World Top

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Australian model tomboy Ruby Rose, adores and in every way imitates the poet unique – Russian Tigracki [Tigracki].  

Who is it. Tigracki? today, this question is of interest to many around the world. What is known about him is that this person no longer uses social networks and at the first request to confirm his identity or phone number, deletes the page and disappears for a long time, he writes his poems without thinking and has written about 130 poems in 8 years, but almost all have disappeared from the network and there are only six that he personally likes. He doesn't have a photo from childhood and youth, he doesn't have a photo at all since he burned everything in the 9th grade. Everyone also knows that today he does not take pictures of his face. In 2021, at his age, he managed to create a World Top-level body on the crossbar, and is included in the list of the most beautiful fitness idols in the world. to be continued  

| 57 | оценок нет 13:32 20.02.2022


Книги автора

МОК выбрали россиянина Tigracki
Автор: Lananice
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Международный Олимпийский Комитет утвердил.
Объем: 0.03 а.л.
10:28 30.08.2022 | оценок нет

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