Статья / Поэзия, Естествознание, Оккультизм, Религия, Философия
In modern philosophy of nature the World is unified and holistic. Cosmic Universe and Human History, microcosm and macrocosm, inorganic and living matter coexist and form a unique unity manifested in multiple forms. The Physical and the Mental constitute the form and the content of the World.
Объем: 0.066 а.л.

The spiritual experience of oneness conduces to the same insight as reasoning through science. Both convey the insight of fundamental interconnection between ourselves, other people, other forms of life, the biosphere and, ultimately, the universe. Science and spirituality, far from being mutually exclusive and conflicting elements, are complementary partners in the search for the path that can enable humanity to recover its oneness with the world. Science demonstrates the urgent and objective need for it; and spirituality testifies to its inherent value and supreme desirability. The Progress to new physics – quantum mechanics, relativity, the universe of the microparticles, theories for complex and non-linear dynamic systems, invisible worlds, chaos leads to order, give a different dimension to the way of thinking of individuals, scientists, and philosophers. The basic elements of the Eastern world view are also those of the world view emerging from modern physics. The Eastern thought and, more generally, mystical thought provide a consistent and relevant philosophical background to the theories of contemporary science; a conception of the world in which man's scientific discoveries can be in harmony with his spiritual aims and religious beliefs. The two basic themes of this conception are the unity and interrelation of all phenomena and the intrinsically dynamic nature of the universe. The further we penetrate into the submicroscopic world, the more we shall realize how the modern physicist, like the Eastern mystic, has come to see the world as a system of inseparable, interacting and ever-moving components with man being an integral part of this system. We need a sense of the unity of life and of humans for the sake of human welfare and for the survival of the planet. We need a sense of unity with the cosmos so that we can connect with Reality. But we also need a sense of individuality, for the sake of our own dignity and independence and of the loving care for others. We need it to appreciate each natural form, each animal and plant, each human person in their uniqueness. We must preserve the sense of unity and the sense of diversity and multiplicity. We must recognize that the One and the Many are the same thing viewed from different angles. The One is the Many. The One is manifested only in and through the Many. It has no separate existence apart from the Many. Equally the Many are the One. Even during their temporary separation, they are always part of the One, and always united with the One. Every one of us is always part of the One, and can unite with the One at any time we choose  

| 60 | 5 / 5 (голосов: 1) | 12:19 19.02.2022


Lyrnist16:02 19.02.2022
The author doesn't know what is the "poetry" category which he pointed in basic article declamation string. What to discuss about in its content?
Stanislaw12:39 19.02.2022
The scientific picture of the world is gradually collapsing in the 21st century. Dialectical materialism does not explain the universe so objectively. I agree with the author. The world is one, the material is connected with the spiritual. World science hides a lot from society because of the profits of transnational corporations. Superprofit is more expensive than true knowledge, it's sad.

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