FB2 Режим чтения

Just a boy

Рассказ / Приключения, События, Фэнтези
My work is based on my life experience. The main character is me only with a different name and slightly changed events. For example, I give you a hint that my dad doesn't have chondrosis, he's my mom's I won't tell you anything else secret.
Объем: 0.114 а.л.

The first day

Once there lived a boy named Yerlan in a non-magical city. He is no different from the others, but one ability was inherited from his grandmother and the second from his grandfather. Grandmother's ability lies in the fact that Yerlan can draw and write very beautifully, too, and grandfather's ability was not in anything, but she gave qualities such as: courage, wisdom. But now we can move on to his parents. They are neither rich nor poor, they have an average income. They earn 100, 000 rubles a month and I will tell you in my country and I live in Kazakhstan, this is a very good earnings of 1 ruble in tenge is 10 tenge and 800 rubles for 5000. But you are in no hurry to think now that I will tell you everything so simply when I write part 2 and it will be released around December 20, then you will know the continuation and the first part will be released today! Wait.

| 73 | оценок нет 19:45 20.12.2021


Книги автора

Смерть неизбежна 18+
Автор: Unknownwriter23
Рассказ / События
Аннотация отсутствует
Объем: 0.017 а.л.
11:45 27.02.2022 | оценок нет

The Adventures of John Wood
Автор: Unknownwriter23
Рассказ / Приключения События Другое
Аннотация отсутствует
Объем: 0.078 а.л.
19:47 23.12.2021 | оценок нет

I saw her in the woods
Автор: Unknownwriter23
Стихотворение / Поэзия
Аннотация отсутствует
Объем: 0.027 а.л.
20:07 20.12.2021 | 5 / 5 (голосов: 1)

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