Take my love within this flower!
In a lonely needy hour
It will help you to discover
Your majestic hidden powers...
Everything so blue all over,
Blue as fields of blooming clover,
Blue as rivers of this land,
But not as blue as you, my friend.
Blue world,
Blue bird,
Take hold
of your word.
For the truth I stand,
growing roots
through the shifting sands.
For life I feel...
For you to reveal
the blues of your teal,
the magic of my powers.
Take my voice within this singing,
Hear the starry night, it's ringing!
Happiness declared the price –
Loneliness for paradise.
Everything so bright all over!
Bright as fields of blooming clover,
Brighter than the solar sphere,
But not as bright as you, my dear!
Bright world,
My bird,
Do not loosen
Your hold.
For the truth we stand,
Growing grass
In the barren lands.
For life we feel.
For us to reveal
The brightness of life's thrill
The essence of its powers.
23. 11. 14
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