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Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB and CIA, the author of the White House Special Handbook and Espionage and Counterespionage Handbook.  

mikekryzhanovsky16@gmail. com  



August 5, 1962  


CIA agents killed Marilyn Monroe (staged suicide – "acute barbiturate poisoning") who got information on planned JFK assassination and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s much more simple to kill without any traces on or in the body – use a suppository.  


November 22, 1963  


President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p. m. in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.  

What's conspiracy? It’s when you ask the government a simple question and nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good questions.  

Question 1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded – sniper is a human being – he makes mistakes.  

Answer. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984 (count the years for yourself). No war in Vietnam. The CIA would have been shut down. The FBI and Pentagon would have been "cleaned up" and "cleaned out. "  

Question 2. Why would the CIA, FBI and big business behind them, not to mention others who had their eye on the Oval Office, take such a huge risk?  

Answer. There was no risk at all and there was no "huge conspiracy – there was a "passive sabotage" operation. CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director Edgar Hoover and Secret Service Director James Rowley made a deal not to touch Lee Harvey Oswald until operation is over.  

Question 3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified (! ) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells. Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in private.  

Answer. This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the next Presidents – "Don’t touch the CIA! " and it worked until now. I want to touch CIA.  

Question 4. What was the rush?  

Answer. Kennedy wanted to eliminate CIA.  

JFK's assassination was planned by a very professional expert. It might be Gestapo Mueller who, unlike other assassins, had a very good reason to keep his mouth shut. That's why Congress wants to keep 40, 000 documents on JFK case classified for another 20 years.  

June 5, 1968  

After winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Robert Kennedy promised a full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was elected.  


John Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father's death investigation was the most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his "George" magazine. They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John Kennedy Jr. where he would never have "hot sex" and "try cocaine" with Diana. It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting.  

August 31, 1997  

CIA used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana. Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed.  

Billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi's father, recruited a "mole" inside CIA, somebody who knew the Agency had a file on Diana. He didn't get it of course through Washington, DC District Court and the mistake was – he had to recruit somebody with straight access to archives. If Diana left a notice on her talks with John Kennedy Jr for her sons, they might be next CIA victims. I can tell Mohammed al-Fayed what's in Diana's CIA file for free – surveillance documents, a video tape of the Carlyle Hotel meeting, a plan to stage the car accident, a file on me if I had to do the job.  

July 16, 1999  

CIA killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned destination, the Martha's Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts.  





mikekryzhanovsky16@gmail. com  





Part 1. Donald Trump, KGB asset.  

yapishu. net/book/373225  

Part 2. Donald Trump, KGB asset.  

yapishu. net/book/373227  


Donald Trump, KGB asset and a killer  

By Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, a former KGB spy and Ukrainian Security illegal spy, a former KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group sniper, a former CIA and FBI “Filament”, the author of “The Professional” System, used by the US presidents since 1996, “White House Special Handbook”, based on the System, “Espionage and Counter-Espionage Handbook”. Graduated KGB Counterespionage School, KGB Intelligence Institute (Putin graduated it earlier), got training in sabotage, terror and anti-terror as KGB “Nabat” anti-terror group.  

mikekryzhanovsky16@gmail. com, New York  

No doubt, Donald Trump, KGB asset, is the only person interested in eliminating his handler Vladimir Putin. Here’s the story.  


August 5, 1962  

CIA agents killed Marilyn Monroe (staged suicide – "acute barbiturate poisoning") who got information on planned JFK assassination and desperately tried to contact him or his brother, Robert Kennedy. It’s much more simple to kill without any traces on or in the body – use a suppository.  

November 22, 1963  

President John Kennedy was assassinated at 12:30 p. m. in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.  

What's conspiracy? It’s when you ask the government a simple question and nobody wants to answer it. And if you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong answers, as with the Warren Commission. Let’s ask some good questions.  

Question 1. What would have happened if the snipers missed the target or Kennedy survived, being merely wounded – sniper is a human being – he makes mistakes.  

Answer. Kennedy would have won the 1964 Presidential election and then conceivably his brothers, Robert and Edward, would keep the Oval Office until 1984 (count the years for yourself). No war in Vietnam. The CIA would have been shut down. The FBI and Pentagon would have been "cleaned up" and "cleaned out. "  

Question 2. Why would the CIA, FBI and big business behind them, not to mention others who had their eye on the Oval Office, take such a huge risk?  

Answer. There was no risk at all and there was no "huge conspiracy – there was a "passive sabotage" operation. CIA Director John McCone, FBI Director Edgar Hoover and Secret Service Director James Rowley made a deal not to touch Lee Harvey Oswald until operation is over.  

Question 3. Why was Kennedy murdered in public? President Kennedy was a sick man, taking a lot of pills daily. He had Addison’s disease which, in addition to susceptibility to infection can cause weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure; so he was taking cortisone. For his back pain Dr. Max Jacobson injected him (and Jackie) with a mixture of unspecified (! ) multivitamins, hormones, steroids, enzymes, and animal organ cells. Kennedy also used cocaine, marijuana, hashish and even LSD, especially during dates with women, including prostitutes —- for many people this was not a secret. There were enough opportunities to stage a death in private.  

Answer. This had to be a public execution with a very clear message for the next Presidents – "Don’t touch the CIA! " and it worked until now. I want to touch CIA.  

Question 4. What was the rush?  

Answer. Kennedy wanted to eliminate CIA.  

JFK's assassination was planned by a very professional expert. It might be Gestapo Mueller who, unlike other assassins, had a very good reason to keep his mouth shut. That's why Congress wants to keep 40, 000 documents on JFK case classified for another 20 years.  

June 5, 1968  

After winning the California primary election for the Democratic nomination for the US President, Senator Robert Kennedy was shot as he walked through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and is serving a life sentence for the crime. Robert Kennedy promised a full investigation of his brother's assassination in case he was elected.  


John Kennedy Jr. who said once that his father's death investigation was the most important thing of his life, approached Princess Diana Spencer for an interview for his "George" magazine. They met at New York Carlyle Hotel where JFK dated Marilyn Monroe – a holy place for John Kennedy Jr. where he would never have "hot sex" and "try cocaine" with Diana. It was a business meeting, an "investigation" meeting.  

August 31, 1997  

CIA used my instructions on staged car accidents to kill Princess Diana. Diana was fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, which also caused the death of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed.  

Billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi's father, recruited a "mole" inside CIA, somebody who knew the Agency had a file on Diana. He didn't get it of course through Washington, DC District Court and the mistake was – he had to recruit somebody with straight access to archives. If Diana left a notice on her talks with John Kennedy Jr for her sons, they might be next CIA victims. I can tell Mohammed al-Fayed what's in Diana's CIA file for free – surveillance documents, a video tape of the Carlyle Hotel meeting, a plan to stage the car accident, a file on me if I had to do the job.  

July 16, 1999  

CIA killed John Kennedy Jr. in a staged plane crash. Kennedy along with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren were reported missing when the Piper Saratoga II HP he was piloting failed to arrive at its planned destination, the Martha's Vineyard Airport in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts.  



September 10, 2011, New York  

An anonymous person appeared online (Facebook nickname "Simple”). – Hi, Mike. There are people who support you.  

– Hi. And who are you? – It doesn't matter. I've dug up some stuff here, opened couple of files... It turns out, you are included in the list of the 25 most dangerous individuals who are constantly monitored by the FBI, the CIA, the NSA [National Security Agency – MK] and even the RUMO [Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense – MK]. Don’tt worry, my computer protected, because I work at a special place. Do you know about all this?  

– No. And how did you get the files? – I hacked it when I stayed in the office after work, although I may get into trouble for it if they find out. But I did it anyway. – Can I see full information? – You know, I didn't get too far, it's dangerous. I say what I saw. – I wonder why the RUMO has got a case on me? –Aren't you afraid of the others? " You should be. You know what? The US intelligence community is a rare mess, everyone is doing someone else's double work, and everyone is working poorly. Interns like me can get into top secret files and no one could see. A mess. So I did it. – Anyway, I don't understand what RUMO has to do with it. – To be honest, I myself do not understand why so many special services are so interested. Although... a former KGB officer who does whatever he wants in the States – I'm also surprised that your wanted photo doesn't hang at every police station. – Can I look at the files sometime? – I'll see what I can do. I'll be back.  


January 11, 2023, New York  

On January 11, 2023, at 6. 45 AM I was almost hit by the car at the crossing of Audley Street and Grenfell Street, Kew Gardens, Queens. It was still dark, no traffic, empty area; I saw the car going down one block to the crossing at a very high speed while I was crossing Grenfell Street. In less than a second it was at the crossing, the driver did not stop and he did not signal me, though the lights were on and he saw me perfectly well. The car was coming straight at me, so I had to almost jump to reach the sidewalk. The driver did not stop, did not slow down and after the turn he kept driving up Grenfell Street with the same high speed. The lights blinded me and I could not see the plates, it was, most probable, new Honda, light blue. I think the actions of the driver were intentional, he, most probable, tried to hit and kill me. I had my phone with me, so it was not hard to calculate my location in between small streets early dark morning with no witnesses present.  


April 18, 2019, Washington, D. C. On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice. In this capacity, Mueller oversaw the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation". ATTENTION : President Donald Trump responded to news of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's 2017 appointment by telling then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he was "f****d, " according to a redacted version of Mueller's report released on April 18, 2019. “Oh my God, ” the President told Sessions, according to the report. “This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f****d. ” Donald Trump, KGB asset, was sure his Presidency was finished, because he thought Robert Mueller was going to get me as a witness.  

Putin, the President of Russia, and his The “Boomerang” Operation Putin left KGB intelligence in 1991, but in 1998 he was back as the FSB (KGB counterespionage successor) Director with the help from former KGB officers inside FSB who opposed secretly President Yeltsin. On December 20, 1999 (it’s an unofficial Day of Chekist (KGB officer) for FSB and SVR, Russian Intelligence, employees), Putin made a following televised statement:” I’d like to report, that a group of undercover FSB officers in the federal government is coping with its mission, and that’s the first stage”. In fact, that meant, that by December 20, 1999, Putin has illegally established his personal full control on the government and the Kremlin as a result of a secret antigovernment conspiracy. The second stage of Putins criminal activity was the removal of a legal President Yeltsin. Putin presented him with FSB documents on Yeltsin’s daughter who was stealing the federal budget money. In return Yeltsin asked immunity for his family, daughter included, and Putin granted it. On December, 31, 1999, Yeltsin “unexpectadly” declared his resignation on national TV and named Putin his successor.  

Putin said once that collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was the "tragedy of the century" and named the USA a killer. Now comes revenge – "the Boomerang" operation and the "New Russian World Order" or a "controlled chaos” strategy – Putin's “new world order” to be established through the international chaos, permanent wars, civil wars and revolutions. My definition : "Controlled chaos” strategy – geopolitical re-division of the world by provoking riots, revolutions, civil wars and overthrowing regimes in independent from Russia sovereign states to establish the Russia's world hegemony. Political, national, religious and social conflicts in target countries have to be permanent. The strategy is being covered by a "struggle against international terrorism". The operation is preceded by information war against the target regime and backed by the Russia military forces if necessary. Inside USA the strategy is used to provoke a total USA collapse – that’s why Putin recruited Trump and got the Oval Office for him. That’s what Putin is going to repeat in 2024 throwing as many billions of dollars as necessary. The 1st stage of the operation: the recruitment of D. Trump. The 2nd stage: the division of Americans along racial, social and political grounds. Executed by Trump during 4 shameful years of his "presidency". A recommendation of the SVR agent Trump to remove masks at the peak of the coronavirus in the United States led to the death of 210 thousand (! ) Americans, this is called the GENOCIDE of the nation. The 3rd stage : American civil war between Trump supporters (racists, fascists) and the people. First two stages completed. The third one started with Trump's defeat in the presidential election and his refusal to surrender power in a peaceful constitutional way. And the January 6, 2021 proved "The Boomerang " is in full progress. It’s time to put an end to Putin’s illegal power, unlimited dictatorship and permanent threats to use nuclear weapons against USA and its allies, remove him from power and re-establish democracy in Russia.  





Putin's liberal hero Julian Assange and his Wikileaks hackers hacked my correspondence with the company "Stradford" (“shadow” CIA), engaged in international espionage.  


September 1, 1995, New York  

(Why CIA recruited me? First comes my special experience. In 1991-1992, as SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) illegal intelligence officer, I came to Moscow to get into Russian President Boris Yeltsin "inner Kremlin circle" to influence his decisions, extremely anti-Ukrainian at the time. I was also a former member (a sniper) of the KGB Nabat antiterror group, so I could also eliminate Yeltsin if ordered by Ukrainian President Kravchuk. Operation was in progress until Yeltsin got somehow information about it. In 1992 Russia and Ukraine signed a Treaty to stop mutual espionage. I had to resign and move to Europe for my personal security reasons – Kravchuk ordered to kill me as a dangerous witness and a threat for Ukrainian-Russian relations. CIA decided to copy my Moscow operation). I was recruited by CIA and had to work as a sniper and special operations expert for CIA and FBI. I had to spy on the White House and the U. S. Congress and participate in special operations against American politicians.  

Also, I, a KGB spy, had to get inside the White House and teach American presidents how to rule America and created "The Professional" system – special instructions on successful election and re-election campaigns, strategic planning and top decisions making, national security, foreign policy and diplomacy, propaganda, economy, war and special operations. I could never imagine that in America I could have a unique status, "carte blanche" (I had to anything CIA ordered) which means a “license to kill” any politician. CIA and FBI also asked for effective interrogation, tortures and murders methods and readily used them in Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. I designed the world domination, “controlled chaos” and “color” revolutions strategies successfully used to blow up Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, and unite USA and EU for the World War III for Russian resources.  

But CIA wanted more from me – they had "a hell of a job up to my high professional skills as a former KGB anti-terror “Nabat” (”The Bell”) group sniper. Working abroad – Europe, Asia, Middle East – was OK with me, but I had no intention to kill politicians in America and play Lee Oswald-2. They′ve pressed me hard in return. Who was the first target? President Bill Clinton – CIA wanted me "to stay close to him". Bonus: on his first day at the Oval Office President Reagan got this document on CIA: – The CIA is not able to imagine the direction of the USSR's military efforts. – The CIA is not able to explain the global goals of the Soviet leadership. – The CIA cannot specify the characteristics of Soviet ballistic missiles. – The CIA can neither understand nor explain the nature and causes of the so-called "national liberation wars" in Africa and South America. – The CIA has no idea about counterintelligence. – The statement that "the CIA is a highly professional non-political agency that produces objective intelligence information" is absurd – The CIA has been compromised to such an unprecedented degree that its paralysis can no longer be explained by something much worse than simple incompetence  

Political asylum was the payment for my consent to work for the CIA in the USA.  

June 20, 2001 Three months before the September 9 terrorist attacks, which claimed the lives of 3, 000 people, I sent a letter about the complete collapse of the US national security system, the criminal activities of the CIA and the FBI, as well as about the persecution of me by these special services because of my refusal to continue cooperation and engage in political assassinations in the USA. To get me back they blocked the procedure of reuniting me with my family. August 23, 2001 I received a letter signed by Hillary Clinton, in which she promised to help me "very quickly. " There was a hope that together we could raise the topic of the CIA at the level of the US Senate and the big press. I was ready.  


United States Senate, Washington, DC August 23, 2001 Dear Mr Kryzhanovsky, Thank you for contacting my office for assistance. The trust and confidence that your request for assistance represents is very important to me. A Constituent Liaison has been assigned to handle your matter and you should be hearing from my office very soon. Sincerely yours, Hillary Clinton  

In one year Hillary Clinton helped my family to come to USA. There was nothing in her letter about the US national security.  


Unite States Senate, Washington, DC September 12, 2002 Dear Mr. Kryzhanovsky, Thank you for contacting my office for assistance with your matter. I have contacted the Immigration and Naturalization Service at Nebraska Service Center on your behalf – attached is the response to my inquiry. I hope this information will be of help to you. If I can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office again. Sincerely yours, Hillary Clinton  

June 20, 2001, New York Same day, three months before 9/11 tragedy happened, I’ve also sent a letter to President George W. Bush about the CIA and the FBI with recommendations for reforming the national security system. The president thought about it for a year, In the end, the US President decided not to touch either the CIA, the FBI, or the Secret Service for the time being, although it was about anti-American activities and political assassinations. Bush gave instructions to send my materials to the Department of Justice, to which the FBI just reports. Of course, FBI Director Robert Mueller blocked the response and destroyed the papers. They didn't tell me anything, making it clear that it was better for me to continue cooperation.  

Here’s the answer I got from President Bush who paid no attention to my information, did not take any steps to improve the national security system and allowed the terrorists to kill 3. 000 Americans on September 11, 2002. This letter is a total shame.  


The White House, Washington September 17, 2002 Dear Mr. Kryzhanovsky Thank you for contacting President George W. Bush for assistance with an agency of the Federal government. I am responding on behalf of the President. The White House is sending your inquiry to the Department of Justice, which will review your correspondence. This agency has the expertise to address your concerns. They will respond directly to you, as promptly as possible. The President sends his best wishes. Sincerely, Desiree Thompson, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential Correspondence  

By the way, nobody investigated probable Russian trace,, because not many people ever heard about Alexander Sakharovsky (1909-1983), Colonel General, Chief of KGB First Directorate (espionage) in 1956-1971. "The father of international terrorism", he oversaw the KGB foreign intelligence division during some of the key events of the Cold War, including the the Cuban Missile Crisis and JFK assassination. He said once, nuclear arms have made military force obsolete, terrorism should become KGB main weapon. CIA called him "the father of international terrorism". The airplane hijacking was his invention, 82 planes were hijacked worldwide by the KGB-financed Palestine Liberation Organization.  



In 2006, Bush decided to support me. They sent me this platinum card for "The Professional" System. PLATINUM MEMBER  

Mykhaylo Kryzhanovsky Member number 567192584-Q415 Member Since 2006  

This Platinum Card has been issued to the bearer by the Republican National Committee in recognition of an extraordinary level of commitment to the Republican ideals and values. The bearer of this card should be given special considerations by all Republican leaders as one who has provided the lifeblood of our Party over many years. I believe your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can count on. It is therefore my distinct privilege as Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to present you with your 2006 Republican Party Platinum Card on behalf of President Bush and every Republican leader nationwide. I believe your exemplary record of loyalty and patriotism proves you are a leader President Bush can trust to fight with him for America’s safety and security. Your proven leadership is just what President Bush and our party need right now. Please accept this honor with my sincere thanks.  

Sincerely, Ken Mehlman Chairman, Republican National Committee  


August 9, 2006, New York  

I left the apartment and found a flyer on the door.  

There were no more flyers anywhere in the building – walked through the floors. There was nothing on the other buildings either. A personal leaflet? Interesting.  

The meeting was a total chaos, Secret Service was dead, a terrorist could kill a Senator and a former First Lady 100 times.  

Perhaps it was another setup for me, but the decision to eliminate Hillary Clinton was postponed.  



March 20, 2010, New York  


Unexpectedly, I received an invitation to dinner with President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Ian Sugar of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Here it is.  

"Congressmen Israel, Engel, Lowy, Nadler, Meeks, Crowley, Wiener, Murphy, as well as Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Committee Chairman Van Hollen invite you to join Barack Obama on May 13, 2010 at the St Hotel. Ridges, 2nd East 55th St.,. and 5th Avenue, New York:  

6:00 pm – VIP reception 6:30 pm – Dinner  

The guest pays $15, 000, $30, 000 per couple (lunch and photo with the president included)  

Please send a check to the Committee to the address: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 430 South Capitol Street, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC, 20003. "  

I contacted Ian Sugar to find out the details. It turned out that he would be very happy to see me at dinner with President Obama. The dinner is organized to raise funds for the election of Democratic Party congressional candidates. I need to send a check and arrive at the hotel St. Ridges in New York on May 13, 2 hours before the start due to security requirements.  



Invitation to dinner with Obama  


The plan of the ballroom on the roof top of the hotel, where the banquet took place.  

It was a setup. There was exactly one and a half months left before the event, and during this time the Secret Service will make a list and check the accounts of all those invited. There will be no problems with me – the FBI and the CIA will be waiting for me there.  

But who was the customer and why was Obama chosen as the target? A little later, it became absolutely clear to me that the defendant was Trump, a racist who hated Obama and sought to remove him from the White House.  

The FBI and the CIA expected that having received such an unusual invitation, I would come there on May 13 purely out of professional interest. If I come, they will kill both me and Obama by planting weapons on me.  

In response, I made a short video in which I told him that if I was going to kill Obama, I would have to sign up for suicide. I would buy a Sig Sauer in New York, which the Secret Service is armed with, I would practice in the woods outside the city to get used to the gun. Then, on May 13, I come without a gun, quickly "turn off" one of these fat boars who call themselves "special agents", snatch a weapon from him and kill Obama. Since I was not only a sniper of the "Alarm", but also a prize-winner of the closed KGB championships in hand-to-hand combat, the whole procedure would take no more than 5 seconds. But I wouldn't have left alive.  

On March 21, 2010, New York, I sent a fax to Obama with a description of a possible assassination attempt.  

After that, the CIA instructed the Secret Service to look for me all over New York.  

October 12, 2010, Queens, New York  

They figured me out on the computer. I got tired of hiding, I called the New York office of the Secret Service, and met with two agents who introduced themselves as John and Brat (tel. 646-842-2107). They started with the fact that they were not going to arrest me, but I was very lucky that it was they, agents from Washington, and not group number 2, who came to me, which could have ended very badly for me. I replied that if they were going to plant a sniper in the house opposite and kill me, I wouldn't run away. The agents refrained from commenting and an interesting conversation on a professional topic went on. Brat told me that the Secret Service knows that I worked for the CIA and what I was doing there, and now it offers me cooperation. He also asked me if I was going to kill Obama and asked me to remove the video from the network so that it would not serve as an instruction for terrorists.  

The next day, I was informed by my family members from Brooklyn that the very team number 2 that was going to remove me had come out to them a week ago. Three agents, among them a woman, broke into the house, brandishing pistols, conducted a search without authorization and took the computer for a while. They gave me business cards and asked me to call if they saw me. Here are the business cards of these killers:  

Chris Lienemann, special agent, tel. 718-840-1263  

Susan Klemm, special agent, tel. 718-840-1448  

Gene Gurevich, special agent, tel. 718-840-1305  

Address: 335 Adams Street, 30th floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201  




January, 20 2011, Brooklyn, New York  

FBI special agent Eric Perry, (tel. 718) 286-7100, New York), informed me that my actions made "high authorities, people on the very top extremely nervous". He didn't explain if it was FBI Director Robert Mueller or President Obama, but we understood each other well. Perry said I better disappear if I don’t want to end up at FBI jail, which means means a total secrecy and a special attitude, which means tortures and murders of the victims who disappear into nowhere. So, CIA, Secret Service and FBI are terrorist organizations.  

April 12, 2012, New York  

(Donald Trump hated President Obama, the press daily covered his aggressive anti-Obama campaign, the purpose of which was to remove a "non-citizen" of the United States from power by impeachment. In this case, Trump was actively assisted by the author of the popular and influential radical conservative blog WorldNetDaily (WND), Jerry Corsi, who represented WND at press conferences in the White House. He created three bestsellers on the topic proposed by Trump – "The Obama Nation", "Unfit to Govern" and "Where is the birth certificate? (In 2018, Corsi was subpoenaed by the Mueller special counsel investigation over his contacts with former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone and foreknowledge of WikiLeaks releases of stolen Clinton emails. Corsi claimed that he turned down a plea deal with Robert Mueller, and denied any such contacts or knowledge. Draft court documents released in November showed that he emailed Stone several times, updating him about impending WikiLeaks releases of stolen emails). Corsi read my materials that Obama was not who he claimed to be – perhaps he was connected to Russian intelligence. Corsi offered to meet and discuss some business).  


| 250 | оценок нет 18:38 08.07.2023


Книги автора

ESPIONAGE PSYCHOLOGY. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
Автор: Kryzhanovsky
Монография / Детектив Документация История Мемуар Политика Приключения
Аннотация отсутствует
Объем: 4.903 а.л.
21:50 25.04.2024 | оценок нет

I AM # 1 TERRORIST, NOT PUTIN. Full version. By Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
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Монография / Политика
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Объем: 7.336 а.л.
19:40 20.04.2024 | оценок нет

Mikhail Kryzhanovsky, KGB: espionage training (videos). Russian, English
Автор: Kryzhanovsky
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Объем: 0.065 а.л.
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PUTIN : WORLD UNDER CONTROL ! Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
Автор: Kryzhanovsky
Монография / Детектив Политика
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Объем: 11.376 а.л.
00:02 13.04.2024 | оценок нет

How I trapped Putin who killed Hillary's presidency 2016. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky
Автор: Kryzhanovsky
Очерк / Политика
Аннотация отсутствует
Объем: 0.168 а.л.
22:21 11.04.2024 | оценок нет

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