How I trapped Putin who killed Hillary's presidency 2016. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky

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mikhail. kryzhanovsky@mail. ru  

New York  


Documents, 2 letters, available.  




To: Vladimir Putin President of the Russian Federation Kremlin, Moscow September 4, 2013  

Dear Mr. President,  

The information I got recently from reliable sources indicates that Hillary Clinton, a former Secretary of State, is preparing for a very aggressive presidential campaign 2016. It's important that she's supported not only by the Rockefellers clan ($3 trln worth) but also by high-ranked neocons, hawks like a former VP Dick Cheney and also the majority of Joint Chiefs of Staff. means that Hillary Clinton, in case she's elected the U. S. President in 2016, will start the World War III with Russia for Russian resources. That’s why I advise you, Mr. President to use your propaganda, political and technical possibilities (FSO and its division, FSO Special Communications and Information Service) to compromise Hillary Clinton and remove her from the presidential race 2016.  

Thank you. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB intelligence officer, a former CIA "Filament"  


Earlier I've sent the same letter to Sergey Naryshkin, Russian Duma (the parliament) Speaker, KGB spy in 1978-1982, a former Putin's Executive Office Chief in 2008-2011.  





Sergey Naryshkin  

He sent the letter to FSB (Russian Counterespionage Service) Chief Alexander Bortnikov, because I've mentioned a possible threat of Putin's assassination by the Secret Service team.  



Alexander Bortnikov, FSB Director  



Secret Service killers (Klemm, Lieneman, Gurevich – see business cards below) were hunting me in New York in 2012, later Secret Service special agent Jason Pietramica asked me if I want to go to Moscow myself (to kill Putin, of course).  





I can imagine how angry Putin was when Naryshkin showed him my letter – he had no doubt that Hillary Clinton, his personal enemy, was behind the Secret Service planned murder.  


FSB answered me fast:  




October 3, 2013  

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation  

101100, 2 Lubyanskaya sq, Moscow  


Dear Mikhail Ivanovich,  

We received and looked into your letter to the Duma. We'll use the information you've provided.  


N. N. Zakharov, Chief, Center of Public Relations  


Remember FSB (a former KGB) have very well trained killers – I was a member (a sniper) of KGB "Nabat" anti-terror team and I know very well how they work. If Putin orders to kill Hillary Clinton, they'll do it no matter what.  


Putin got my letter and answered fast, because Hillary Clinton was his personal enemy since 2008 presidential campaign when she said:" He [Putin] was a KGB agent. By definition he doesn’t have a soul, " He got very angry and punched her back saying that at a minimum, she should have a head, "  

Besides, Putin knows me in person as the author of the White House Special Handbook and Espionage Handbook, and that's why took my warning very seriously.  






From: President of The Russian Federation  

Executive Office  

Directorate for Communication  

Ilinka str, 23/16, Moscow  

September 18, 2012  



To. M. Kryzhanovsky  


We inform you the letter to you've sent via e-form was received by the President.  

The letter has been sent to the Federal Protective Service.  


A. Maksukov  

Adviser, Directorate of Communication  




The Federal Protective Service (FSO) is a federal government agency concerned with the tasks related to the protection of several, mandated by the relevant law, high-ranking state officials, including the President of Russia, as well as certain federal properties. FSO includes the Russian Presidential Security Service. The FSO has roughly 50, 000 uniformed personnel plus several thousand plainclothed personnel and controls the Cheget that can be used in the event of global nuclear war.  

It also operates a secure communications system for senior government officials. The FSO is a powerful institution with a range of rights and powers, including the right to conduct searches and surveillance without warrants, make arrests, and give orders to other state agencies.  

FSO includes Special Communications and Information Service of Russia (Spetsviaz or SCID).  

It is is a cryptologic intelligence agency of Russia responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting Russian government communications and information systems, which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography. It is the equivalent to the United States National Security Agency.  


Putin appointed these two chiefs to be in charge of the "Hillary-2016" Project.  



Dmitriy Kochnev, FSO Director  




Alexey Mironov, the Special Communications and Information Director  


Kochnev prepared the "Hillary" Project plan to be signed by Putin and executed by Mironov.  

According to this plan SCID :  

1. Had penetrated the servers of the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chair, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in person, whose private emails were published by WikiLeaks in the days leading up to the Democratic convention. Putin called the hacking and release of nearly 20, 000 emails fr  

to the Democratic convention. Putin called the hacking and release of nearly 20, 000 emails from the DNC "a public service". The e-mails the DNC's favoritism of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders published by Wikileaks compromised Dems' leaders and Hillary too.  

2. Hacked Hillary Clinton's personal phone and computer. All information was transferred straight to Trump who got the possibility to correct his strategy. And leaked to the public.  

3. Hacked the 2016 elections.  


First, the attackers probed election offices well in advance in order to find ways to break into their computers. Second, closer to the election, when it was clear from polling data which states would have close electoral margins, the attackers spreaded malware into voting machines in some of the states, rigging the machines to shift a few percent of the vote.  


| 60 | оценок нет 22:21 11.04.2024


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