. Watch out – there are mines everywhere (alleys and rubble-filled streets are ideal for planting booby traps). Be alert for booby traps in doors, windows, halls, stairs, and concealed in furniture. 14. Watch underground communications – the enemy could stay in subway tunnels, sewage system. 15. Don’t waste time storming the buildings – blow up the walls and move forward. 16. Soldiers in an urban environment are faced with ground direct fire danger in three dimensions — not just all-round fire but also from above (multi-story buildings) and from below (sewers and subways) and that’s why, here, the most survivable systems, like tanks, are at great risk. Also, there are increased casualties because of shattered glass, falling debris, rubble, ricochets, urban fires and falls from heights. Stress-related casualties and non-battle injuries resulting from illnesses or environmental hazards, such as contaminated water, toxic industrial materials also increase the number of casualties.  

17. In the streets use artillery and mortars to "soften" the enemy up before assault.  

Special forces  

Maximum damage, minimum loss.  

Special military operations have special requirements: 1. Detailed planning and coordination that allow the special unit to discern and exploit the enemy’s weakness while avoiding its strength. 2. Decentralized execution, individual and unit initiative. 3. Surprise, achieved through the units ability to move by uncommon means, along unexpected routes, over rough terrain, during poor weather and reduced visibility. Survivability, achieved by rapid mission accomplishment and a prompt departure from the objective area. 4. Mobility, speed, and violence of execution (the speed at which events take place confuses and deceives the enemy as to the intent of the unit, and forces the enemy to react rather than to take the initiative). 5. Shock effect, which is a psychological advantage achieved by the combining of speed and violence. The special unit strives to apply its full combat power at he decisive time and place, and at the point of the greatest enemy weakness. 6. Multiple methods of insertion and attack, trying not to repeat operations thus decreasing the chance the enemy will detect a pattern. Deception, achieved by feints, false insertions, electronic countermeasures, and dummy transmissions. 7. Audacity, achieved by a willingness to accept a risk. Any special team member has to have experience in sniping, underwater swimming, conducting high-altitude, low-opening parachute operations, demolition, using all kinds of weapons, including man-portable air-defense system weapons. And there are some limitations, like limited capability against armored or motorized units in open terrain and no casualty evacuation capability.  

Use special forces for: a) establishing a credible American presence in any part of the world b) conducting limited combat operations under conditions of chemical, nuclear or biological contamination c) surveillance and intelligence gathering using recruited agents too (local citizens who support your war or just work for money). To get to the area you have to use infiltration, the movement into the territory occupied by enemy troops, the contact is avoided. d) raids on the enemy’s defense system  


Espionage management.  


Spy Code  


1. No mercy, no ideology, no emotions.  

2. Intuition is nothing but the ability to watch and analyze.  

3. No evidence is evidence in itself.  

4. Distrust is a mother of security.  

5. Never look as if you are sizing up the person – that’s a sign that gives away cops and spies.  

6. Don’t start first if you don’t know the rules.  

7. The way you act is the way you think – behavior is a system of codes (information) which could be calculated by the enemy. Watch your face – that’s a shop window.  

8. Think fast, talk slow.  

9. Avoid self-programming and never think bad about yourself.  

10. Don’t smoke, drink or take drugs if it’s not necessary; spare your stomach from very hot or cold food or drinks; avoid too much noise and light.  

11. Don’t be shy to lie – the more you lie the more people respect you.  

12. Let people talk out and “empty their brains” – then load your information.  

13. People never change – everybody wants to get pleasure and avoid pain.  

14. “He knew too much” means “He talked too much. ”  

15. Never ask extra questions – wait. Wait and the object will get used to you and open himself – nobody can stay tense for long.  

16. Lonely people live longer in espionage business.  

17. “No exit” situation is the one you don’t like or don’t understand.  

18. Avoid:  

– personal enemies (they fix negative information on you)  

– silent types (they notice and think too much)  

– other professionals (they’ll blow your identity)  

– extra stress (it damages your heart and blood vessels and that kills your brain and your ability to think )  

– talking too much  

19. The best weapon against your enemy is his enemy.  

20. “I want nothing” means “I want everything”.  

21. Small lie gives birth to big distrust.  

How to run assets  


You can get tons of information through technical devices but no device can influence decisions made by leaders of other countries. That’s why for thousands of years to come, a reliable agent will be the top tool of any special service, and their actual names have to be kept secret forever, please. Trump, VIP agent (a top government employee) is a very rare thing and depends hugely on luck, because he can make or influence big political decisions. Trump has access to the Oval Office, he can change the world and America, and can sabotage global political, economic or military actions.  


Spies identification  


If a spy is an intelligence officer working abroad under "cover" (diplomat, businessman, reporter) you can identify him by:  

– following the careers of all diplomats who work at your enemy’s embassies all over the world  

– recruiting a "mole" inside the intelligence service (or inside the station)  

– setting up your agent for recruitment by the enemy’s station  

– watching foreigners who try to make discreet contacts with native citizens with access to secrets  

– making a model of a spy (professional behavior, attempts to detect surveillance, attempts to recruit sources or just get any classified information during normal meetings, "throwing away" money trying to get access to government employees, military and scientific circles)  

– using secret surveillance and listening devices inside the station and practicing secret searches  

If a spy is an intelligence officer working in your country under "cover" of a native citizen (or he is recruited by a native citizen) you identify him by making a model (contacts with identified spies — that’s often the only sign which points out a spy, and that’s why surveillance is very important in getting information from a "mole").  



A "mole" is a spy inside the government, recruited or "installed" most often within the special services, by an outside government/agency. The 3 most dangerous things a "mole" can do:  

1. Calculate President’s plans and decisions judging by information he’s asking for.  

2. Manipulate information being sent to President, and thus influence global political decisions  

3. Paralyze to some extent the government (if he’s CIA or FBI Director)  


CIA “mole” “Gentile” (KGB spy V. Martynov) arrested at Moscow airport, 1987 (he was executed).  




CIA agent and KGB “mole” Aldrich Ames arrested by FBI, 1994.  



Methods to detect a "mole":  


A. Use index cards (special file) — never use computers to save this information!  

Prepare a file on each officer and mark there the signs of a "mole" — has or spends too much money, asks too many extra questions; uses professional skills to check for physical and technical surveillance; has discreet contacts with foreigners; discreet copying of top secret documents; attempts to get a job in most secret departments; talks with close friends and family members about the possibility of making money as a "mole"; behavior deviations — extra suspiciousness, excitement, depression, drugs or alcohol addiction. Three signs are enough to start an investigation — the "triangulation" principle.  

B. Use provocation. If a prospective "mole" is looking for a contact with the enemy and is ready to betray, and you have exact information, organize such a "meeting" for him. Do not arrest the person right away — play along, as he may give you connections to other people who are ready to betray. There’s one more provocation method: you supply the suspects with "highly classified information" and just watch what they do.  

C. Use "filter" or "narrowing the circle. " Include all the officers you suspect in a "circle" and narrow it until one name is left as the most likely suspect.  

D. Make a "model" of a "mole, " judging by information you have on him.  

E. Recruit an insider. Recruit a "mole" inside your enemy’s intelligence service and he’ll help you to find the one inside yours (it’s called "grabbing the other end of a thread").  

F. Don’t trust anybody.  


What to do if you detect a "mole"  


– assess the damage  

– restrict his access to classified information and start "feeding" him with fake data  

– stop all operations he was involved in and create the illusion they are still in progress  

– bring home officers and agents who work abroad and had contacts with him and those to whose files he had access  

– start 24/7 surveillance if you’ve decided to play the game and look into his contacts  

– arrest the "mole" discreetly (if you want to continue the game)  

Attention : Effective methods to prevent treason do not exist.  


How to cover your "mole"  


There are special methods to cover your own "mole" and a "switch" is the most effective — it’s when you "switch" counterintelligence to other, innocent persons who work with the "mole. " You can try information "leaks" through a "double agent" — it looks like you receive top secret information through another traitor or by breaking the electronic security systems. Or you can try information "leak" through publications in big newspapers — it looks like information is not secret and is known to many people or there’s another "mole. "  


Categories of agents  


A. "Garbage" (60%), the "no trust " category.  

Recruitment is #1 priority for the officer and a part of his working plan and very often he has to recruit people who are not born agents. You can work with a nice guy, teach him, pay him, press him — and he still avoids any cooperation (busy, sick, on vacation, etc. ). It’s hard to get rid of him because, first, you have to explain to your superiors why you recruited garbage and second, there’s a rule: if you want to be very smart and innovative, a reformer, who came here to start intelligence revolution and get rid of a passive agent, recruit an active one first. Also, agents who work under pressure (blackmail) sooner or later slide into this category.  

B. Trump  

Good agents (30%), middle category. They adhere to the rules of discipline and keep the schedule (that’s very important even if there’s no information), deliver a lot of information that you have to verify through other sources, but don’t show much initiative. Used for regular espionage: go and talk to the object, copy documents, make a recording, take pictures, listen, watch. You can trust them and check often, anyway.  

C. Born agents (10%). You are very lucky if you can recruit such people. They betray their country with pleasure and sometimes do not even ask for money because it’s in their character — they are looking for adventure or are not happy with their personal or professional life and seek improvement or revenge. They take risks, have good analytical abilities, good education, make (VIP) connections easily, "crack" any object, play the "good guy" whom you can trust. Sometimes they come to you as volunteers, and if they bring valuable stuff – recruit them  

Special category. Women.  

Women are a special category here, as elsewhere, and the rule is: if you can’t recruit a real agent, you recruit a woman. It’s not professional to recruit a woman for a serious operation, but if you want to get to an important object, a woman can introduce you. OK, you can recruit a US Senator’s secretary or a typist from the Pentagon, but it will be on your conscience if she gets caught. Such cases entail a life sentence, usually — how would you feel? Besides, women often fall in love with their objects and tell them everything. Finally, a married woman is much bigger problem than a married man.  


Recruitment rules  


Recruit a small number of well-informed people.  

Do not recruit:  

– volunteers (unless it’s a "mole" or other government employee who brings you top secret information right away. In a counter-intelligence set-up, a "volunteer" will try to get information about you, telling the minimum about himself. )  

– persons with low educational and intellectual level  

– people under 30 or over 70, unless it’s a VIP. (Did someone get Jim Baker? Dick Cheney? )  

– mafia members  

– people who are happy with their lives and careers  

The best formula when you recruit is a mix of money and ideology (brainwashing). It’s not necessary to sign recruitment obligations — people take that as a blackmail tool. It’s enough if the fellow brings a good piece of information and get paid (make a video, anyway).  


Recruitment Pyramid  


Priority recruitment candidates in the USA:  


The White House staff  

The Cabinet and federal agencies  

The US Congress  

Big corporations  

Big scientific institutions  

Local politicians  

VIP world (celebrities – big media, show biz, big sport)  


Candidates for recruitment  


1. Trump.  

2. All spies who work in the USA under legal "cover" as diplomats, reporters, scientists, businessmen, actors, artists, musicians, sportsmen have the legal right to make and develop any contacts and invite people to private parties; then they "transfer" these contacts to professional recruiters. Any embassy can invite any politician to official and private parties and "work" with him there. Besides, all those people can invite prospective candidates to their countries or to other country to develop the contact; it’s much easier to recruit abroad. And remember, any contact, any talk, any piece of biography is already information.  

3. You can get information about candidates through other agents and through the media.  

4. It’s useful to install listening devices in the government buildings or listen to the phones, and collect compromising information on politicians. I recommend listening to the phones all over the city, if it’s the capital of the country.  




KGB is fin: &alcohol  



KGB and alcohol: what and how we drink  


I'm not an alcoholic.  

This is what hundreds of millions of alcoholics around the world say about themselves, whether in the States, in Russia, or in Ukraine. In New York, by the way, none of the 5 thousand wine and vodka stores has gone bankrupt yet in my memory.  

But try to guess three times which profession makes you drink every day and who, besides tasters, has cirrhosis of the liver a professional disease? One, two, three – no one guessed. These are diplomats. Judge for yourself, there are a hundred consulates in New York and a hundred and a half representative offices in the UN, each country has one or several national holidays – and this is already two hundred general drunks, more often  

in total – in the luxurious hotel "Waldorf Astoria", where the President of the United States usually stays. Since information is the bread of a diplomat (as well as an intelligence officer), plus k official diplomatic receptions have to meet with politicians, businessmen, colleagues, journalists, "shine" at VIP parties, presentations and drink, drink, drink. There is no other honest way to untie the interlocutor's tongue.  

it hasn't come up yet.  

Every year in the KGB, all officers undergo medical examination by all doctors, X-rays and tests, necessarily answering the question about the relationship with alcohol. To answer "I don't drink" is not only not accepted, but also suspicious – a comrade is either hiding some kind of illness, or he is a traitor, or he considers himself the navel of the earth; it is necessary to answer: "I drink on holidays. " Someone thinks that a security officer can be well drunk with something like "Northern Lights" (vodka with a shampoo), and he will immediately lay out all the secrets. A mistake. Almost everyone quickly develops a professional reflex – not a word about work while drunk. Politics gets boring in the service, so the conversations revolve around sex (most often, officers fuck on business trips).  


Part 1. Beer.  


"There's never a lot of beer"  

"Tell me what you drink and I'll tell you who you are. "  

"Drink foamy beer – there will be a muzzle oh... me. "  

"Vodka without beer is a waste of money. "  

"Drink beer – it's delicious and the color is beautiful. "  

"It's not beer that destroys people– it's water that destroys people. "  

"Where do we start the concert? With beer? Cold? "  

(Folk wisdom)  

I love beer because it's delicious. Vodka – no, that's why they didn't like me in the KGB: "Mishan you....xia, does not respect the team, are you blue blood, damn it?!" No one knew that on Saturdays I quietly and modestly tramped by train to Lviv and there, right on the station square, I took dumplings in the dining room and under them until late in the evening I indulged in a super-class barrel 1- 2-3-4..... a glass. Lepota! More than once or twice I invited foreigners who were interesting from the point of view of intelligence to Yaremche, where it was easy to recruit under the Czech velvet barrel.  

Lviv beer can be bought here, in Polish shops, but the taste, in my opinion, is lost. There is a beer shop on 9th Avenue, where there are varieties under 200 – I tried a lot of things, including Bavarian, but the best turned out to be a modest Czech for a dollar with the same modest label "Czechoslovakian Veeg". A sad story came out with it – the Russians (and there are 600 thousand of us here), not without my help, tasted it and began to take it in boxes of 24 bottles (in one of the articles I carelessly described how well it goes under the Danube herring). The Czechs, seeing this, became impudent, inflated prices 3 times and American wholesalers simply sent them away.  

Americans drink Budweiser, a soda with a taste of rubber. After the war, they stole a whole brewery in the Czech Budvar, with equipment, technology and engineers, brought it here, the Czechs traveled, tried the water and said that it wouldn't work out like hell – and so it turned out. And they swallow this crap, because the advertising is total. Only a cask drink can be compared with Budweiser, which is diluted with water and where washing powder for foam is poured (brains fly off well) on the streets of Ukrainian cities.  

Russians arrange a beer-eating with soup, pasta, pilaf, cutlets and  

pickled cucumbers, or a glass of sour cream is steamed into a glass. Mistake again.  

Firstly, it is necessary to drink in nature, where there is no refrigerator and the opportunity to climb there  

every 5 minutes. Secondly, an appetizer for beer (even a box, even a barrel) should fit in the palm of your hand –  

a taranka or a piece of smoked fish, a couple of packs of chips, a sandwich with cheese and dry  

sausage, a portion of dumplings, a couple of sausages with green peas, bread and butter and caviar – to choose from. That's it!  

The meaning of drinking appears from 5% alcohol and above, the glass does not need to be sucked – it is drunk in two doses and only cold – this is not discussed. Usually my friends and I take a box of Czech (24) light for fried trout and sandwiches with red caviar for Friday-Saturday -Saturday – great! In general, beer is a thing. What is 3 liters (6 bottles) for the right man? For half an hour of work. And now try to blow 3 liters of water in half an hour. Are you convinced?  


Part 2. Wine.  


"Not those who have thrown the state into the dust –  

Only in drunken people the soul rushes upwards.  

It is necessary to drink on Sunday, on Saturday,  

Monday, Friday, Wednesday, Thursday! "  

(Omar Khayyam on wine).  


The whole Italian mafia lives and solves its affairs in the cozy, green neighborhood of Bensonhurst, where I lived for two years. There is also a famous wine and vodka shop "Caesar", the only one where a souvenir bottle of "Absolute" from 2000, crystal, in a box, for $4000, was displayed in the window. In "Caesar" there is everything – from the fake Georgian "Khvanchkara" (supposedly "Khvanchkara" was adored by Stalin, who actually drank light homemade white wine) to German riesling. Besides what I've tried in America in general, I think the best is the Chilean red dry Cabernet Sauvignon of any year, packed in burlap. The owner of the store, a mafia, strongly asked to taste Italian. Normal. Then he began to offer American (from California) white, the same that President Reagan had once given Gorbachev, who recalled it with nausea (in response, Gorbachev treated his negotiating partner to a Russian "Lemon", from which Reagan spat for a long time). I refused, and he – an unheard-of thing – offered to take it for half the price, after which "you will come for this miracle every day. " Okay, I took it, went to the playground and "persuaded" for a chocolate bar. After half an hour and the whole next day, everything in the world hurt me: my head, arms, legs and even my  



There are no "wine" alcoholics in America, because a bottle of good wine and a bottle of cheap vodka cost the same – under $10, but there are plenty of women. They quickly become alcoholics on champagne, considering it fun, carbonated juice. A mistake.  

No matter how I was whistled about the subtleties of the taste of ordinary and collectible wines, the truth is one thing – there is no special buzz to drink this bitter thing. Perhaps the only pleasant exception is port wine (not Soviet, of course) – $ 5, 18% and pure raisins-mmm.... A long time ago we had a beer and homemade strawberries – that was jazz.  

On the 50th anniversary of my friend, we drank a bottle of the famous French Chateau Margot for $250 – fine, and still we, like in any wine, added a couple of spoonfuls of sugar. A friend recently brought the equally famous "shampoo" "Veuve Clicquot– – a rare muck, pure penicillin, let the French drink it themselves. By the way, in France they rarely die of heart attacks precisely because they drink dry red even during the lunch break (this is allowed). The wine goes well with shish kebab, dry red, I advise "Cabernet Sauvignon" (for women – "Merlot"). They say that under white meat (fish and poultry) you should drink white, but under everything  

the rest is red, and at room temperature. No!  


If there is a "wine" mood, I :  

1. I cool the bottle and drink it very cold – the bitter taste disappears.  

2. For the same purpose, a couple of spoons of sugar.  

3. I drink not under meat, but under a toasted bun with melted cheese.  


You can also shish kebab, chicken is better, and no matter how much wine there is, do with one skewer of meat.  

The White House prefers California wines – "Chardonnay Newton" (white), "Swanson Langiovese" and "Mama Papa Valley" (dry red). They usually serve chicken + spicy noodles with vegetables, grilled salmon fillet, tomatoes baked in cheese, julienne, Mozzarella cheese, and for dessert – strawberries with cream and chocolate souffle with nuts. In the Kremlin, they prefer good vodka with black caviar.  




Part 3. Vodka.  


I never order cocktails with vodka, cognac or gin + soda or wine (liqueur, champagne) in any bars, because you can't mix different-sized drinks, although your rapid intoxication is very beneficial to scum bartenders. This is especially true for women, who are much easier to put to bed after the popular cognac + Coca Cola cocktail.  

Vodka tastes disgusting, but they drink it for the sole purpose of lifting their spirits and escaping from depression. Three times in my life I drank a glass of vodka in one gulp – in the KGB, as in the army, marking the next rank, an asterisk is lowered into a glass of vodka and the culprit of the identity drinks to the bottom, to the "kiss" with an asterisk.  

Only once I drank a very tasty "vodka" tuka and it happened in the Moscow region, where I was visiting an old hunter who was a sniper during the war. He brought a wild cat from Siberia, brought it as a kitten, fed it and went hunting with it – I was shocked when a small panther met us at the threshold, meowed, looked at the owner and held out a paw to me to say hello. Then he told me that not only dogs, but in general everything, including tigers, bypass wild cats by the tenth way, because it is not just a predator, but a natural killer who knows no fear, smart and cruel. Buggy (that was his name) I liked it – I was more interested than scared. So, in this house I was treated to moonshine infused with marsh lily – nokaka "Absolute" and did not stand next to it. In the morning, after a liter (degrees below 50) for two, there was no hangover.  

The best snack for vodka is not pure lard, my dear fellow countrymen, but smoked pork, which is baked with garlic and sent to the freezer for an hour. Then it is cut into thin pieces and goes into a loaf, which is then also thinly sliced.  

A portion of pure vodka is a third of a glass and I advise you to drink it from a glass. The Americans have proven that vodka is best taken in combination with orange juice, but I personally prefer a light version of "Bloody Mary": a third of a glass of vodka, lower the knife and slowly pour a third of a glass of tomato juice + salt, black pepper and lemon juice a little. When you do not drink vodka with carbonated mineral water– you will get drunk very quickly.  

If a "vodka mood" has appeared (and in capitalist America it very often visits both millionaires and beggars), then I usually snack on pickles – cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, sauerkraut, herring, or just wash down with brine for the first couple of servings of vodka. Do you know why? Alcohol washes salt out of the body, this narrows the vessels and causes a hangover.  

Then, in order for vodka to be absorbed more slowly and not "cut down", there is a fatty yummy such as sausage, smoked pork, sandwiches with butter and red caviar. (I do not recommend black caviar, because I have seen how tons of fake herring are made in Moscow). I never experiment with hot borscht or broth and everyone who loves this business should finally think about what happens when vodka is mixed with boiling water in the stomach and why the brains "turn off" so quickly.  

In New York, vodka goes badly, because there is constant humidity in the city, and in summer, plus the heat is under 35-40. They buy "Smirnovskaya" (I don't believe that the tsars once drank vodka for $12), "Absolute", "Finland". The French "Grey Goose" is considered the best, although I would not say so. But who surprised me here is the Indians, who listen to vodka and whiskey almost without snacks and a lot. Well, as for the Mexicans, lovers of drinking moonshine with beer, Italians with their juuuutka grappa and Russians who revel in Brighton, get behind the wheel and are immediately "tied up" by our "bravest in the world" police, I'm not talking.  


There are many legends about vodka and KGB. For example, that on the instructions of Andropov, a super-purified vodka "Crystal" was created on the basis of alcohol and port, from which there is no hangover. it was said that pop stars make vodka enemas for themselves so that the voice does not sit down. it was said that regular binge drinking helps to get rid of drug addiction.  

Nonsense. "Drink responsibly" or "Drink, but be reasonable. "  













| 226 | оценок нет 18:29 06.09.2023


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