This day was lasting so long
Both of us tried to lie
To live the moment
To be strong
The discussions
Conversations, all the talks
Were they sincere
Did we share it
All main thoughts
My butterflies was never hidden
They fly yet they bite indeed
Beauty without pain? Forbidden
Yet it tickles, there is no bleed
It’s perfect time to us, be honest
We want to run, far but, from others
We r naive, shy, but yet not modest
Let’s be here for our moments
I know it’s hard, to say the words
I know we both pretend right now
Not letting out the voice, it hurts
But we r the ones, who must allow
Don’t we care too much for strangers?
I thought u said there is no us
I know u lied, u felt thats dangerous
I know, u knew, we couldn’t last
We could try before we drop
But giving up before the start?
When u believe we better stop
I truly think “it worth the shot”
Who knew, maybe u were right
Maybe without trying, it’d hurt less
Even if I hope u cried
Maybe it doesn’t worth the stress
But just maybe if u think
If u really go inside
Breathe in tension with ur chest
If u’d allow me to ur side
We truly could, if u believed
If u allowed to us to be
Maybe, we’d be relieved
Maybe, we could try to live
U come back to me sometimes
But now, I am the one to leave
Now, my turn to say goodbye
Say “it’s better”, as u did
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