My aura is like a long song that you hear at night and cry, because we listened to it a month ago. You were shocked when you knew me and my personality. I often make you funny. I’m the first person who has made you miss to somebody so much and for so long. I well remember your pleasant touches for me in Lugansk and, sweetheart, I don’t want to forget this moment.
My aura is like dark, green, quiet forest for you and like the smell of sweet berries that make your eyes handsome, deep and sexual, when I look into them. My aura is like the “Queen of Wands” for you, like “The Chariot”, my aura is the fire that burns your heart from our first meeting.
Your aura is like a raging sea in a storm. Your aura is like snow-capped mountains with a sunny sky. It’s a mixture energy’s. And l love it so much of you.
Your deep brown eyes are comparable to the dismissed strong land under legs. Your beautiful looks like “The Magician”, your spirit like “The Strength”. Your stories is immerse me in sleep. I feel calm with you for a long time. At other times, I can do everything I want at this moment with you. You give me these emotions that I’ve never felt fully before. I’m getting to know your aura more and more everyday. And I like that I want to study your soul more. I want to understand what you are to me. Let me.
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