WORLD WAR III AGAINST RUSSIA. Strategic plan by Mikhail Kryzhanovsky

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Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, the author of the White House Special Handbook, Espionage and Counterespionage Handbook, a former KGB and CIA.  

kryzhanovsky7777@gmail. com  




May 3, 2013  


The Strategic Plan of War Against Russia  

The main task of the United States is to destroy Russia as the main geopolitical enemy by dismembering it, seizing all resource zones and moving to governing the country through a government of liberal puppets. No fronts, no strategic operations and bombing.  


The main element of aggression is a coordinated lightning attack on Russia by NATO troops, primarily special forces, and the "fifth column". The Russians should quickly find themselves in a new country – the Union of Independent States of Russia and the passive majority will remain silent, just like when the USSR collapsed.  


Phase I. Information system  


1. Discrediting President V. Putin as a fascist dictator..  


2. Encouraging corruption and direct buying up of the political elite in Moscow and the regions.  


3. Creating the image of Russia as a fascist state. The fascist state of Russia is a deadly threat not only to Europe, but also to the entire world community.  


In the West liberal politicians, writers, public figures compromise the role of the Soviet Army and the people in the victory in World War II. The war was a clash of two fascist dictators-Stalin and Hitler, in today's Russia, President Putin revived the dictatorship, the state fully supports Nazism, the superiority of the Russian nation, declares its ”special role” in world politics as one of the leading nuclear powers. The Russian national security strategy allows for the possibility of a pre-emptive nuclear strike, which poses a deadly danger to world civilization. The people of Russia need democracy.  



Phase II. Economy  

Complete economic and political blockade of Russia, provoking a sharp drop in world oil and gas prices in order to cause a crisis of the government and economy of the Russian Federation  


Phase III of the war. Special and military operations  


1. Ukraine's entry into NATO, the deployment of American bases there. Even if Ukraine does not become a member of NATO, it must provide its territory and airfields to NATO. It is desirable to turn Ukraine into a colony with an indirect model of governance, when foreigners are appointed as presidential advisers and key ministers, through whom the United States will govern the country.  


2. Complete reorientation of the vector of radical Islam to Russia.  


3. The disruption of Russia's planned economic, political and military alliance with China – otherwise, the destruction of Russia will become impossible.  


4. The anti-fascist revolution, which will be supported by the world community.  


5. The development of the revolution into a full-scale civil war. A sharp surge in provoked inter-ethnic clashes.  


6. A lightning-fast military operation of NATO after with a peacekeeping function-to stop the civil war – in fact, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it will be ignited by special forces. Disorganization of the system of state and military administration, a powerful attack on all types of electronic communications.  


On Day X, the army is paralyzed through the purchased generals in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the generals must directly declare their refusal to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, who has become a fascist dictator, and their intention to remain neutral. This has already been tested in Ukraine – the special services and the army did not interfere in the "orange" revolution of 2004. There will be no mobilization. President Putin's order to launch a nuclear strike against the United States will be sabotaged. Russia's "asymmetric response" will also be blocked through purchased leaders in the Ministry of Defense and special services – terrorist attacks using miniature nuclear charges on the territory of the United States, sabotage by special forces, as well as inciting an interracial civil war.  


6. On the same day, all major Western media will declare the agony of the bloody regime of dictator Putin. On the same day in Moscow and St. Petersburg, groups of radical youth will storm the government buildings, necessarily with human casualties.  


7. NATO troops occupy Sakhalin with its oil and gas fields. The transition of the gas and oil industry, as well as the pipeline system of the Russian Federation under international control.  


IV phase of the war. Political and economic transformation of Russia  


8. V. Putin's displacement.  


9. Creation of the Government of National Unity (salvation).  


10. The dismemberment of Russia. The secession of the Caucasus, the proclamation of the Siberian and Far Eastern republics, independent Tatarstan – US bases will be located there.  


11. Withdrawal of Russian resources.  


Special technology  


Part 1. Legalization  


1. The reason to stop growing the population of Russia  


Recent scientific studies indicate that in the next decade, catastrophic climate changes and super-destructive earthquakes will occur on the territory of Western Europe. In this regard, it is necessary to plan the relocation of the majority of the population of Western European countries to the territory of Russia, which will not be affected by these cataclysms. Millions of people are moving to the territory of Siberia, where there are huge resources. Russia will be turned by military or peaceful means into a colony of the West, and its population will be reduced from 150 to 15 million slaves.  


The society should condemn this action, discuss, allow, and then legalize (approve the relevant law) the right of the United States and its Western allies to commit genocide of the Russian people.  


2. Technology  


1) Using freedom of speech, to transfer the topic of the elimination of Russians from the unthinkable to the radical.  


We initiate the initial discussion of the topic by scientists – historians, sociologists, ethnologists, political scientists, psychologists-within the framework of the symposium. There will be a statement that this is unacceptable, that there was a Holocaust of Jews, but it is indicated, for example, that Russians are aggressive, genetically alcoholics, and alcoholism is a mental illness. It is necessary to inspire people that the Russian empire arose as a result of the seizure of foreign territories and in these wars the Russian barbarians massively exterminated the indigenous population.  


This means that the irreconcilable position on the total elimination of this people can be revised and the sharply negative public opinion can be softened.  


2) We support and finance Ukrainian nationalist radicals, for whom the murder of Russians is part of their political platform – society is used to this. The media in Europe and the United States write a lot about them in a negative and even positive way (patriots of Ukraine, fighters against the invaders). The main thing is that the topic has been put into circulation, there has been a destruction of the unambiguity of the problem of reducing the" population " of Russians.  


3) We transfer the topic from the radical area to the area of the possible.  


We present the points of view of scientists in the media, we develop a broad discussion. To legalize the idea, we change its original name, for example, to "demographic correction".  


We deduce at least partially the topic of liquidation from criminal prosecution. Best of all-through the statement about a "just" civil war, where the West will be on the side of a” democratic”, " liberal " minority.  


4) From the territory of the possible – to the area of the rational: "Predators must be destroyed", "Genetic alcoholics are the dregs of society, they are degenerates, inhumans, worse than animals". "In Russia, the government supports Russian fascists – this is unacceptable! "  


5) We transfer the topic from the rational to the popular sphere.  


5) We transfer the topic from the rational to the popular sphere.  


This is easy – almost the entire elite, media personalities, popular politicians "- pose a " threat” to the world community, since they declare themselves patriots, but are influential fascists who process and prepare the people for new wars and the destruction of world civilization. These same people aggressively preach the idea of" exceptional spirituality "and" special mission " of the Russian people. The real patriots are the "enslaved" peoples – neighboring Ukraine, Tatarstan, Chechnya-they must be supported, because they do not kill Russians in the civil war, they are "liberated".  


6) We are moving the topic from the popular category to the field of current politics. The preparation of the legislative framework begins. Lobbying groups in power are consolidating. Sociological surveys are published that " confirm "a high percentage of supporters of the legalization of" demographic correction " in Russia. Western politicians make statements about the legislative consolidation of this topic. A new dogma is being introduced into the public consciousness – the need for "correction"cannot be denied.  


3. The result  


Laws approving the "demographic correction" of Russia are adopted in the United States and Western Europe.  


Part 2. Destruction  


The strategic task of the United States is to eliminate 150 million Russians within 10 years after the successful end of the war with Russia.  


1. Provoking local civil wars to mutual extermination on the basis of interethnic, ethnic and religious conflicts.  


2. Introduction of a card system with a gradual decrease in the issued products and deterioration of their quality, primarily protein products – all types of meat, fish, poultry, oil, legumes.  


3. Reduction of the number of hospitals and polyclinics, a sharp increase in the prices of medical services, making them inaccessible to the majority of Russians.  


4. Promotion of homosexuality.  


5. The legal prohibition to produce offspring, for violation of the law – the death penalty.  


6. Mass resettlement of Russians, first of all-the scientific, cultural and political elite, to the regions of Siberia and the northern regions that are not suitable for life, to use them for heavy physical work with limited food supply and without medical care.  


7. Mass production of highly toxic products, household chemicals, cosmetics.  


8. Tightening of the criminal code, replacement of fines with terms of imprisonment.  


9. Closure of all educational institutions.  


10. Hidden sterilization of women of childbearing age by X-ray during gynecological examinations, tests, procedures.  


11. Forced mass sending of young women to brothels abroad, primarily to Asian countries.  


12. Mass forced export of children abroad for adoption.  


13. Identification and secret abduction of leaders and activists of the political opposition with their subsequent liquidation.  


14. The transformation of all ordinary places of detention (camps) into death camps, where the liquidation is carried out by exhaustion with hard work and minimal nutrition in the absence of medical care.  


15. A sharp reduction in the price of all alcoholic beverages, the promotion of alcoholism and drug addiction among young people, the spread of cheap drugs.  


16. Artificial hunger caused by the maximum reduction in the volume of grain cultivation. Possible hunger riots should be suppressed through mass shootings. The cereals supplied to the population will be genetically modified so that consumers who have violated the law on the prohibition of the production of offspring will have sterilized children.

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