I am not crying, it’s just tears falling down by themselves
My brain says “I am ok”, but feelings r something that I can’t control
One day I’ll tell u, one day I stop myself to overwhelm
But now when u smile at someone, I’ll continue play me role
While u r looking to someone, I am looking to u
When u feel down or blue, something in me tears apart
U said “I am okay, I am happy” but is it true?
Just take everything out on me, don’t hide it, show me ur heart
When u think u r alone, I am always by ur side
I am watching from far away and coming when u need
I’ll leave u when u ask to, but I am still beside
No need to call me, I am here, no need to plead
Ur eyes can easily lie to anyone, it kinda impress
Ur behaviour and smile look so natural, u did a great job
But sorry, I can see ur lie so clear, all ur regrets
Under this cover, ah it’s so sad, there so much mess
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